“How can I increase my LSAT score in under 30 days? I have already started my LSAT prep, but I really want to ramp up my studying efforts during this final stretch. I have 25 days until I take the June LSAT. How much prep should I be doing? What should I be working on? I really want to do as well as I possibly can, and I am willing to commit as much time and energy as I need to in order to increase my score. Help!”
First, you need the following books, along with plenty of LSAT preptests
Day 4: 8 hours of grouping/linear combination games
Day 5: 4 hours of Pure sequencing and rare games + advanced techniques chapter
Day 6: 8 hours spent taking 4-12 full, timed LG sections to learn how to recognize what type of game you are working on and learn how to move from one game type to the next.
Day 7: Take a full, timed, LSAT preptest and see how your score improves now that you have mastered the logic games section.
Days 8-14: Drill LR every day (in a similar manner to the way you drilled LG) and take a full, timed PT every other day or so.
Days 15-18: work on RC and work on refining your skills in the other sections… Take a full, timed preptest to start the day every other day or so.
Days 19-24: Take a preptest at the beginning of every day, then review the test to locate and improve your weak areas… refer back to the appropriate Powerscore bible to re-read the sections on any problem areas that you are struggling with.
Day 25: Rest. Relax. Don’t Drink Alcohol. Eat 3 healthful meals. Don’t watch too much TV. Maybe take a drive to the testing center if you aren’t familiar with it so that you know the route. Get to bed early. Tomorrow is the big day.
Week 1 – Crush Logic Games
The Logic Games section of the LSAT is generally considered the most “learnable” section of the LSAT, so if you are still struggling with LSAT Logic Games in the last month before the LSAT, dedicating yourself to a week of full-time Logic Games prep could increase your LSAT score considerably.
Start by reading chapter 1 of the Logic Games Bible on the basics of logic games and the chapter on Section Strategy and Management. Once you have the basics down… Then it is time to master each game type, one by one. Rather than haphazardly work on every type of logic game, start by focusing ONLY on basic linear games. Read the chapter on basic linear games in the LGB.
Then, go to the appendix of the LGB to find the comprehensive game classification guide. Make a list of basic linear games – start with older exams that you don’t intend to take as full, timed preptests. Then, pull out those older preptests (maybe PT1-PT30) and ONLY work on basic linear games. There is usually about 1 basic linear game per logic games section, so that would give you 30 basic linear games to drill yourself on… which should be more than enough to master that game type.
Time yourself on each game. Start by allowing yourself about 8:30 per game and try to work your way down from there. If you don’t finish a game within 8:30, don’t stop. Finish the game. Once finished, note the total amount of time that it took you to finish the game.
After each game, check your results. If you missed a question, carefully review to figure out where you went wrong. If you made a mistake on your setup, go back and set up the game again until you can create a proper setup that allows you to answer the questions easily.
Keep a log including the following:
The Preptest # and whether the game was 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th within the LG section of that PT;
your score;
your time;
the game type (eg. Basic Linear, balanced);
if you missed a question, note what type of question it was (eg. cannot be true, could be true, not necessarily true, must be true, must be false, except, minimum/maximum, list, ‘if’ problems, condition suspension problems, etc.);
any other notes that might be helpful.
Simple linear games are generally the easiest, so your goal should be to drill these games until you get basically every question correct in under 8 minutes. Carefully work through these basic linear games until you feel very comfortable with them. Don’t move on to other game types until you feel like you have mastered basic linear games.
Once you are comfortable with basic linear logic games, repeat this process for Advanced Linear logic games, grouping logic games, combination logic games, pure sequencing games, and the rare game types. In that order.
Don’t worry too much about pure sequencing games (although they should be simple after you have mastered liner games) and the odd games types since you probably won’t run into those game types on test day. However, it is worth learning them so that you won’t be totally thrown off on test day if one of those less common game types happens to pop up.
Many of the diagramming skills you will master when you work on basic liner games will carry over into the other game types, so don’t be alarmed if you feel like it takes a while to get things down. As you continue to drill each game type, your general diagramming skills will improve.
Assuming that it takes you, on average, 8:30 to take a section and 7:30 to review… then it should take you about 8 hours to work through 30 games. Since you have a little under 4 weeks until the June exam, I believe that it is worth spending about a week mastering the logic games section.
Logic Games 1 week schedule
Day 1: 8 hours of basic linear games
Day 2: 8 hours of advanced linear games
Day 3: 8 hours of grouping games
Day 4: 8 hours of grouping/linear combination games
Day 5: 4 hours of Pure sequencing and rare games + advanced techniques chapter
Day 6: 8 hours spent taking 4-12 full, timed LG sections to learn how to recognize what type of game you are working on and learn how to move from one game type to the next.
