How did you get a 177 on the LSAT?
It would be helpful to know for my preparation efforts how you achieved your score increase and how quickly your score increased. My first diagnostic was 155 and I’ve studied for four weeks. I take my next timed practice test this weekend, but I’m not expecting a large increase. Any information you can offer would be much appreciated — and most likely life-changing. Thanks for giving me hope.
Joshua Craven
UChicago Law School
J.D., Class of 2012
First of all, I’m glad you are feeling hopeful and inspired. That is a fantastic attitude to have when you are prepping for the LSAT.
A high LSAT score is, indeed, quite life-changing. An LSAT score above 175 can get you into a top 5 law school—on the largest scholarship they offer. It certainly did for me. But I did work hard to get there. My first diagnostic score was similar to (actually below) yours. I scored in the 152-153 range on my initial diagnostic LSAT. With about 3 months of LSAT prep, I was able to score a 177 on the actual exam.
It is possible to increase your LSAT score by 20 points or more, but it is going to take some hard work. I was able to do it, but the large increase in my LSAT score did not happen overnight. It took me weeks of prep to increase my LSAT score from a 153 into the 165+ range. Once I was consistently scoring in the 165+ range, it took me a solid 4 weeks of 40-hours-per-week LSAT prep to increase my LSAT score into the 175+ range.
As far as what I did to increase my LSAT score: although it is difficult to summarize within a few paragraphs, I will do my best below. Check out my full 3-month LSAT study schedule for a detailed step-by-step guide.
I chose to self-study rather than taking an LSAT course. I made the decision to teach myself the LSAT for a few reasons.
First, when I was in undergrad, I generally found that I was able to learn the required material by reading the textbook rather than listening to lectures. Perhaps that is just my learning style, but I was always able to absorb the material better when I read it myself rather than listening to a professor lecture about it for hours.
Second, I had the discipline to make an LSAT study schedule for myself and stick to it. At an early stage in my LSAT prep, I was able to recognize how important my LSAT preparation efforts would be, and how important it was for me to adhere to a strict schedule.
If you learn better by listening to lectures, or if you find it difficult to maintain the self-discipline required to adhere to a strict self-study schedule, then you may find an LSAT prep course to be a helpful supplement to your LSAT prep study.
The key to prepping for the LSAT, in my opinion, is selecting the right materials to study with. If you try to study with the wrong set of books, then you may see a modest increase in your score, but you will probably spend most of your time simply spinning your wheels.
When this post was first published, you could get all 10 of the LSAT prep books that helped me improve my LSAT score by 25 points for a total of about $240. For current pricing, click here to view all 10 books in an Amazon shopping cart.
These books should be pretty much all you need to prepare for the LSAT. If you don’t have at least a majority of these LSAT prep books, then it will be very tough to see a significant increase in your LSAT score.
So here are the top 10 books that I think you MUST HAVE to prep for the LSAT
- The Logic Games Bible
- The Logical Reasoning Bible
- The Reading Comprehension Bible
- The LSAT Superprep
- 10 Actual, Official LSAT Preptests
- Next 10 Actual, Official LSAT Preptests
- 10 More Actual, Official LSAT Preptests
- 10 New Actual, Official LSAT Preptests
- 10 Actual, Official LSAT Preptests: Volume V
- 10 Actual, Official LSAT Preptests: Volume VI
Buy anything on that list and you won’t be wasting your money… those books helped me earn a 25 point increase in my LSAT score, and were the key to my 177.
Start with the LSAT Superprep to familiarize yourself with the general ins and outs of the LSAT. Then use the Powerscore bibles (LGB / LRB / RCB) to get the basics of each section down. Work through one section at a time (since Logical Reasoning accounts for a full 50% of your score, that’s generally where I’d recommend starting).
Once you have worked through the Bible, start using the real LSAT preptests from the list above to drill yourself and keep refining your skills as well as your timing. Start with older LSAT preptests from the “10 Actual Official” books, saving more recent exams to use as full, timed LSAT practice tests closer to exam day.
I cannot stress the importance of getting feedback throughout your LSAT prep efforts. Keep working and keep asking questions. There is much to learn, and those of us who have taken the LSAT and scored in the top 99.9 percentile have tons of advice to offer. This website is here to help.
Take advantage of the free resources offered here, and ask questions in the comments so that I can help guide you along your path to LSAT greatness. If you’re looking for a little extra help, join me in the LSAT mastermind study group.
Additional Reading
- Join The LSAT Mastermind Study Group
- Free 3-Month LSAT Prep Study Schedule
- PREMIUM 10-week LSAT Study Schedule
- PREMIUM 12-week LSAT Study Schedule (3 month)
- PREMIUM 14-week LSAT Study Schedule
- PREMIUM 4 Month LSAT Study Schedule
- Where can I find every Actual Official LSAT PrepTest?
Logic Games
- How to Improve on LSAT Logic Games & Increase Your LSAT LG Score
- The Best LSAT Logic Games Strategies
- An Intro To Basic Linear (Ordering) Games – Free LSAT Logic Games Lesson
- Sneaky Hidden Conditional Statements in Logic Games
- Handling Trial and Error Situations in LSAT Logic Games
- PowerScore LSAT Logic Games Bible – New, Revised Edition – LSAT Prep Book Reviews
- Best LSAT Logic Games Prep Books
- What to do if you are struggling with LSAT logic games
- Still Having Trouble With LSAT Logic Games? Try This…
Logical Reasoning
- Best LSAT Logical Reasoning Prep Books
- LSAT Logical Reasoning Tips
- Improve LSAT Logical Reasoning & Increase Your LSAT LR Score
- Why You Aren’t Getting Better At LSAT Logical Reasoning
- Intro to LSAT Logical Reasoning Principle Questions
- LSAT Logical Reasoning Fundamentals
- Solving LSAT Sufficient Assumption Questions (Logical Reasoning )
- How To Master LSAT Logical Reasoning Necessary Assumption Questions
- How To Solve LSAT Logical Reasoning Strengthen Questions
- How To Solve LSAT Weaken Questions (Logical Reasoning)
- Dealing With Your Biggest LSAT Logical Reasoning Nemesis: Parallel Reasoning Questions
- How to Master LSAT Logical Reasoning ‘Must Be True’ Questions
- What order should I work through LSAT Logical Reasoning section?
- How much time do you spend on each LSAT logical reasoning question
Reading Comprehension
- How to Improve your LSAT Reading Comprehension Score
- The Best LSAT Reading Comprehension Strategies
- LSAT Reading Comprehension TipsWhat order do you work on the LSAT reading comprehension section?
I’ve heard there is an optional writing portion of the LSAT, can you tell me your thoughts about whether taking it is a good option? I am completing my BA in English right now and I feel I could perform well in this section, but I wondered how it impacted the score overall? Thank you in advance, I just found this site and it is very useful!
Hello Evan,
I was starting to prepare for the LSAT and realized this post was from 2013. Would the books you highly recommend to prepare still be helpful now or would it be outdated for the exams given out in 2020?
Hi Josh and Evan,
I want to get the books you all recommended, but three of the books on your list above are crossed out. Does that mean you no longer recommend them or that you no longer think they are necessary?
Hi, I am starting my 3 month lsat studying and I don’t know if I should get through the bibles once, taking notes of what I think is important and then going through them thoroughly a second time, or if I should flip that and read through them carefully first and then go back a second time and read through the sections I want to work on the most. I was thinking of going with the first option because I would figure out what is the hardest and then when I go back I can focus on those sections more. Any thoughts ?
Also do you think it is efficient to memorize things that they teach in the bibles or is that going to waste too much time ?
I have been studying for the past year and I am still stuck in the 165’s. I have literally done every single logic game and reading comprehension passage, and I am running out of LR passages (I really only have some sections in prep tests 1-30 left untouched, and a couple in the 30-40 range as well. Do you have any recommendations for continued study? Thank you.
I’m currently a sophomore undergrad in supply chain and I have decided that I’d like to eventually take the LSAT exam. I’d like to know if it’s too soon to start studying and what is the best way in your opinion to study long term since I have a couple years?
Also, how do I know how many of your 10 suggested books to buy? Do you recommend all of them? do you reference them in your three month study plan?
Thanks again!
Hi! I am looking at attending law school next year (2020). I have been out of school for 18 years and have been working and have two small kids at the moment. I work for myself (I’m a commercial video producer) and have a flexible schedule, with weeks where the work load is light and weeks where it is full on. Given the amount of time I’ve been out of the test taking/academic world, would you suggest two or three months of study? I was going to aim for October but am thinking it might be better to give myself 3 full months of study and take the test in November with the option to retake in January if needed. Would love your thoughts!
Hi, the SuperPrep came out with a volume II, do you think one is better than the other? Or is there no difference?
Thank you in advance!
Hey Josh and Evan,
I used your self-study schedule to take the LSAT for the first time in December 2017. I had taken a semester off school and used the time to study and take the LSAT. My practice test scores were around 172-175, but on the day of the test I scored 168 (I had an almost sleepless night before the LSAT, a long drive, and nerves on the day). I don’t think the score reflects my ability, so I want to retake the LSAT now that I have graduated from college. I plan on applying to law schools in the fall and hope to be admitted into HYS or Columbia. I am planning to retake the LSAT in either September or October. Besides the occasional practice section, I haven’t really thought about the LSAT since I took it in December 2017. What is your advice for studying for my retake? Should I follow the three-month study schedule as it was again, or should I take a different approach? I’m also wondering about the effectiveness of retaking practice tests – I took most of the practice tests back in 2017, but I don’t think I remember the questions.
Thank you for your clear and useful advice. It helped me improve my score tremendously.
I’m foreign student with BA of Law from different country. Last month finished college with Paralegal certificate, as a honor student. Couple weeks ago started studying for LSAT. Downloaded 3 apps. Trying to improve my score from 135 to 177. Please let me know, if you have any advise for the foreign students.
Thank you
Hi, Joshua.
I’m impressed by your feats and am grateful for the help and resources you’re providing to others around you.
So, I bought most of the books on your lists. I studied on and off for about three months or so. I took the LSAT late January of this year and performed not all that great.
I’m looking to re-take the LSAT this summer. If I don’t feel ready for it by summer, then September or October at the latest.
I will be okay with LR and LG. However, when it comes to RC that is a different story. My background is in English, but this seems to be quite a different type of beast.
Any tips on how to get better on RC? I know if I want the best score possible I’ll need to improve my score in this area.
I’m also contemplating taking a prep course with Blueprint LSAT. Is it worth the money, or could I be making similar gains through self study?