Day 7: Take a full, timed, LSAT preptest and see how your score improves now that you have mastered the logic games section.
Suppose this seems like too much. Feel free to adjust the schedule to account for how much LSAT prep work you wish to do and how much time you have to do it. Also, if you feel like you master basic linear games in 2 hours… and you are flying through the games in 7 minutes without missing any questions… then you can probably move on to the next game type. Just make sure that you focus on each game type individually and master it as well as possible before moving to the next.
If you have 8 hours a day and aren’t getting burnt out, this schedule is probably a great idea. I was missing the same number of questions on each logic games section (-4 to -8 per section) before working through the LGB and drilling myself. After following a schedule similar to the one I have outlined for you for about a week, Logic Games became the easiest section of the LSAT for me from that point forward. I went from missing somewhere between 4 and 8 questions per LSAT section to missing 0. The confidence that I had built on the logic games section made the overall LSAT much easier.
Once you have the LG section down, the LSAT is a MUCH less intimidating beast. If you are still struggling with logic games after going through the Logic Games Bible, The LSAT logic games bible workbook is a good supplement that includes additional drills, examples, and explanations. Good setups make all the difference. If you set Logic Games up properly, then the questions are pretty easy to answer. If you are struggling with your setups, consider investing in the LSAT Logic Games Setup Encyclopedia.
After that first week, I’d recommend working through the Logical Reasoning Bible in a similar fashion. Since any improvement that you make on LR is doubly as important (since it accounts for half of the exam), you should focus on that section next.
Also, after week 1 (logic games hell week), I’d throw in a full timed preptest every other day or so to keep your skills sharp on the sections that you have already drilled and to keep your sense of timing up.
After your first few days with the Logic Games Bible, if you are finding it to be a particularly helpful resource, then I’d recommend investing in the Logical Reasoning Bible and maybe even the Reading Comprehension Bible. The LRB is especially useful, and since LR accounts for 50% of your overall score it is a very smart investment. If you do decide to get the LRB, make sure that you order it in time for it to arrive before you need to start drilling LR so that you don’t wind up getting behind schedule.
You have 25 days until you take the exam. Assuming you take the day before the exam and a couple of other days off, you really have somewhere between 21 and 24 prep days left. If you spend the first 7 mastering LG and the next 7 mastering LR, that will leave you with 6-10 days to work on RC, refine your LG and LR skills, and put it all together.
Final Few Weeks LSAT Prep Schedule
Days 8-14 working on LR every day and taking a full timed PT every other day or so.
Days 15-18 working on RC and refining the other sections… with a full, timed preptest to start the day every other day or so.
Days 19-24 with a preptest at the beginning of every day, then review the test to locate and improve your weak areas… referring back to the appropriate bible to re-read any problem areas that you are struggling with.
Remember: Please adjust the schedule to fit your needs and focus on your weaknesses. Check back after a few days and let me know how you are doing. I’d love to hear how things are progressing. And, as always, if you run into any trouble, ask a question in the comments!
I chose the order: Logic games 1st, Logical Reasoning 2nd, and Reading Comprehension 3rd because I feel that the Logic Games section is the easiest to improve through practice, so I think most people would generally be able to see the largest jump in that section. Also, if you aren’t comfortable with the Logic Games section, it can really rattle your confidence.
I recommended working on the Logical Reasoning section 2nd because I generally found that section harder to improve than the LG section. However, it accounts for a full 50% of your overall LSAT score. If you are already pretty comfortable with Logic Games and weak on Logical Reasoning, feel free to switch the schedule around to focus more time on LR and spend your first week on that section.
I left Reading Comprehension last because that section is generally the most familiar for users and is typically the hardest section to improve on. However, if you are struggling with RC but are more comfortable with LR and LG, adjust the schedule to accommodate for more RC prep.
Yes, I know that this prep schedule might sound grueling… but you should set your sights high! The difference between a 158 and a 170 is the difference between a tier 2 school and a nice scholarship at a tier 1 school! If 8 hours a day feels like a lot, remember that you are signing up for 3 years of law school and a legal career.
How you spend the next 24 days will end up setting the trajectory of your entire law school experience, which, in turn, will set up the trajectory of your legal career. 4 weeks of hard work can literally change your entire life. At a minimum, if working 8 hours a day for the next 24 days earns you a $150,000+ scholarship… that is effectively like making over $780 an hour. Add that to the expected increase in salary you stand to earn by getting into a better law school, and your hourly rate would be even hight. It might be a painful 24 days, but it’s totally worth it.