Thank you for your help.
Hi! I recently learned that I am very interested in law and want to attend law school. However, I have a bit of a concern. I’m not the fastest reader. I know the tests are timed. What advice do you have for a student like me that knows they’re a slow reader?
Good Morning Josh and Evan
I wanted to ask you if the books listed in your 4-month schedule study program do you recommend that I purchase all of the study guides all at once or can we purchase one book at a time and work through each book depending on the study schedule. What do you see as the best option? I definitely see myself doing the best when I am trying to work through the study programs one by one and then combine them all together. Can you give me some insight on that, please.
Thank you,
Hello Josh & Evan!
My name is Keziah and I am currently a Senior studying Philosophy in ASU’s Barrett, The Honors College. I am looking to go to Law School fall of 2020 and debating on taking my first LSAT June 2019. Do you think I should take my first test in March of 2019 or wait until June 2019? I would really like your advice on when you think will be the appropriate time to take the test, which study plan I should use, and edition of the Bible Books I should get (2018 or 2019). Also, if you could please link all the materials I need to purchase in your response, I will greatly appreciate it.
Lastly, the reason why I plan to start law school in the fall of 2020 is that I am taking a gap year to either teach English abroad under the Fulbright program (if I get in) or intern/work in a law firm. Any ideas on what I should do?
P.S. I am looking for a 171+ score.
P.S.S. One more question, should I be worried about what specialty law I want to do now?
Hi, Are the links posted here the most recent editions of each book? Thanks
Hi guys, I am a mom and work full-time. I’m hoping to take the LSAT in November, but with work and family, I’m looking at maybe 2-3 hours of studying a night, with maybe longer stretches on the odd weekend. I know your recommendation is shorter studying time, with more intense studying, but with work I won’t be able to do that. I guess I’m looking for reassurance that it is still possible to get a great score when you can only use the few hours a day you have available for studying. Closer to the test I’ll use some vacation and do some full-days, but might not get many of them.
Hi, I loved your post.
I actually am prepping for the MCAT right now, but was looking for good verbal/analytical reading practice, for the reading section on the MCAT. There is very little official material released by the AAMC for the MCAT, do you think working on prep tests would be good practice to Hone my reading skills?
Sorry if you’re not versed with other exams.
Hi Joshua and Evan!
Thank you so much for all the wonderful advice. I’m wondering if you guys have ever heard of blueprint lsat prep course and what your opinion was on it?
I appreciate any feedback!
This may be a dumb question, but I ordered all these books and got the 4 month study schedule and on week 1 there is a section for Basic Ordering Drill 1 and 3. I am confused as to where to find these drills. Are the in the Powerscore LGB or are they on this website? Please help.
Hey Josh, I’m a Canadian student from the University of Toronto. I have just recently graduated from U of T with a CGPA of 2.66, although my grades do not represent who I am. I was competing at the top level of amateur boxing throughout my undergrad and my grades always suffered as a result. I was wondering what my chances were of getting into law school if I waited four years to apply as a mature student? If I killed the LSAT would I still be able to get in? I’m currently in Thailand teaching English to underprivileged children, and am also looking to volunteer at animal shelters, as well as get my 200 hour yoga teaching certification to try and demonstrate personal growth. What do you think? I’d like to go to law school in Canada, but am open to going to the US or the UK as well.
Hello! Are all the books the latest edition? Some are 2017 edition, so I was wondering if the 2018 Edition was available?
Thank you!
My books are the 2017 edition because at the time I purchased them, 2018 were not out yet. I do believe the 2018 edition can be purchased now though!
Hello! I have recently purchased the LSAT bible trilogy along with the LSAC books you recommend to go along with the 2 month study plan. I took the June 2007 LSAT to get a baseline score and see which areas need improvement. I scored a 148 which is not exactly where I wanted to start off, but not horrible I suppose for someone just jumping into it for the first time. Ideally I would like to score 160-162 taking the Feb. LSAT coming up. I can push it off until June if I a feel I am not ready, however, is there anything you can recommend to improve my score between now and then? I intend to study for 4-5 hours each day at minimum Monday-Friday as well as take the Powerscore accelerated class at the end of January.
I appreciate any feedback!!
My books are the 2017 edition because at the time I purchased them, 2018 were not out yet. I do believe the 2018 edition can be purchased now though!
Would you recommend the Power Score Bible Trilogy work Books?
Thank You!
Hi guys!!
I am currently taking 18 credits at my university during this semester, and I am taking another 18 credits in the upcoming spring semester to graduate with my bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice. I wish to go to law school, and ideally I would have liked to start this time next year (fall semester). However, I have not yet taken my LSAT. I was wondering when I should register to take my LSAT, I want to be mindful of my heavy work load currently, and I work in addition to this. Can one register to take the LSAT without first officially graduating? Just trying to get an idea of when I could take it/go to law school.
Thank you!!
Thank you for all your efforts! This looks like a good plan.
Please Help me. I have been studying for the Lsat since June starting with the Powerscore Logic Reasoning Bible. Then I took a Powerscore Class and for my diagnostic test, I got a 140. And from there, I have been studying for 6-7 hours a day practicing games and logical reasoning and only went up 6 points in two months. Now that I continue to take full length practice tests every Saturday and Sunday, my score is going down. I do feel like I wasted money on the course because I have yet to see significant progress AND in the time! I am willing to study, I was wondering if I was overstudying. I need help
How can I add Reading Comp into my 3month study schedule planner that I purchased on this website. After looking over the study schedule I did see it pop up I believe in week 6, but I do want to work on it earlier? Please get back to me when you can ! Thank you
You can always add it in earlier, but you usually improve in RC after you’ve mastered the LR section as they use similar skills. Plus drilling the RC is the best way to improve, you can start earlier but we have it in week 6, as it’s more important to master LR and LG first.
I just purchased the 3 month study plan! I took a course last year and the methodology presented did not work for me.
I’m so glad you found the 3 month study plan! So many students tell me that they spent $1000+ on an LSAT prep course without seeing much improvement. Then, they follow our study schedule for only $20 and realized that they should have done that in the first place! Good luck with your prep, Sarish!
Joshua Craven
Hi Joshua and Evans. My first diagnostic was a 148. After months of prep, I was able to raise my score to 168. However, it has been two weeks since I have seen any progress. As a matter of fact, I’m getting worse. It started by 2 or 3 points down, but I just took a practice test and I went down to 161. It has been a long time since I have scored that low. I’m becoming frustrated. I don’t know if it is because I’m mentally exhausted, but I just can’t move forward. I took a 5 day break, but nothing is working. Just so you have an idea, I started preparing for the 2017 September LSAT since December of 2016. I started by studying twice a week and I have increased my studying slowly. I’m currently doing 4 to 5 days a week, 6-8 hrs per day. What are your thoughts?
1) It is very common for people to hit a plateau, and I tend to find that the 165-168 range is a very common place for people to plateau at. So going 2 weeks without seeing any improvement in your score isn’t something to worry about. It took me at least 4 weeks to break through that plateau into the 170s. You’ve just gotta keep pushing!
2) Don’t confuse “no score improvement on a PT” with “no progress.” You’re learning, improving your skills, learning to recognize patters, sharpening your senses, building your stamina, etc. You’re just having a hard time putting it together on a single practice test.
3) If you need a break, take one. You’ve been working hard and seeing improvement, and it sounds like you need to recollect yourself and get into a better head space.
4) It is important to stay positive and embrace the challenge. People who view plateaus and setbacks too negatively often get frustrated and disengaged. See this as a challenge for you to overcome & relentlessly pursue your goals. This isn’t the first obstacle you’ve encountered as you’ve prepped for this test, and it isn’t likely to be your last, but you can overcome it if you stay focused, keep a positive attitude, and embrace a growth mindset.
Hello. Just to clarify, I am planning on buying the 2 month LSAT study schedule along with the 9 LSAT books that were recommended. Does the study schedule go along with the 9 books recommended?
Are these books applicable to the 2017 LSAT or do I need to look for updated versions of the books?
Yes, these books are absolutely applicable to the 2017 LSAT. We keep this list updated regularly, as do the authors of the books.
Thanks for this list and the study schedules!! This saved me!
Hey Sarah. did you use the study schedule along with the 9 books recommended?
Thats so great to hear, Sarah!
Hi, Joshua
I took the LSAT awhile back without preparing, other than familiarizing myself with the format, and scored a 163. Are you confident if I purchased these books you recommend, that I could get into the 170s?
Let me clarify a bit, not just purchased, of course, but worked through the books.
I would certainly say that if someone starts with a cold diagnostic score of a 163, it is very possible for them to reach the 170+ range.
Can I say that reading these books guarantees that you’ll see that improvement? No, of course not. Anyone who tells you they can guarantee you’ll score in the 170s by reading a few books is lying to you.
However, what I can say with confidence is that if I were in your position today, getting those books and following an lsat study plan like our 3-month prep schedule is exactly what I would do to get my score up to 170+.
From what you’ve told me, you seem to be in a great starting place & you’ve got a lot of potential, so go for it, Matt!
Good Luck,
Hi Nicole –
We have people in books from 2014-2017 so we recommend that you go by the Chapter titles listed, as they vary based upon the edition.
Hi Josh,
I just purchased the 10 week study schedule and the books but I did not purchase the mastermind study group membership. I was going over the schedule and it seems that a lot of the optional study material is only available is you purchase the membership. My question is will the schedule still work if I do not purchase the membership and just use the other 9 books?
Hi Yesha –
Yes, you will be in good hands, just be sure to stay on track with the schedule! The schedule is meant to be completed with just the books. The Mastermind Group as it states in the schedule is optional and not required.
The MasterMind Group is a great addition for those students that want to expand their knowledge, desire feedback, extra motivation and to participate in weekly office hours.
Hey Josh,
I purchased the 10 week schedule as well as all the books but on the schedule it seems that we will also need the super prep 2 book as well which is not on your list of books to buy. So my question is will I need to purchase the superprep 2 book as well?
The LSAT Superprep 2 is also listed as optional. You certainly don’t NEED to purchase it to fully utilize the LSAT study schedules, but if you really liked using the LSAT superprep 1, you may want to add the superprep 2, which is the same thing for 3 different preptests.
Yes, the optional lessons for LSAT mastermind group members are included at the request of our members in order to make it easier for them to incorporate our lessons into the schedule. They’re listed for the convenience of our members.
However, these lessons are 100% optional & you do not need to join the mastermind group in order to fully utilize the schedules. While we’d love to have you in the group, Please don’t feel any pressure to join just because you are using the schedule.