Hi, I have been studying for about a month now and I increased my score from a 140 to a 152 (today’s practice test. I have used a powerscore, Kaplan and Princeton. I am giving the December test which is in three weeks! Is it possible to get a 165 by then? Also I am planning on giving the February LSAT as well. If my dec score is high enough to get in but not high enough for some universities or for scholarships, will the universities who offered an admission keep their admission open for me if I decide to do the Feb test?
Hi guys, your site is great, so glad I found it. I’ve been enrolled in a Blueprint Prep Course since November and am scheduled to take the February LSAT. I wanted to apply this spring but based on other posts, now am aware I won’t have a good shot until next fall. I have not done a great deal of self study outside of the course, as I wasn’t sure what level of prep was appropriate. After seeing this post on study schedules a month prior to the LSAT, I have committed to intense focus for the next twenty or so days. I took a VERY cold exam in November and got a 156, and my second practice test was last Sunday at a 163, although I guessed on more than half of both LG sections. RC is my best section, followed by LR, then LG, but I like LG and am excited to practice and improve. The reason I hadn’t been studying more intensely is because my BluePrint instructor recommended we take no practice tests between my cold exam and the second. Now, I am panicking because my GPA is a 3.43 [although I have excellent extenuating circumstances and graduated a semester early, this December]. I would really like to go to a top school or get a full or close to full ride. Any advice would be much appreciated. I wanted to buy one of your study schedules, but since I have almost no more time, none of the ones you sell applied. What would you do in my situation if you were hoping for above a 173 and preferably higher? What kind of daily per hour schedule would you recommend?
I would like to thank you both for creating this helpful website. I am currently very frustrated and I would love some advice from you. I wrote the September 2014 LSAT and had to cancel my score because I panicked so much that I didn’t finish any of the sections. I just wrote the December 6, 2014 LSAT and I was much better for the reading comprehension and logical reasoning section, but unfortunately I performed horribly on the logic game section, I normally can finish at least two full games before time is called, but on the actual test I was surprised by a type of question that I’ve never seen before so I freaked out and only completed one full game and ran back and forth between two games for the rest of the time. I know for sure I did not do well since I only completed 8 questions on the game section before time was called. But, the problem is that even when I was taking the practise tests at home one week before the actual LSAT I was constantly getting 148 and 149, I have been studying the LSAT full time for two months…what am I doing wrong? logical reasoning is my best section with a timer, without a timer games and logical reasoning are both good, reading comprehension I can only have enough time to complete 3 passages. What could be wrong with my studying method to result in the 148/149 stagnation after studying full time for two months? is there anything I can do to improve my mark enough for the February test?
I have a question. I just took the September LSAT, and the week following up to it I was scoring a 160-163 pretty consistently, but I ended up canceling my score because my goal is 170+ so I plan to take a bunch of timed practice tests to fine tune until December. I have two months, how likely is my goal and is there anything else you recommend that can help me reach my target score other than taking a bunch of practice tests??? Thank you so much!
Hi Josh and Evan,
I’ve been following this regimen you posted for improving Logic Games. I consistently get 5-8 questions wrong on this section, but it’s mainly a timing issue. When the test is over, I’ll go back to the game I skipped (I typically make it through 3 games and then 1 or 2 questions on the fourth) and I can get the questions right within another 8-10 minutes. Unfortunately, that is 8-10 minutes I don’t have on test day. Any tips? When I first start I scan for linear games first and then an “in/out” game and then advanced linear. I just can’t seem to finish all 3 with enough time to fully take on the 4th. I’ve been drilling with time (8:45) for the past week and just took a practice test and saw no improvement with this. I still only managed to get thru 3/4 games but my accuracy on the 3 was high as it was before. At this point (am taking test on Sept 27), do I forego improvement in this section and focus on RC (which I normally get 9-11 wrong per test- my worst section) or keep trying at the LG? Thanks again for this post and your help
I plan on taking the Sept. 27th LSAT. I gave myself 12-14 weeks of studying and have been using all the books you guys recommended. My cold diagnostic was a 149-150 and now I am scoring between 161-165. My goal is to score a 170+ (really want a 172). For the most part I have followed a similar schedule to the one you posted. Do you believe I would be better off sticking to my original schedule or should I attempt a more extreme schedule similar to the one in this post. I have about 25 Prep test and 34 days left.
Avg. LG score (-3)
Avg. LR score (-4/5)
Avg. RC score (-8)
While you might be well-advised to go a little above and beyond the regular schedule, I think this extreme schedule is likely overkill. You are in a good spot and have made exceptional progress so far. I’d expect you will continue improving at the max speed if you just proceed normally. If you want to turn it up a little, on days where prepping is feeling good put in some extra hours.
Hello, I started using your schedule and I am on day 3 today. However, by the end of the 8 hour sessions I really didn’t seem any progress over the course of the day (mainly day 2 as Basic Linear is easy enough). Am I doing something wrong? I just felt that I was hitting the same snags with the Advanced Linear game section and with each game I was taking roughly the same amount of time and averaging the same amount of questions right/wrong. I noticed that I struggled getting the games setup with most of the LG’s from the earlier PT’s and while I know they are “outdated” I want to be able to ultimately handle whatever LG I take on.
I started studying for the LSAT in February 2012. I plan to take the February 2013 exam. I studied the Powerscore books for all three sections. I focused on individual games and LR question types. I started taking timed full exams in mid November. I have taken 6 exams; Preptest A-C, 50, 52 and 55 and scored 155, 152, 160, 158, 153 and 153, respectively. My goal is to obtain a 165 or higher on the actual test. My test results thus far are extremely discouraging to me. Is it possible for me to improve by 10+ points in the next seven weeks? I am willing to change my study techniques but I do not know how to and I’ve done everything I can think of. Please advise. I am feeling very discouraged right now. 🙁
This section was also particularly helpful to me this month as I’m rounding the corner for the December LSAT. Even though I’ve been studying in and out as much as I can for the past few months, it helps to have this sort of post to really get more push for the last month. Thanks!!
So, I’m still having a lot of difficulty with timing and finishing RC and LR in the time allotted…sometimes even LG too, but I’m going to keep drilling and seeing what I can do.
My question is – I had been using printed out tests that a friend gave me where the test questions were only printed on one side of the page. Then recently I was taking a practice test from another prep-book where the test questions were on both sides of the page and my score went up by a few points because I was turning fewer pages and could complete more questions before copying them into the answer booklet. This was really helpful as timing is what I’m still having the most trouble with. I’ve taken the LSAT before, but it was over 5 years ago, so I don’t completely remember – for the actual exam is the test printed on both sides of the page??
Hi, I have been studying for about a month now and I increased my score from a 140 to a 152 (today’s practice test. I have used a powerscore, Kaplan and Princeton. I am giving the December test which is in three weeks! Is it possible to get a 165 by then? Also I am planning on giving the February LSAT as well. If my dec score is high enough to get in but not high enough for some universities or for scholarships, will the universities who offered an admission keep their admission open for me if I decide to do the Feb test?
Hi guys, your site is great, so glad I found it. I’ve been enrolled in a Blueprint Prep Course since November and am scheduled to take the February LSAT. I wanted to apply this spring but based on other posts, now am aware I won’t have a good shot until next fall. I have not done a great deal of self study outside of the course, as I wasn’t sure what level of prep was appropriate. After seeing this post on study schedules a month prior to the LSAT, I have committed to intense focus for the next twenty or so days. I took a VERY cold exam in November and got a 156, and my second practice test was last Sunday at a 163, although I guessed on more than half of both LG sections. RC is my best section, followed by LR, then LG, but I like LG and am excited to practice and improve. The reason I hadn’t been studying more intensely is because my BluePrint instructor recommended we take no practice tests between my cold exam and the second. Now, I am panicking because my GPA is a 3.43 [although I have excellent extenuating circumstances and graduated a semester early, this December]. I would really like to go to a top school or get a full or close to full ride. Any advice would be much appreciated. I wanted to buy one of your study schedules, but since I have almost no more time, none of the ones you sell applied. What would you do in my situation if you were hoping for above a 173 and preferably higher? What kind of daily per hour schedule would you recommend?
Hello Josh and Evan,
I would like to thank you both for creating this helpful website. I am currently very frustrated and I would love some advice from you. I wrote the September 2014 LSAT and had to cancel my score because I panicked so much that I didn’t finish any of the sections. I just wrote the December 6, 2014 LSAT and I was much better for the reading comprehension and logical reasoning section, but unfortunately I performed horribly on the logic game section, I normally can finish at least two full games before time is called, but on the actual test I was surprised by a type of question that I’ve never seen before so I freaked out and only completed one full game and ran back and forth between two games for the rest of the time. I know for sure I did not do well since I only completed 8 questions on the game section before time was called. But, the problem is that even when I was taking the practise tests at home one week before the actual LSAT I was constantly getting 148 and 149, I have been studying the LSAT full time for two months…what am I doing wrong? logical reasoning is my best section with a timer, without a timer games and logical reasoning are both good, reading comprehension I can only have enough time to complete 3 passages. What could be wrong with my studying method to result in the 148/149 stagnation after studying full time for two months? is there anything I can do to improve my mark enough for the February test?