Hi Josh – what are the best online resources for LSAT Practice Test Explanations? 7Sage has LG, but I’m having trouble finding a one-stop shop for LR and RC. Thanks!
Hi , please let me know why have you selected only certain prep tests in your recommended 9 books , from June 2007 every prep test seems to be in today’s format manisha
Are you talking about the 40s PrepTest? That book was only released last year and the other PTs are unpublished and very expensive. We skip the 40s so people have fresh material if they need a retake. We also recommend people get PTs 72-80 in our schedules. Hope that helps.
Hi Josh! Got a quick question for you. Fairly new to studying for the lsat (aka I have no idea what I am doing…yet). So, I have already purchased the Powerscore bibles and found their three month outline online yesterday. I was planning on using their outline but found out that the additional material they filter in to the weekly exercises includes both the Powerscore Type Training Trilogies and the Powerscore Workbook Trilogy’s, equaling close to an extra $200 (not including the practice tests which are nearly the exact same ones you recommend).
So my question… Do you know much about the other Powerscore Trilogies? Worth it? Seems like your outline and theirs is very similar minus the additional Trilogies. I wouldn’t mind saving a couple of hundred dollars and yet still getting a great outline (purchasing your three month) if you DON’T recommend the trilogies.
I have not used the workbooks, but from my understanding, they use the actual LSAT questions. You might save time on doing drills by not having to look them up in the PTs, but maybe you should get our schedule and save $180
Our schedules do cost $20, but they provide a ton of great advice, follow the PTs with drills and test assignments and the PowerScore Books, so they are unique in that fashion. Plus we are about to release the 2017 edition of the schedules and they have links to all of our free lessons on this site as an added bonus.
Hi, Joshua, I’m wondering if the books that you provided have newer editions. It says these books were made back in 2007 and its 2017 now.
Hi Joshua and thank you for your article I find it super helpful !
Just a quick question for you, so I just did the LSAT yesterday for the first time and I want to do it again in June. I now know where my weaknesses are and what I need to work on. Timing wasn’t an issue for me personally I found the length of the exam more exhausting. I think I got lucky and only got ONE LG section which was my worst section.
Anyway, my “quick” question is show I just go through the list of the books you mentioned in your article or purchase the 16-week self study book? I’m refering to the lawschooli 16-week study schedule and the list of 9 books you recommended. I’m the type of person that studies best with ONE method and one method ONLY. I can’t commit to like two different ways of studying because I find it stressful and time consuming.
So which path do you honestly recommend? I mean there’s a big difference in the price the 16-week is $20 and the list of books is a total of $300- money isn’t an issue, but it just makes me think how can $20 cover EVERYTHING ?
Let me know your thoughts I’m looking to purchase one of the two pretty soon and get back into it.
Our LSAT study schedules are to be used in CONJUNCTION with these books.
After I began recommending these LSAT prep books, the most frequently asked question I got was along these lines: “okay, now that I have all of the best LSAT prep books, what is the best way to work through them?”
If you’re going to buy ONE or the OTHER, then you certainly should buy the books rather than my schedule.
If you buy the books and want to know how to work through them in the most effective and efficient way possible, then buy my schedule as well.
If you buy the books and want additional support (via weekly office hours sessions & private forms), along with supplementary lessons designed to compliment the above books, join the LSAT mastermind study group.
Can you please email me for some questions I hope you have the chance to answer!
First of all thanks so much for this and all of your help. This and the LSAT study schedule post are insanely helpful. I also appreciate posting the LSAT medians and percentiles.
Quick question regarding prep books, though:
My buddy currently in law school lent me some books- one of them is the Super Prep so that’s all good. However, the other two are Kaplan- Workbook and a Premier book. Could I substitute the other 8 recommended books for these? Or say I got the Powerscore Bible trilogy and nothing else- could the questions in the Kaplan book suffice? Or would I learn different techniques from the Premier book (it says it’s used in junction with a course, whereas I am self-studying)?
Maybe I’ll bite the bullet and buy the other 8 books but it’s so expensive…Might start out small.
You could skip the RC Bible, although most people do purchase it, which is why we include it. If you buy all three together sometimes amazon has them on special. We do not recommend the Kaplan books.
Most top scoring use the PowerScore Books.
Hey Josh,
Quick Question for you.
Would you recommend the LSAT Trainer as a book to study for the LSAT?
Hi Josh,
Two questions:
I bought the 6 month test schedule and I noticed that the schedule advises jumping around from different sections and books. What is the benefit of doing that instead of going through all of the bibles one at a time. Also, why is the schedule jumping around to different chapters instead of doing it right in a row? As well as, what is the benefit of jumping around to different test and questions instead of just working through each test?
The lsat test trainer is not listed as a recommended reading, but it is listed in the schedule every week. Is the book beneficial?
You want to make sure that you are staying on top of all areas. If you do all LG and then do all LR, we have found that students regress on their progress. There are also some LG skills that support LR and some LR that help you improve in LG.
The real test is mixed work, but you need to be a specialist in each question type first. When you skip in a drill list, you are practicing all one type of question.
The LSAT trainer is listed as an optional book in the 6-month schedule if people want an additional resource.
I took logic last semester and received an A. Would a more advanced study of logic alongside the Powerscore books help? Or is what you learn of logic in the books sufficient for a best score?
Hello, I am now two months into the four month study plan i acquired from your site. I have a follow up question regarding LSAC gap. After high school graduation i went straight to a university. After a year i took a year off to go do mission work. After that year i took one semester before working full time to save money so that i could transfer to the international university i dreamed of going to. I am now going into my last year here and am wondering what courses will be used in my final gap. For graduation at my university they only accepted 15 units from my initial university so i have completed everything through my current university. Will the LSAC take just the grades used to go into my degree or will they take into account the courses i took that did not help me graduate?
Hi, I bought the three PowerScore Bibles and I was wondering whether or not I should buy their corresponding Training Type Collections and/or Workbooks. All of the books together are pretty expensive, but I’m worried that not buying them will make it more difficult for me to learn the material in the original three books. Any suggestions? Thanks!
Does anyone have any recommendations for formal logic reading? I took a Kaplan class and their explanations of formal logic seemed incomplete to me? Wanted to get a handle on the formal logic before I dove in to the full-on LSAT studies again…..except this time, I’m doing Josh and Evans route!
Formal logic suggestions would be much appreciated!
I purchased the recommended books on your blog and I ordered your 4 month self study guide.
Do you recommend LSAT Superprep 2 now?
Hi Joshua,
I will be completing my first year has an undergraduate student in June. Would you recommend starting LSAT prepping now?
I’ve worked over 13 years in the legal sector, with extensive legal knowledge, so I do know law school is where I am headed.
I have the same question as Lisa, Joshua. What do you think of starting to study (or getting familiar) with the LSAT as a sophomore in college? My plan would be to work on each of the sections each semester and then dedicate two semesters to do practice tests?
Hi – I took the free LSAT sample on the LSAC site with appropriate time contraints, and got a 162 (cold) (Link: I am suspicious that the test might no have been accurate – is this the case? I have not done any preparation whatsoever yet, and am working on the LSAT throughout this summer, with a goal of scoring consistent 175+ by late July. Also, should I purchase the tests after PrepTest 71?
What’s up guys.
I have been following your 16-week schedule since January, modifying it to fit in with my school and internship schedule. My score has augmented from a 147 diagnostic to consistently 161-163 (163 twice on the past 2/3 practice exams) range with 5 weeks left till the June LSAT. I have scaled back on the weekly tests suggested as to focus on problem areas and understanding how to attack each sections efficiently and in time frame allotted. The biggest help has been reviewing previous completed tests with the LSAT Hacks and going through each LR section again to go over the process of how to eliminate wrong answers. My only concern is with RC because the Trainer only has 3 specialized sections for it so I will have to supplement elsewhere. My goal is a 167+ on the June exam and I am only 5-8 Raw Score questions off from that range.
Thank you for providing the materials so that I wouldn’t have to rely on inadequate and expensive online classes or materials that do not provide a substitute for hard work.
Congratulations on your progress! That’s a great jump with 5 weeks left to go!
Excellent site you have got here.. It’s hard to find high quality writing like yours nowadays.
I truly appreciate people like you! Take care!!
Hi, I have recently completed my undergrad and am interested in applying for law school. However, I am not sure how to get started with LSATS preparation. I have 4 months to prepare. Can you please guide me how I should plan my study?
About how many times tests do you think should be taken over the 4 months? As many as possible?
Hello Joshua,
My name is Stephen. I just want to thank you for the recommended books. I purchased all 9 and I also purchased the 3 workbooks to go with the LRB, RCB, and LGB. I am very interested in your 16 week study schedule but I wanted to know if you have anything longer. I am taking the September ’16 test and just wanted to know if you think I should follow the 16 week schedule or something new. I’m looking to purchase one of them ASAP! I also wanted to know if you think I have to purchase the LSAT Trainer and the Official LSAT Superprep II to add to my reading/studying regime?? I have 12 books currently….
Hi guys,
I’m taking the LSAT in September, so I’m just started to pick up materials. I want to follow one of the schedules on here, but I’m on a tight budget. What are the core books you recommend? I’ve purchased the LSAT trainer and the logic games and logical reasoning bibles – so aside from those, what would you say are the must-haves?
Just to clarify – I am using one of the schedules on here. It’s the books I’m on a tight budget with. I love this website and everything you guys are doing!
Hey Joshua,
I am planning to take either the October 2016 or December 2016 LSAT. I work a relatively demanding job about 60-70 hours a week, and want to give myself plenty of time to study. What are your takes on starting studying too early, or spending too much time on LSAT prep? Is there credence to the idea of peaking early or burning out? I wont be able to realistically start studying diligently until May due to prior work obligations which would leave me about 5 months for October or 7 months for December.
Hi Joshua!
Thanks for all of the great advice up above. I took a Testmaster’s prep course the summer of 2014. I was supposed to take the September 2014 LSAT but did not feel prepared (My score did not improve much. I started off in the low 150s and by the end of the course I was scoring in the mid to high 150s). I am now beginning my LSAT studies again after 2 years and am lost as to what to do. I’ve opened the books back up and am having to relearn a lot of the material, however as I go I am remembering some stuff but not all. I do not want to take another prep course as I don’t think it will help much. Most of the time in the prep course, I would catch on to stuff fairly quickly and then would end up bored as the instructor had to walk it through step by step for everyone else. Yet, as I am going back through my Testmaster’s books, I’m confused because the books don’t seem to be really made for self-studying (a lot of things aren’t explained because the instructor would explain them). I’m hesitant to switch to another organizations books though because I’m worried that the techniques won’t be the same and I will end up confusing myself. My goal is a 170 and I do not have a deadline for when I need to take the test. I plan on studying for however long it takes for me to consistently hit in the 170s. I currently am not working, however, I am job hunting so I could begin working again at any moment. So please, any advice you have would be SO helpful.
Hi there! I’m also taking the LSAT in June and just wanted to make sure that all of these books provided by the Amazon link are still effective study materials. Please let me know! Thank you.
Hey guys,
I take the June 2016 LSAT and I have purchased all the books as well as the 4 month schedule which starts on February 14th (great Valentines Day event). I went ahead and took the first LSAT SuperPrep test and scored a 147 after taking a nap so poor conditions. I read through 17 chapters of the LSAT Trainer to get a head start. Is it harmful that I went through those chapters over the course of three weeks then go through them once more following the schedule? My goal is a 170-172 for Vanderbilt so I want to be diligent. Any further suggestions would be awesome, I noticed a struggle with making the LR Flaw connection and some wording misunderstanding but consistently scoring about 60-80% of my questions correct. Thank you guys so much and I do really like the purchased 16-week schedule from this website.
Douglas Stratton
Thank you for the positive feedback on the 16 week study schedule! Im glad to hear that you are liking it.
If you’ve already gone through some of the recommended reading laid out in the study schedule (in your case, the LSAT trainer), you have 2 options:
1) re-read the material
2) skip ahead in the schedule
both options are viable, and your decision whether to reread the trainer or skip ahead to the bibles really depends on your situation…
Option 1) If you’re certain that you’ll have time to get through the rest of the material without falling behind, then it might be beneficial to go through the trainer again. Most people (myself included) are only able to absorb and retain a relatively small % of what we read, particularly when we’re reading dense technical material like these LSAT prep books. If you decide to go this route, then you should be able to get through the material a bit faster than someone who is reading it for the first time, so you may want to push through the schedule at a faster pace (maybe aim to get through the first 2 weeks of the schedule in only 1 week).
Option 2) On the other hand, I definitely want to see everyone get through the LGB and LRB, along with plenty of drilling… so if you think that there is any chance that you could fall behind schedule, then it’d be in your best interest to skip ahead in the schedule and start working on the bibles first. Then, if you’re on schedule & you feel the need to go back through the LSAT trainer a second time, you can do so once you’ve worked through the bibles.
Overall, option #2 is probably the safer route, as it ensures that you get through all of the recommended resources while still allowing you the flexibility to go through the trainer again if time allows, so I’d probably recommend this approach.
Thank you so much. Another question about the prep schedule. The last 8-9 weeks on the schedule list only practice tests are the prep material. I know the last 4 weeks deserve 6-8 hours of studying per day, so is this particular 8 week time meant for revisiting lessons from previous prep guides and focus on correcting mistakes or making further connections?
Thanks again.
Some of the books are for really old test from the early 2000’s and are missing comprehension type questions, the superchamp book is from 2007 and so forth. So are these books still relevant?
The older preptests are still a very good resource to use, particularly early in your prep. You want to save the newest tests as full, timed practice tests during the last month or two of your prep. The LSAT occasionally changes in relatively minor ways, but it has DEFINITELY not changed enough to render these older preptests obsolete.
I’m not sure what you mean by “comprehension type questions”… but perhaps you are referring to reading comprehension comparative reading passages? On the most recent tests, there will be one comparative reading passage in the Reading Comprehension section. Older preptests do not include this particular passage type, but you’ll need to apply the same set of skills on comparative reading passages that you apply to any other RC passage, so drilling RC passages from older PTs will still be helpful (especially since 3/4 passages are still in the same format that has always been used).
You certainly do need to make sure that you work through the newest preptests before test day, but most high-scorers will work through at least some questions from most of the older PTs as well.
Just trying to get a good enough LSAT that will land me into law school. I’ve been at taking the LSAT for a while now. Let’s just day say that I’m not in yet. My last score was 134 that I got in December. Plan to take in June. Hope should I prep.I do work and don’t know if I can do 8 hours straights a day. I hope that this will be the last time that I take the LSAT. Hope that you can help me with this. 4 months of studying is what I have.
Thanks and awaiting reply,
Don’t get discouraged too much by low LSAT preptest scores early in your prep. This test takes a while to wrap your head around, and even longer to master. There is a steep learning curve that you’ve gotta get over. Please take my advice and get the LSAT bibles if you haven’t already done so. They are honestly the best resource available to help you learn this stuff. Read them. Reread them. Drill PT questions by question type. Refer back to the bibles to ensure that you’re applying the techniques to your drilling.
You don’t have to prep 8 hours straight every day, but you do have to be diligent & consistent. Cancel your netflix membership. Put your cable TV subscription on hold. Tell your friends you’ve gotta spend the weekend studying. Spend as much time as possible studying for this test & you’ll start seeing improvements.
Good Luck!
Hello Joshua & Evan,
It seems you two are doing great job helping people across the globe. I am planning to sit for February 2016 LSAT Testing Window. I am very new to LSAT and its Preparation Strategy. I wish to inform that I would be able to sit and study 7 hours each day till exam date for thorough preparation. I am looking to start from scratch and I do not know which books should I be purchasing at this point of time. Should I go for Official LSAT materials, Manhattan Sets or Kaplan? If I select any 1 or 2 of those Sets mentioned, what would be my preparation strategy & focus areas? How would I be tackling from start till end of preparation till exam day all topics / sections covered under LSAT in an accurate & time-bound manner? What should I be doing at the initial stage and then through mid-way preparations? How many Mock Test should I focus on rather than jumping on all Materials at 1 shot? How do I go about from here on with exactly 2 months left for LSAT Exams on 28th February 2016?
Please revert on all the above and allow me to ask as many questions as I can to clear the doubting air in my mind?
Thanks & Awaiting Reply,
Hi guys,
Thanks for all the helpful stuff on this site.
I am taking the February LSAT and and have been prepping for almost two months. I scored a 160 on my first diagnostic test and have since improved, but only to the mid-upper 160 range. I generally score in between 165-169, and haven’t seen improvement over the last 6 or so practice tests. I go over my wrong answers everytime and generally understand why I was wrong and try to think of ways to avoid similar mistakes, but I haven’t improved much. I’ve been through all the powerscore bibles as well. Any advice on how to improve further?
Hi guys,
I’m a first year undergrad at university of Toronto. I’m doing a double major in history and philosophy. It’s early for me but I want to start early as i already know my reading and writing skills are not up to the mark.
Do you have any recommendations for the kind of books I should read that will help improve my comprehension and writing skills in terms of the lsat. I want to take time from my pleasure readings and use that to read material that would also help me prepare for the lsats. Thank you
For undergrad students on a tight budget who may not necessarily get all 5 PrepTest books, would it be more beneficial start with the most recently published PrepTest books, or would it make much of a difference? I’m an undergrad junior looking to take the February 2016 LSAT.
I’ve seen this question posted here, but haven’t seen a response yet. I recently purchased the 12-Week LSAT Schedule, and I’m confused why there are 10 recommended books on the schedule, but only 9 here. There seems to be some confusion regarding The LSAT Trainer (not on this list, but on the schedule), The Reading Comprehension Bible (on this list, but not on the schedule), and The LSAT Preptest 72 (not on this list, but on the schedule). Any help would be greatly appreciated, as I look forward to utilizing and following this website throughout my studying journey.
Thanks guys!
I have recently committed to the idea of going to Law School and am starting to prepare for the LSAT. I will be graduating in the Fall of 2016, and will be applying for Law School for Fall of 2017. I was thinking I was going to take the February LSAT, but some people have warned against that. I wanted to give myself ample time, in case I don’t as well as I would like, to take the June or even October LSAT. What would your advice be? Should I take it in February?
Also, what do you think about Blueprints LSAT online course? I have bought the books you recommend but feel like the extra course work will really help me out and keep me on track.
Thank you!
Hi! I’m currently a sophomore begging to study for my LSAT’s what do you recommend I start with?
Hey Evan!
So, I’m from Canada and I’m planning on taking the LSAT in December and I need a high score to balance my low cGPA (currently sits at a 3.56). I wanna hit a 180, but that might be a little farfetched and within 175-179 would make me happy too. I’ve read the Powerscore LR Bible and did some practice with it in June-July, but then I did a Criminology course in Italy this past summer and have to push back taking the LSAT (was originally going to do it in October), and I’m worried about applications to law schools not only in Canada, but in the U.S. as well without an LSAT score?
Any advice?
Hi Guys,
I purchased the LSAT Trainer, the Official LSAT Super Prep II, and the 10 Official LSAT Tests 52 – 61, with the intention of taking the October LSAT. Unfortunately I haven’t been very organized, and I feel like I’m behind from where I want to be in my prep. I’m trying to cram too much material into too little time and I feel burnt out. Due to this, I have decided to take the LSAT in December instead. I want to supplement the LSAT Trainer with something else and I am planning on signing up for the Mastermind Group. However, considering how much time I have until the December LSAT and taking into consideration that I was to restart the LSAT Trainer from the beginning, do you think it would be feasible for me to also take the Blueprint Online LSAT Test Prep and/or work through the Powerscore Bibles? Do you have any other suggestions?
Thanks so much!
Is there a particular reason you are opting out of the LSAT Trainer? I just purchased it and would love some feedback.
Hi Gary,
I’m not opting out of the LSAT Trainer at all. I’m half way through it and I like it, but I feel that up to this point I’ve just been trying to power through it. I’m going to start it again from the beginning and really focus on the LR sections, that I feel I didn’t really focus enough on. There’s 12 weeks until the December LSAT and I feel that I can be through with the LSAT Trainer in 4 weeks (2 sections a day for 5 days/week, 6th day/week a practice test, 7th day/week review of the practice test). I could stretch it out to 8 weeks too by doing 1 section a day. I’m going to be signing up for the Mastermind Group, but I feel like I should be supplementing the LSAT trainer with something as well. Right now, I’m just trying to figure out with (i.e. Powerscore Bibles, Blueprint Online LSAT Prep, or ?) or if the LSAT Trainer, Mastermind Group, and the practice tests will be more than sufficient.