I have a question. I just took the September LSAT, and the week following up to it I was scoring a 160-163 pretty consistently, but I ended up canceling my score because my goal is 170+ so I plan to take a bunch of timed practice tests to fine tune until December. I have two months, how likely is my goal and is there anything else you recommend that can help me reach my target score other than taking a bunch of practice tests??? Thank you so much!
Hi Josh and Evan,
I’ve been following this regimen you posted for improving Logic Games. I consistently get 5-8 questions wrong on this section, but it’s mainly a timing issue. When the test is over, I’ll go back to the game I skipped (I typically make it through 3 games and then 1 or 2 questions on the fourth) and I can get the questions right within another 8-10 minutes. Unfortunately, that is 8-10 minutes I don’t have on test day. Any tips? When I first start I scan for linear games first and then an “in/out” game and then advanced linear. I just can’t seem to finish all 3 with enough time to fully take on the 4th. I’ve been drilling with time (8:45) for the past week and just took a practice test and saw no improvement with this. I still only managed to get thru 3/4 games but my accuracy on the 3 was high as it was before. At this point (am taking test on Sept 27), do I forego improvement in this section and focus on RC (which I normally get 9-11 wrong per test- my worst section) or keep trying at the LG? Thanks again for this post and your help
I plan on taking the Sept. 27th LSAT. I gave myself 12-14 weeks of studying and have been using all the books you guys recommended. My cold diagnostic was a 149-150 and now I am scoring between 161-165. My goal is to score a 170+ (really want a 172). For the most part I have followed a similar schedule to the one you posted. Do you believe I would be better off sticking to my original schedule or should I attempt a more extreme schedule similar to the one in this post. I have about 25 Prep test and 34 days left.
Avg. LG score (-3)
Avg. LR score (-4/5)
Avg. RC score (-8)
Thank you for your time!
While you might be well-advised to go a little above and beyond the regular schedule, I think this extreme schedule is likely overkill. You are in a good spot and have made exceptional progress so far. I’d expect you will continue improving at the max speed if you just proceed normally. If you want to turn it up a little, on days where prepping is feeling good put in some extra hours.
Hello, I started using your schedule and I am on day 3 today. However, by the end of the 8 hour sessions I really didn’t seem any progress over the course of the day (mainly day 2 as Basic Linear is easy enough). Am I doing something wrong? I just felt that I was hitting the same snags with the Advanced Linear game section and with each game I was taking roughly the same amount of time and averaging the same amount of questions right/wrong. I noticed that I struggled getting the games setup with most of the LG’s from the earlier PT’s and while I know they are “outdated” I want to be able to ultimately handle whatever LG I take on.
Hi Josh and Evan,
I started studying for the LSAT in February 2012. I plan to take the February 2013 exam. I studied the Powerscore books for all three sections. I focused on individual games and LR question types. I started taking timed full exams in mid November. I have taken 6 exams; Preptest A-C, 50, 52 and 55 and scored 155, 152, 160, 158, 153 and 153, respectively. My goal is to obtain a 165 or higher on the actual test. My test results thus far are extremely discouraging to me. Is it possible for me to improve by 10+ points in the next seven weeks? I am willing to change my study techniques but I do not know how to and I’ve done everything I can think of. Please advise. I am feeling very discouraged right now. 🙁
This section was also particularly helpful to me this month as I’m rounding the corner for the December LSAT. Even though I’ve been studying in and out as much as I can for the past few months, it helps to have this sort of post to really get more push for the last month. Thanks!!
So, I’m still having a lot of difficulty with timing and finishing RC and LR in the time allotted…sometimes even LG too, but I’m going to keep drilling and seeing what I can do.
My question is – I had been using printed out tests that a friend gave me where the test questions were only printed on one side of the page. Then recently I was taking a practice test from another prep-book where the test questions were on both sides of the page and my score went up by a few points because I was turning fewer pages and could complete more questions before copying them into the answer booklet. This was really helpful as timing is what I’m still having the most trouble with. I’ve taken the LSAT before, but it was over 5 years ago, so I don’t completely remember – for the actual exam is the test printed on both sides of the page??
Yes it’s printed on both sides of the page! Good luck!
For the LR drilling. Should it be timed LR sections or just drilling the questions without timing?