I see. I’m taking the LSAT in February and have purchased their 16wk schedule. I have the trainer, 2015 ed power score bibles, Super prep, etc. As much as I would love to join the mastermind study group, im a bit skeptical because I am seeing now that these guys haven’t responded to any comments in months. Id hate joining the group and have the same outcome when I’m stuck or simply want to ask them a question. Would you mind emailing me directly so I could pick your brain as I am just about to begin my studies?
I agree I emailed them a couple days ago and haven’t gotten anything back yet.
Hello! I was just curious about a part of the Logic Games portion of the test. I have just begun studying and only took 3 or 4 practice tests. I am still getting a feel for each of the 3 sections. The section I am having the most trouble with is the Logic Games portion. I do great on the basic linear games and usually really good on the advanced linear games as well as most grouping games. I struggle with the Pure Sequencing games in certain instances though. I really have a hard time with the Mapping Games and other games that do not appear on the LSAT according to statistics. I was curious as to what the chances are that I would come across one of these games on a future LSAT or if I should just establish all of my focus on the sections I am most probable to see. Thanks for your help!
Hey guys,
i wrote to you about a month ago,but never heard anything back. I took the June Lsat and I Bombed it. I am taking the December Lsat, What Advise would you give me to move up from a 126. Yeah that’s real real low. I know
Hi! I’m Studying for the December LSAT. I wanted to take advantage of the free time that I have over the summer compared to what I will have this coming semester. They say that Junior year is the hardest and I doubt that it helps when you have an overloaded semester plus extracurriculars. My question is how you managed to balance your time between studying, classes, homework, and anything else you may have had going on. I have already made decisions to cut some things out of my life such as being a member the golf team (which took hours out of my day and had practices a half an hour away from campus 4 days a week). I’m already expecting to be less busy with around 20 more hours a week but I’m still nervous that with senior level classes I will not have much time to study.
Great question! Time management is one of the issues that I see people struggle with the most.
Evan recently answered a similar question in our private LSAT Mastermind Group forums that is very relevant:
Tip #1
You may want to study longer than 3 months. I was able to do it in 3 months (actually a hair less), but I had everything else going for me: no overtime, a peaceful home environment out in the country, pretty good natural ability at the LSAT, and a job that kept me active and moving during the day so my brain wasn’t already exhausted at night. Current research suggests that people can only do about 6 hours a day of good quality intellectual labor a day. If you are using all that up on the job, studying is going to be very difficult.
If you can get rid of any time-consuming commitments without altering the course of your life for the worse, consider it. If you are definitely headed to law school, it’s worth sacrificing a lot to direct your full attention to the LSAT.
If you aren’t prepping under ideal conditions, consider a longer course of study, such as 5, 6 or even more months. That won’t mean you can slack or study once a week, but it will mean you are under less mental pressure and can study for 1-2 good hours most days, rather than the 3-5 hours per day that I think it takes to study properly in 3 months or less.
Tip #2
Study in the morning during the week if you can. Either works, but I think people do better studying when it’s the first thing they do rather than the last each day. This is especially true if your job/classes require exhausting intellectual labor. You’ll be shot when you get home. Better to feel shot in the afternoon, having already got some good study under your belt.
Exercise, sleep well and do not drink heavily, if at all. No one has time to go to work or school full-time, do enough LSAT prep, AND maintain an active social life of partying ’til the wee hours on the weekend. I was a big partier through my 20s, and even I was able to cut it out while studying for the LSAT. In all honesty, I think that may have been the single-most important thing I did.
Partying not your thing? Maybe your thing is watching TV. Maybe your thing is Facebook, instagram, twitter or pinterest. Maybe your thing texting or talking on the phone. Partying was my thing that I had to cut out. Yours may be different. But everyone has a thing. If you’re honest with yourself, then you’ve probably already thought of at least a couple of things that waste your time & could easily be cut out of your life (at least temporarily). If you don’t have something in mind already, if you truly can’t think of anything that you waste time on, then you’re either the most INCREDIBLY productive person ever… or you’re not being totally honest with yourself.
Study hours can’t come out of sleep time, either. I saw a lot of New Yorkers try to do this when I tutored there, and it really didn’t work. Prepping for the LSAT isn’t like cramming for finals in undergrad. All-nighters may have been helpful when you had to get that paper in before the deadline, but that strategy isn’t going to work when it comes to prepping for the LSAT. You’ve gotta be well-rested when you prep or you’re just going to be wasting your time.
Tip #3
Be patient and flexible, but committed. You may have to postpone to a later test date if you aren’t making the progress you desired. Don’t be too hard on yourself if this happens— the majority of students I’m seeing hit the 170+ range on test day have either postponed to a later test date than they first signed up for OR they earned that score on a retake. When you do decide to take this thing, you need to commit 100%. If you shirk your LSAT duties, you are just wasting your own time and won’t be prepared no matter how many times you push the LSAT back. If you find you don’t have the mental energy to commit to both the LSAT and work and/or school now, stop studying and figure out a way that you can make the commitment for real in the future. I have literally never seen anyone get a good score by just poking at the LSAT once a week in a haphazard fashion. It just doesn’t happen.
Our schedules give you a good idea of the total work that goes into this. It’s a lot. If you want to maximize your score, you need to have done that amount of in a focused manner before you walk into a test center.”
Hope this helps!
If you’re really serious about crushing the LSAT, I’d love to see you join the LSAT Mastermind Group. Once you join, you’ll have access to the private forums 24 hours a day + live office hours/webinars every Sunday & Tuesday. Evan & I are always more than happy to help our members with the specifics of their schedule & you’ll also have the full support of hundreds of other members, many of whom are also trying to balance full-time work/school while they prep. If you’re really serious about getting into a great law school, then I think you’d fit in really well!
Let me know if you have any questions or click here to sign up for the LSAT Mastermind Group.
Joshua Craven
I recently purchased the 14 WEEK study guide and I have question regarding the books; does it matter if you are using the 2013 versions of the bibles and the other recommended readings or should we be using the 2015 versions?
Thanks. You are welcome to email me directly.
Thank you so much for this extremely helpful website! My question is similar to ismahene’s: I am studying for the October LSAT and am following the 12-week study guide and book list provided on your website. I looked over the schedule today noticed that the book list is different on the study guide (includes the Trainer, doesn’t include the RC Bible) than on your website. Do you have an updated version of the study guide to include the changes, or better, one that includes both the Trainer and the RC Bible? Thanks!
Looking over your 3 month study guide raised some questions to me. Should I completely read one book first than read the others? Or should i be reading different chapters different books throughout each week?
Hi! I’m an incoming undergrad student who is interested in attending law school. Are there any suggestions/advice you could give me to prepare for the long road ahead of me?
I took the LSAT in Sept. and have been meaning to get rid of my prep books. I have the LSAT trainer, and all 5 volumes of the “actual official” series of prep tests from the LSAC, so 50 total PTs. I bought them all brand new and didn’t write in them hardly at all so I’m sure someone would love to save a few bucks buying them secondhand. Any tips for where/when I can resell these? I was thinking perhaps people look on here before craigslist… How soon after June LSAT are people looking to buy prep books for the Sept. test? Randomly, I also have a lot of old testmasters books (from a friend) before I realized the Trainer was the way to go. Don’t know if anyone even wants them?! Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks!
Are you still looking to sell those books?
Yes I am. You can email me at sck73 (at) cornell (dot) edu for more info. Thanks!
While working full time and studying for the past three months, I have raised my score from a diagnostic 141 -> 155. My score is not at all where I want it to be. I’m scheduled to take the test June 8th. Should I take the test for the experience and cancel my score that day; while continuing to study for the October LSAT? or should I cancel taking the test altogether?
Josh and Evan
Just wanted to say thanks for all the advice you’ve provided. I followed much of the advice this site provides and, with a lot of work, raised my LSAT from a 143 to a 162 which helped me a get a full ride to Michigan State Law.
Thanks again
Congrats on the impressive 19 point gain Paul! That’s great to hear and I truly appreciate your feedback.
I’m happy to have played a small role in your success. I’d love to chat with you sometime & hear more about your story! Shoot me an email at
Joshua Craven
I have been using a LR Bible from 2007. Aside from newer example questions, is there any reason I should get a newer version?
Hi! Can I use older Powerscore books from 2013 edition to prepare for Sept 2015 lsats?
Yep! I don’t think that there is much (if any) difference between the 2013 & 2015 version of the bibles… and there definitely isn’t a difference between the 2013 and 2015 LSAT, so you should be good!
Josh, Evan,
Some of the superprep books are from 2007, with actually texts from the 1990s. Has the test changed in any meaningful way that would make using these materials a waste of time?
The LSAT changes at a glacial pace. There are minor differences between modern PTs and older PTs, so we recommend working with older material first, then moving to newer material as test day approaches.
You don’t want to burn through too many recent PTs early in your prep, so it’s important that you start with older ones (such as those on the superprep), and save the newer ones for the final stretch.
I purchased the 14 week study guide five weeks ago. I am in week 5 at drill 28 which asks me to complete the full LG sections of PT 12 and 13 and drill 29 PT 15. In all of the books you have listed above (I’ve purchased them all) none contain PTs 12, 13, or 15. I was hoping you could give some alternative suggestions from the books I’ve already purchased. Thanks.
Great Website! My question is: how many hours a day is needed for effective self prep, I’m planning on taking the LSAT in October and so far I’ve been studying not as intensly, I’m planning on studying intensly May-October. Additionally, currently I am using the Superprep and the LSAT Trainer alongside drills and full official tests. I really like the Trainer and it works great for me so far, but I would like to hear some more feedback/ opinions on it,
Thank you!
Are the books that you recommend still current and do you recommend anything else to study as of now?
I update this list of books from time to time when new versions come out. These books are all still VERY relevant.
The only thing that I would be sure to add would be the most recent preptests from this list:
Currently, that includes the following:
Hello Josh and Evan,
I bought all the books you suggested and was just about to begin studying when I realized that your study guide for the 4 month mentions the LSAT Trainer.. something not mentioned in your books to buy. Why is that? Is the LSAT Trainer a necessity and if so you should update your books to buy to match your schedules. Looking forward to your answer.
All the Best,
Hi! Do you have any suggestions on creating a LSAT Study Notebook…I’ve seen the notebook pages The LSAT Trainer website provides, and Powerscore’s advice on creating one. Any thoughts on those? Are there certain categories or some other important element that it should include? Thanks so much!
Currently I am a undergraduate student of law school in asia. I am also interested in taking LSAT next year but the problem is that my english not quite well i think upper intermediate. I femiliarized lsat questions unfortunately i did not cope logic games. Can you give me some advice how i can learn faster? I gathered some information and old lsat materials but i do not know how to begin and with what section?
Thank you in advance
Hi! Sorry to be posting so long after this thread was started, but am hoping for a bit of guidance. I just took my first practice LSAT and got a 172 (-1 on each LR, -2 RC, and -8 on games). I’m hoping to start studying for the June 2015 LSAT, but am completely uncertain where to start for self study so far out – I have the LSAT Trainer, should I combine with Powerscore? Thanks so much.
I have a 3.05 on a 4.0 scale GPA in my MBA from India and about 77.99% in my Undergraduate degree from India which was considered good but the conversion does not work correctly. I have been working for almost six years after my MBA. What are my chances of entering the top 15 law schools if I achieve the 170 Mark?
sorry for spamming but I was able check my marksheet and my undergrad marksheets states that it is the equivalent of a 4.1 GPA in Undergrad and 3.05 in my Masters. What are my chances of getting into the top 15. I am looking at Cornell , Northwestern , University of Texas, Georgetown & would love to apply to the top 3 but I am worried about my chance.
Hello Evan
I just started thinking about going back to law school a few months back. I have a MBA From India and I currently work in Banking. I work full time and am looking to take my LSAT’s in june. I started my prep early coz I work full time. Thank you for all the useful tips. I started my prep by taking the 2007 LSAT untimed on LSAC website. I scored about 50 in the first three sections which is a score of 145 and am yet to complete the RC section. Would five months be good a enough time to improve my score from a 150 to 170 if i just go through the 3 powerscore Bibles and then start taking timed prep tests. The information provided on this site is amazing for someone who wants to get a headstart.
Hey there,
Can anyone offer me some advice on Law school admission? I have a undergrad GPA 3.59 based on law school calculation. I’m really worried about my mediocre grades.
I double majored in Mathematics and Physics, not a traditional path for law school I know but it was my passion. I did great on my first major Math, but not so much on Physics, too much workload. I wasn’t on a path to law back in the day. I even got a M.S. in Physics later but I know that doesn’t count much.
I graduated from a big state university (Colorado) for undergraduate. Not prestige in any sense. Does that hurt my application?
I will take LSAT soon. Right now can anyone tell me do I even have chance in any of Top 14 (HYS are out of picture I know) assume I did good on LSAT? I know it’s a big assumption. But I wish to be well-informed. Because if there is no way a 3.59 guy get in no matter his LSAT then I won’t even bother to do LSAT.
Do you think it would be a bad idea to follow your study schedule throughout this summer, self-study through fall semester, then take a live prep course with Testmasters for the June 2016 test in the spring of next year? Would it be harmful to learn all the strategies used by one company (Powerscore) and then take a live course with a different company (Testmasters)?
Thank you!
How come you guys removed the LSAT trainer as one of the books? I bought all 9 and then bought the 10 week study schedule and you list 10! I appreciate all your help but just a suggestion to be more clear about the option for the 10th book.
Hi Guys
I read a post by you guys on Retaking the LSAT and it recommended using the LSAT Trainer by Mike Kim. I’ve been going through it, and I really don’t like the way he does logic games. It just is so different from what I learned in TestMasters and through the Powerscore LG Bible. I’m wondering if you feel there is any benefit to studying the way Mike teaches LG, or if I should just stick with LG Bible. I don’t want to miss anything but also don’t want to just confuse myself with different notations and strategies.
Thanks guys! Really appreciate what you do for us all- been following since June. Scored 160 in September and retaking in February to break 170…need every advantage I can get.
I would stick with the LG bible with one modification: don’t use the carrots to diagram ordering rules. Dashes are better (BP and 7sage use dashes if you need an example of what I’m talking about).
I did okay on my first LSAT a 136 I went in there blind and didn’t study a day in my life i’m taking the LSAT in FEB any advice?
Yes! Don’t do that again. You have to study like crazy for this thing or you are better off not even trying. If you are taking in Feb, you should already be starting your prep. Follow the advice on this post and get to it.
From what I’ve seen, you swear by using the LSAT Trainer first, but I don’t see it mentioned here as part of your success to getting a 177. I realize that text was not available at that time but would you change your ways based on that book now? Would you start with LSAT Trainer and then move to Superprep and the other books? Thanks!
I hope this board is still active! Some great advice re-reading through all the previous comments. I just started my junior year of undergraduate school, and have decided to plan/ prepare to enter law school after! I know you recommend vigorous studying 4 months prior to taking the LSAT. My question is: even though I have time, is there anything I can do to still prepare and train my mind for this test. Any advice would be much appreciated!
Thank you!
Hi, my question is similar to that of Jackie’s and Mark’s and I’m wondering whether it is discouraged to begin light prepping about a year in advance with the intention of reserving 3 or 4 months for intense prep. Any advice you could lend me would be greatly appreciated.
First off, thank you so much for taking the time to give people like myself advice with regards to the LSAT. I was wondering if it is recommended for me to begin studying for the LSAT a year before I actually take it. I want to score as high as possible. With that said, if I should start now what are your recommendations for a schedule that I can stick to. As of right now I have much of my time free, so I just want to know how a possible schedule might look like. Thank you very much and I hope I get a response from you.
First off, I want to thank you guys for all the helpful advice on this site. I am a rising sophomore in college with aspirations to attend a tier one law school. Quite frankly, I will put any amount of time into studying for the LSAT, but from what I have heard, it seems as though “drawing out” the study plan over a longer period of time can be disadvantageous. Should I condense all of my studies into the 4 months leading up to the exam, or should I study earlier ahead of time (because I am willing to) while still leaving the last few months leading up to the exam for intensive studying? In other words, are there any “lighter” measures I can take now to increase the likelihood of receiving a high LSAT score? I do, by the way, have a history of not doing exceptionally well on standardized tests. Thank you in advance for your response to this post.
My name is Lemonte. I recently purchased the Logic Games Bible from power score, and contemplating on ordering the other two. I am aiming to take the LSAT December. Hence, I will start preparing June-Nov. At the minimum, 30 Hours a week. Studying ahead of time, it will give me more than enough dedicated time. Is that too long to study? Because I do not know where to start
Thank You
Hi Lemonte,
Studying longer than 3 months is totally okay. We will be making a 6 month schedule soon so I’ll try to remember to give you the link here. It will definitely be up by june so just check the site.
Hi Evan,
Do you offer tutoring?
Hey Evan,
Do you have the six month schedule link available now? Thanks!
Hi I have the next 27 days to 100% commit to studying for the LSAT
what would be the best possible study schedule/plan of attack would you recommend to get to 150 to 170?
thank you!
Hey guys! After you take prep tests what would you recommend as the best means for checking your answers aka explanations. More specifically, how did you check your answers Josh? Thanks
Hi, Gene sorry for the slow answer. We’ve both been on vacation and Josh is still traveling so I’m gonna to answer for him. This is the method that Josh used when checking answers: If you wish to review answers using explanations (definitely a good idea if you aren’t always sure why an answer is correct) then try these ones: Best Explanations
Hello, is there a resource that has the explanations for answers to the tests in 10 Actual, Official LSAT Preptests? When checking my answers I’m having trouble understanding why certain ones are wrong. I haven’t been able to find anything on the lsac website – thought you guys might know if they’re out there! Thanks!
Unfortunately no one has written explanations for that particular book, not that I could find anyways. The best explanations out there that cover the most tests are Graeme Blake’s “Hacking The LSAT” series. These are good because they come separately from the questions, so you aren’t paying to buy them again. Here’s a couple posts where we discuss explanations more: and
Ok, great I’ll check those out. Thanks!
What strategy suggestions do you have for attacking grouping games? I seem to struggle with those the most out of all the types of games.
Thanks for the blog – such a relief to know I’m not alone in my prep
This article is very sound advice. Back when I was applying to law schools, I scored a 151 on my first LSAT and was able to improve it to a 170 by doing this exact same thing. Self study, take a practice test every day. Live and Breathe the Bibles.
Thanks for writing in JKG! Glad you put up such a great score. That is a terrific improvement. Those starting out often don’t think something like that is possible, but I see it often enough when people really put in the work.
Hi there,
I am contemplating taking the self-study route for the Fall 2014 LSAT because I do well studying on my own. I have some study materials I picked up at a book sale, someone who took a LSAT prep course with Kaplan donated some of their course materials (hardly written in) and I wanted your thoughts regarding using these materials to study (in addition to the Preptests)? However, I believe there may be some materials that are missing but of course have no way of knowing which ones so I figured I could pick up a few additional Kaplan LSAT study materials down the for any sections I feel I do not have enough material on.
Thank you in advance for your time in responding to my post.
Christina Stanford
Hi Christina. Though you can use any real LSAT prep questions included in those materials for practice, you should definitely not use Kaplan’s techniques for solving the problems. They are clearly inferior to the instructional materials we have listed here. Instead, start with the Logic Games Bible and go from there.
Thank you for all of the information the two of you have put out here for us prospective law students…it’s all very helpful! I wanted to ask for your opinions on LSAT prep. I will be taking the October test and was planning on taking a Kaplan course that starts in April and runs through June. I am hoping to follow up that course with the three month schedule provided on this site. Do you think it’s foolish to take a Kaplan course only to follow it up with three months of Powerscore material? Or, do you think it would be more beneficial to take a Powerscore course instead? I understand it might be confusing to learn different strategies, but would you say there is any benefit to it? There is a Powerscore course available in my area and it does run at the same time. I had been leaning towards Kaplan because the course seemed more intense and I really want to take advantage of the six months I have to prepare. Thank you!
Hi MC,
Here’s what I think: you are probably just better off skipping the Kaplan course and switching to another one, either Blueprint, Powerscore, or for a good cheaper option, check out our LSAT Mastermind Study Group. While I don’t doubt you’ll make some improvement in the Kaplan course, you’ll more or less just have to restart the learning process when you begin working with the books we recommend If the course seemed more intense, I sure that’s because Kaplan has done a great job marketing it. They are very good at marketing but, unfortunately, not so good at following through.
It’s not overly confusing to learn a few different strategies as long as you pick a consistent approach. For example, a lot of people we’ve advised study with the LSAT trainer in addition to the PS bibles. However, you should always be using solid strategies, and Kaplan’s techniques are very hit or miss (with a lot more miss).
Hello! Thank you for the great advice. I’m wondering if you have a recommendation for a specific LSAT Diagnostic Test. Did you take yours from one of the books you suggested? Or did you sit through a prep-course practice test? Thanks again.
Any real LSAT preptest can be used for your diagnostic test. I generally recommend using one of the 3 tests included in the LSAT SuperPrep, since it includes explanations of the answers.
Having these explanations on hand is particularly useful when you are getting started with your LSAT prep. Explanations for newer LSAT preptests are available as well, but the LSAT Superprep is a nice all-in-one option.
If you’re particularly eager to get started right away, you can download and print this free sample LSAT from the LSAC website:
Its probably not a bad idea to sit through a proctored LSAT practice test at some point if they are ever being offered for free on campus. This can give you a better feel for what test day conditions will be like. However, it certainly isn’t necessary to wait for that opportunity before you begin preparing… so feel free to self-administer your initial diagnostic test. Just try to approximate actual exam conditions as much as possible.
Hope this helps! Good luck on your diagnostic & let us know how it goes!
Hey Guys, great site btw, really helpful.
I am a non traditional student at the moment. I am 33 years old and about to complete my second run at college and finally getting my bachelors. My first time around I was a pol sci major aiming for law school,and I had to work alot because my parents were not able to support me, and eventually I quit school because a job opportunity came along that paid well, and there was no way I could go to school working 60+hours a week,when i was already struggling working 40 hours + school+ a social life. I am older and maybe a little wiser now, and still really want to be an attorney. I changed my Major to a BAAS in business operations to hedge my bets in case I didnt go to law school. My gpa from my first 60 hours is 2.95, and this second time around I am holding on to a 4.0 while working a full time job in outside sales for a major telecommunications company. I graduate next may but only have to take 6 hours that final semester. I think a realistic prediction of my cumulative gpa should be about 3.4 allowing myself 1-2 B’s in this last little stretch. I have taken 1 completely cold lsat practice test and scored 156. I need to stay local, and my dream/reach school is UT, but if I could get into Baylor, U.of Houston, or SMU with some $ I would be happy to go there. I know for certain I want to be an attorney, but I have a family, and will not take the risk of compromising our future by digging us into a load of debt at some lowly ranked school with poor job prospects. What score do you think I need to get in at UT, or one of my others and have a good shot at some scholarship $? You’re advice would really be appreciated, since I I am a first generation college graduate to be, and do not have a lot options for guidance on such a huge decision for my family and I.
Thanks in advance,
Thanks for a helpful article. I am trying to decide between taking the June LSAT or the October one. Is there a benefit to taking one over the other? The difficulty for me is that I’m currently living in Switzerland, and there are no test centers here. I will have to fly to London, most likely. I may be back in the US for the October one, but I may also be in South Korea. It’s still a bit up in the air. If there is an advantage to taking the June one, I will do that. That would mean I have about 4 months to study. Getting the study materials shipped here costs an arm and a leg. It seems like a worthwhile investment, but it’s a tough bill to pay. Even if/when I do order the materials, they will not arrive for a couple of weeks, which shaves off study time. That’s another reason I’m considering doing the October test.
I took a test untimed, and I scored a 164. I’m planning on going through the couple tests I’ve completed in order to understand the questions a bit better before I take a full timed test. Is that a good idea?
Well, first things first, can we trade lives? I’ve been really wanting to go to Korea.
There is no advantage to taking in June except that if things don’t go well you have ample time to study before a retake in October. Honestly, it seems like you’ve got a lot going on in your life, so I might suggest taking in October. If you do want to do June, you’ll have almost the three months of study time we recommend by the time your books arrive, so that should be fine. Just be sure you are ready to really focus these next three months. You definitely do need to get materials. There is really no way to study without them.
Don’t even worry about full-timed tests for a while. You’ll want to more or less completely learn the strategies for doing the problems before introducing the timing component. That can take a month or more. We have a three month schedule if you want to glance at that.
Let us know how it’s going and get in touch if you have any further questions.
Hey, I was registered to take the February 2014 exam, but just decided to withdraw because I don’t feel prepared. I have studied with the Powerscore books– although not the intense 3 month specific routine. I’m still having a lot of trouble with LR, LG is fine and RC powerscore book is very helpful-LR not so much, for me..what do you recommend? I’m thinking of purchasing Manhattan LR? Any advice would be great! Thanks.
I saw your recent post that gave good review to some new study material, and I am wondering if this list of study material could be updated to include those new books. Would you suggest that some of those older books could be replaced with the newer ones? I will be buying the whole list in a couple of weeks and want to save as much money as possible. Thanks!
I see you guys have a business in marketing and media website for plastic surgeons, but it seems that your focus is on law and improving LSAT scores . How is it that you have experience in plastic surgery? These are vastly different .
Yeah, they are two completely separate businesses and we split time between them. No overlap except in terms of marketing knowledge. Plastic surgery is a niche that Josh happened to be knowledgeable in because of personal connections, and he has built that into a successful client-based business. In business, you don’t think narrowly. Skills that work somewhere can be applied in other markets. Josh is very good at inbound marketing so he can thrive in a lot of areas. My focus is going to be more on LSAT prep for the immediate future.
Hey guys,
Just curious: I see a lot of LSAT-students working with multiple books at a time (PS, LSAT Trainer, Manhattan). In your opinion, will the PS series be sufficient for one to get a firm foundation on theory to be able to explain all the LSAT questions?
I ask this because I’d rather stick to one company’s approach than to juggle a couple different methods at a time.
Yes, the PowerScore Stuff is certainly certainly sufficient. The multiple book approach is good for a certain kind of learner, but it’s not necessary.
For others reading this comment, a lot of people have been curious lately if we like the LSAT trainer: We do! I checked it out and I think it’s a very solid, innovative approach to LSAT mastery.
I just want to hammer-in the author’s point that self-study is the way to go.
I self-studied and had excellent results. My first diagnostic was a 148. I ordered nearly all of the practice tests from LSAC, and used online resources to find prep books and create a study schedule. After sticking to my plan and putting in 40hrs per week, I was consistently scoring between 165-170 three months later. On test day I scored a 168.
In my opinion, a prep-course does little more than give you a faulty sense of peace of mind. The materials it provides can be obtained in book stores. The guidance it provides is available online. Ultimately, it all boils down to the work you do on your own: you cannot be spoon-fed a high LSAT score. Commit to 40hrs/wk and stick to it for at least three months. That’s the best strategy. Prep-courses are not necessary and a waste of money…(there are exceptions, of course).
Just wanted to use my story to affirm the author’s advice. Good luck all.
i have taken 3 untimed LR sections and every one I miss exactly 10 questions. The type of questions are scattered but mainly having a hard time with Flaw and MBT questions and MP questions. what would be a good way to decrease the amount of questions missed as well as increasing the chances of getting a Flaw, MBT, and MP questions correct.
Hi guys,
Well I’m embarrassed to say my first score was a 139. My 2nd PT (shortly after the 1st) was a 141. My last PT two days ago was a 147. I’ve never taken logic and I’ve always been a mediocre reader. While this is an increase I know I need to improve a lot more. I’ve noticed my accuracy is not too bad the problem is I read slow. From here until December I will mostly be doing timed tests as well as questions and sections to see if I can improve. What do you guys think? I’m not too freaked out because I’m familiar with question types and feel pretty comfortable so I know there’s room for improvement but I’m just not sure if there’s enough time.
My honest opinion: those LSAT scores aren’t going to get you in to a law school that is a safe bet to attend in this economy. 40 days is not a lot of time to make the jump you would need to get good outcomes. With scores in that range you probably are having major troubles with accuracy. You shouldn’t worry about timing until you can do problems untimed with a reasonable amount of accuracy (all but 2 or 3 incorrect is a good mark to shoot for before you start adding timing). My advice is to withdraw your December registration. Start prepping from the ground up focusing on accuracy first. See our more detailed prep schedule for a good 3 month study plan that you could use leading up to February.
Let us know if you have any more questions!
Joshua and Evan,
Thank you for all of the tips and helpful suggestions this website provides. I am currently a junior in undergrad and I have a question about the three month schedule. How can I study for 3-6 hours per day on top of my course work? The program seems perfect in terms of structure, however I just can’t seem to figure out how I would work all of those hours in if I want to go to law school the semester after I graduate. I know there is plenty of time before I take the test but I simply want to get ahead.
Thank you!
A lot of hard-working students have this problem. It’s the type of person that is most likely to study hard for their other classes who also wants to prep hard for the LSAT. That’s a good sign you’ll do well.
Balancing it can be tough, which is part of why we generally suggest taking a year off between undergrad and law school:
Can you lighten you course load at all? If not, your going to have to get really good at time management. I would suggest studying for 4 months so that you don’t have to put in quite as many hours per day for the early part of your schedule. Other than that, you just have to get some serious motivation and do. Josh and I both managed this well having full-time jobs, so we know it’s doable. Focus on your LSAT prep early in the day well you are still fresh (unless you are a night person like me, then maybe save it til the end of the day). Just whatever you do, keep your GPA up. You can ‘erase’ a lower LSAT score with a retake. Your GPA on the other hand gets fixed in stone.
Hi there! I’m taking the January 2014 LSAT. I’m starting my prep now and I am so overwhelmed! Should I get the Powerscore Bible workbooks? I noticed on the powerscore website they have new editions that were published in 2013… should I get the new editions from the website or the older editions? Thanks so much!
Definitely get the new editions of the Powerscore stuff. Definitely, the workbooks will be useful as they do the work for you in terms of separating logic games into type, however, you can do it on your own too.
I’ve really been enjoying the blog, thanks guys for doing this!
So I was wondering – I have the LR and LG Bible and probably all of the previous years tests, or at least a good maybe 60 of them. (How many are there all together?). I also have one or two explanation books for maybe 6-9 of these tests. And also have Kaplan’s Pacing (which includes timed tests sections from real tests), Endurance (which includes full tests plus an extra section added on to make it 5 sections), and Mastery (individual questions in sections from real tests). I think I have one or two other books also that I can’t even remember what they are…So – lots of fun materials that I can go through before the December Test 2013.
(My LSAT book pile is over a meter high)
With all these materials, I’ve decided to do mostly self-study – plus there’s not really LSAT classes near my house… I didn’t really have self-study discipline or determination before, but I now have that motivation more than ever. (!)
I’ve been through my LR and LG Bible and my friend was suggesting taking a test a day and reviewing it every day, and trying get through as many tests as I can before December.
Probably this is the best way to go – but that would mean dumping the Kaplan materials, etc. I don’t mind doing those materials too, but I don’t want to use them just because I have them…At the moment if I do everything untimed but still moving at a spritely pace (basically taking a timed test, but then going back and answering all the questions that I didn’t have to time get to at the end), I miss less than 10 questions on the test overall– the problem is pacing. Taking a timed test I still always have a handful of questions at the end of each section that I haven’t gotten to. (I’ve just read your blog post about increasing spead, so I’ll try that too on my next test.)
Anyway, that’s my plan and challenges so far if you have any suggestions.
Also, I was just curious about – the Bibles and Kaplan, and I’m sure other test prep materials all use “real test questions” in their test prep materials, and they divide it into groups, for practive, for example – LR: Assumption questions, LR: Strengthen questions. Doesn’t through off my test score when I see some of these same questions again when I’m doing a practice test? Is it better then to just stick with practice tests, and reviewing the practice tests, and then only if I’m really struggling with a particular type of question go back and do a whole section of LR: weaken questions?
P.S. Evan, where in China are you this month? I live out here.
I’m mostly in Shanghai! (went to Xi’an and Beijing for a few days each too, and also saw Wuxi, Suzhou, and Hangzhou) Sadly I’m leaving tomorrow
I’m not familiar with those Kaplan materials. Are they using real LSAT questions? If so they will just contain problems that you’ll hit doing the tests anyways, and you should probably just do them that way. You might want to compare your friends advice with our study schedule and see which approach you like better. Your friend’s approach will work, but see if you want to incorporate some of our strategies.
As to this question: “Is it better then to just stick with practice tests, and reviewing the practice tests, and then only if I’m really struggling with a particular type of question go back and do a whole section of LR: weaken questions?”, yes, I think with logical reasoning that’s probably the best approach.
Best of luck with your studies!
Thanks for the fast reply!
Yes, these Kaplan books do use real LSAT questions – they’re left over from an old Kaplan online course.
I live pretty close to there actually – in Nanjing, finishing up a Law Degree in Chinese.
Hope you had a good trip!
Mr. Craven & Mr. Jones,
My name is Kelley Pasmanick. Since I’m a test taker with a physical disability needing testing accommodations, I will only be able to take the LSAT in February, 2014. Since the LSAC requires test takers with disabilities to register for LSAT test dates before they are notified of whether or not they have in fact received accommodations, and even still, before the test taker with a disability knows which particular accommodations she is receiving. I am presented with quite a dilemma with regard to setting a study schedule for the next for months based on not knowing whether I’ll have double time on each section of the test and also not knowing whether I’ll have access to a computer for the writing sample since the physical act of writing is very difficult for me. Now that I’ve set up what I’m facing, here are my questions:
1. How do I set up a study schedule over the next 4 months, not knowing which accommodations I’m going to have, if any?
2. How do I accurately time myself on exercises & practice tests when I do not know whether or not I’ll be receiving double time on the day of the exam, but knowing that if I base the timing on standard section times, the scores of those exercises & practice tests will be incomplete & will not accurately affect my abilities?
3. How do I prepare for the Writing sample when I do not know if I’ll have access to a computer or double time? Again, if I base the section time on standard test practices, I will not be able to complete practice writing samples or the official writing sample on the test date, neither of which will accurately reflect my ability to write a cogent argument.
4. How many weeks out of 16 total weeks do you suggest I spend working through the 15 LSAT preparation books you’ve recommended?
I hope my above questions make sense to you as test takers without disabilities. I can be reached at 678 923 6099. Please respond to this comment because I know I’m not the only prospective LSAT taker with a disability worried about the above. Even if neither of you can help, respond to let me know you can’t.
Thank you,
Kelley Pasmanick
Hi Kelly,
Sorry for the delayed response. I know LSAC says they might take substantially longer than the baseline 14 days to process a request. Do they at least give you any idea how long it is going to take?
Because how you should start you LSAT preparation is going to be same regardless of whether you receive accommodations or not (the first month should be mostly untimed prep), feel free to get started. Hopefully you will know what time requirements you’ll have by the time you start practicing timed questions. If you don’t hear back by then, I would suggest you start timing practice using the additional time you have requested.
We’ve created a 16-week LSAT study schedule that would be a great fit if you’ve got 4 months to prep.
Don’t worry much about the writing sample. It’s not an important part of the admissions process for one thing, but I’m confident that LSAC will make the necessary accommodations there.
Let me know if this didn’t sufficiently answer any of your questions. Best of luck with your prep!
Hi. I have been studying for the LSAT for some months now, and I am still struggling on RC. I miss about 5 questions on each section. I am trying to set a goal of missing zero; however, I am content with missing one or two, since I am strong in the LG and LR areas. Any feedback or opinion on how I can decrease the number of missed questions on RC?
Evan here. RC is really tough. Gains in that section tend to come only through familiarity earned by lots of practice. Are you taking it in October? I might go back over old tests and see if there is any pattern to the questions you are missing, then try to relearn that question type from the RC bible. Is speed the issue or just accuracy? For the record, I had turned in what was for me a bad score on the RC, a -4, and still managed to get a 173 (usually I missed 1 or 2), so really good scores are still possible even with a poor showing in RC relative to the other sections.
Good job getting to this point. It seems like you are well on your way to a very solid score!
So it took me a long time to finally decide to take the LSATS as I believed Law School was going to be a long and extremely costly shot. After further discussion, I came to the conclusion that I would lose more by not applying than I would by taking the test and seeing where that leads me.
Simply put, my question is are all 10 books recommended here to get a good score for the LSATS or are the top 5 books good enough?
Yes, you really need nearly all of them. The idea is that you need the bibles to teach you the techniques. After that, you should do nearly every published prep question as practice. That is what this list enables you to do. Leave any available practice out of your prep and you run the risk that you haven’t hit your potential. The cost of LSAT prep, particularly self-study, is a tiny investment when you consider the potential payouts (thousands of dollars in scholarships, better job opportunities, etc.)
I have been studying for the Oct. LSAT since early July. My diagnostic score was about 154. I am currently scoring anywhere between 163 and 165 (with one exception, the June 2001 LSAT, on which I scored 171) consistently but am hopeful that I can reach 170 before test day!
RC is definitely my strongest section. I typically miss 1 or 2 questions in this section on each preptest. On LR I will miss anywhere from 2-6 questions. I am very inconsistent on this section. Sometimes it’s a breeze, and other times I fumble my way through it.
FInally, games probably gives me the most trouble. I’ve tried to focus my attention on this section and have managed to keep improving with repetition, however, I have only recently begun taking recent LSATs and have found that this section has evolved considerably over time.
How can I defeat games and be more consistent on LR? What are your suggestions for my final month of studying?
Looking forward to hearing from the LSAT king himself!
Hi Lauren,
Evan here. Sorry, Josh is on his honeymoon so I have comment duty even though I’m in China for the month
First off, good job on getting your scores to that point. Definitely another self-study success story in the making.
For LR my recommendation is to make sure you are reviewing the questions the right way, i.e. you aren’t looking at the answer until you can describe to yourself why you picked your final answer and why the other answer choices are inferior. Still do them on the first pass under timed conditions, but do this thorough review before you look at the answers.
With logic games, I think the really important thing to do is just keep hammering them and hope it clicks. I wish there was more to it but it sounds like you have the fundamentals down. Lots of practice is what will move you over the finish line. The best thing to do is have days where you basically do games until your eyes bleed. Maybe twice a week do at least five hours of games even if it means you have to hit some older ones (for me, I knew I did games hard enough if I was still seeing variables flying around in my head when I laid down to go to sleep). The ‘click’ should happen sooner or later for you if you keep giving it extra attention.
Great post.
I graduated with a Master’s degree on May and so far getting a job on my field has been impossible.
I was between Law School and PHD. Finally decided to go for law school.
I love your study plan idea, however, I have a question:
How do you study 40 hrs a week when you work 80, as it is my case?
Do you think 4 daily hours would do some magic?
Thank you!
It’s definitely tough to self-study when you have an intense job. My recommendation is that you look at our study schedule: and do that within a ~5-month time frame.
In that case, I’d guess most days you would probably be doing about 2 hours of prep and 3-4 hours a couple days a week. Make sure that you do occasionally mix in intense days with more study (maybe one day a weekend) Also, when you get to the tail end of your LSAT prep you must schedule in the time it takes to do full simulated tests.
Hi Josh and Evan,
I am registered for the October LSAT. I am averaging at 165, however, I am desperately hoping in these last weeks to hit and reach a 170 on test day, having done so only once. I am trying to stick to a 40 hour a week schedule, taking tests 3-4 times a week. My problems are not specific; basically any of the “difficult” questions will get me. I would appreciate ANY advice you have for a struggling LSATer who has hit the wall of hopelessness. THANK YOU.
Well, first, you sound just a little bit stressed out. Focusing on the prep is great, but maybe try some sports and meditation too. Make sure that when you aren’t simulating a test you take lots of little breaks in your study.
To deal with those difficult problems, try mixing in a little untimed prep back into your schedule and also remember to properly review each and every question you find hard. We’ve got some tips on that here:
Beyond that, you want to just keep doing what you are doing. A lot of people make big strides in the last month so there is still time for things to click.
I am an incoming junior in college and I want to start prepping for the June 2014 LSAT. What type of schedule do you suggest I follow?
Celia, I suggest you leave it until 4 months or so before the exam and just study intensely for that time. I just see higher scores with that rather than really drawn out prep.
Here is our recommended LSAT prep schedule: It uses the prep books we recommend here.
What do you mean by “intense” study?
How many hours per week is that?
Any tips on mastering conditional reasoning and conditional diagramming?
Check out our lesson on LSAT conditional reasoning.
This is exactly what I was looking for! Thanks so much!!
I would like to know how I go about registering to take the LSAT, as to I have finished my Bachelors degree in Criminal Justice/Paralegal. I am interested in this program, all programs involved, and preparation to take the LSAT as well.
Just wanting basic feedback on all areas to taking the LSAT, as well as having great aspirations of applying to LAW School afterwards.
What would be an example of a study schedule i should follow? Do you recommend spending at least a month on logical reasoning, than another month on logic games and so forth ?
Since this was such a common question, we’ve created several LSAT study schedules to help you get the most out of your LSAT prep books:
Looking forward to this Evan, your recommendations for prep books were spot on (so far) and fairly consistent with the rest of my research regarding self study prep materials. As I’m sure you can imagine being only a short time out from your own lsat prep, your help is much appreciated!
How should I go about making a schedule to utilize these books to the best of my ability?
@Ariel B Sorry it was a little bit of time coming but here is a schedule to go with it!
That’s recommended for three months so hop on it if you are self-studying for the October LSAT! Good luck!
Hi! I have checked and downloaded all recommended 10 top list books for LSAT. Thank you