
Before you retake the LSAT, you have some serious thinking to do. Retaking the LSAT takes a lot of time and effort to put in for uncertain results. Sometimes, it’s an easy call whether you should retake. Other times, it comes down to judgment. In this post, we give you everything you need to know to decide whether you should retake.

Retaking the LSAT will be a different decision depending on your score, the time of year, and many other factors. We take that all into account here. One of the most common questions we get is from 150s or lower scorers wondering if they should retake to improve that score. Often, the 150s score is a little below expectations for the applicant, and they aren’t sure if they like the school options that come with that score. We have a special section devoted to that question: Click here to jump down the page to “Should I retake the LSAT if I scored in the 150s.”

Does A Retake Hurt You?

If you are deciding whether to retake, the good news is that law schools currently put very little if any weight on any lower LSAT scores you have. This means that if you improve on a retake, you’ll be judged by a higher score. Even if your score gets worse, you still aren’t substantially worse off. Check out our post on how law schools view multiple LSATs for a broader explanation of how schools factor retakes into their admissions decisions. There are two notable exceptions to the general rule you should know about. Harvard and Yale still appear to factor in multiple scores. While their policies aren’t exactly clear, retakers are clearly at a disadvantage relative to applicants who only take the LSAT once.

Here’s the problem: since retaking isn’t going to hurt you much (all else being equal), how do you decide where to draw the line? When is your score good enough? It’s all about assessing how likely you are to do better on a retake.

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How Much Do People Usually Improve on an LSAT Retake?

Overall, the odds of making a significant improvement are always against you. Take a look at the average improvement in LSAT score for those who retake the LSAT?

For each Initial LSAT Score, the “Average Improvement On Retake” is the average score increase (+) or decrease (-) earned on the subsequent administration.

The following table summarizes the average increase or decrease in performance on the LSAT for test-takers who retook the LSAT in 2012-2013. The “Initial LSAT Score” listed is the test taker’s score on a previously administered LSAT exam.

Initial LSAT ScoreAverage Improvement On Retake

As you can see, the average jump, where there is one, isn’t very substantial. Except for 170 and 171 scorers, the 170+ crowd can’t really count on things going better on a retake. Almost everyone else can expect somewhere between a 2 and 3 point jump. Source:

That said, these are just averages. You can take comfort in the fact that seeing improvement is generally much more common than going down. LSAC’s repeater data can tell us in detail how people fare on the retake. I turned some numbers into percentages for you:

Initial LSAT Score% higher score% same score% lower score

That last stat should be encouraging to you. In fact, if any of this data looks discouraging, realize that you shouldn’t get too caught up in these numbers. You may not know this, but the overwhelming majority of LSAT takers don’t adequately prepare for this test. What I’m going to tell you next may shock you: even on a retake, most people still don’t bother to study a whole lot.

I have no idea why after getting a score you’re unhappy with, you would do the same things over again and under-prepare, but trust me, that’s what people do. That’s good news for you: if you prep smart and really focus, you’ve got much better odds of seeing significant improvement than these charts would indicate. As you can see, the odds of improving, staying the same, or doing worse are somewhat stable across a wide range of scores.

You might be wondering, what are the odds of doing much better, like 10+ points better. For those scoring a 150, only a mere 5% scored a 160 or better on their next retake. For 160 scorers, only 4% were able to get a 170+ score on the retake. It’s a lot more common to jump five points better: for example, 29% of 165 takers got a 170 or better on their next LSAT. That’s huge. 5 points is a big jump that makes a world of difference in your law school options.

On that note, let’s talk about when you should definitely retake.

When You Should Always Retake The LSAT

There are some times where there is just no doubt you should retake. Nearly every LSAT expert would agree with me on these points.

You Did Significantly Worse Than Usual

When you do significantly worse than your average on the recent practice tests you’ve taken, that’s a retake every time. Well-known admissions counselor Ann Levine posted on our site recently that you should ALWAYs retake if your score were more than three points below your practice test average. I accept that as beyond questioning, and you should too. You are just leaving points on the table otherwise! Get back in there and get the points you deserve!

The LSAT is designed so that your score should fall within a tight range the majority of the time. As long as you just maintain your skills from now until the next LSAT, chances are very high that you will hit around your practice average next time. Just trust me. That’s how it works. You have nothing much to worry about. For tips on maintaining your abilities, see our post on how to improve on a retake.

You Were Sick, Overly Anxious, or Something Else Went Wrong

If you scored significantly below your preptest range, perhaps due to illness or other extenuating circumstances that are unlikely to reoccur, that means you should retake. Lightning isn’t likely to strike twice. Again, just keep up your LSAT skills, and you’ll be fine come the next test. If anxiety was an issue, you might have to take some steps to make sure it doesn’t pounce on you again. Evan is somewhat of an expert on dealing with test anxiety. Here is his post on managing LSAT stress.

You Grossly Under-Prepared The First Time

Another possible reason to retake is if you did not do as much prep as you should have done the first time around. You likely have the potential to do better. We always advocate preparing for the test correctly the first time by studying intensely with a rigorous prep schedule. If you can’t prep properly in time for the LSAT, it’s best not to take the test and wait until you have done prep right, rather than get a bad score and retake later. However, for various reasons (usually because they are ill-informed), people often take the test without preparing properly. If you only studied a month the first time you took it, chances are you could improve your the second time around.

Now, this isn’t quite a reason that always counsels a retake. If you are under-prepared, that might be a good indication that your heart just isn’t in with this law school thing. If you realized how important this test was the first time but couldn’t bring yourself to study, you might want to look hard at whether this game is for you. It only gets harder past the LSAT.

That said when you decide to retake, keep a positive attitude and fully commit yourself. Self-doubt has no place in the LSAT exam room.

When You Should Generally Not Retake The LSAT

Here are the situations where it is usually best to stick with your score and focus on other aspects of the application process:

You Got A 170 Or Better

With rare exceptions, those who got a 170 on the LSAT shouldn’t retake the test. If you look at the charts, it’s just not likely you will do better enough to change your results. With anything over a 172 initial score, more people do worse on a retake than better.

A 170+ LSAT should make you competitive at just about any of the top schools right now, so the returns on a better score may diminish at some point. A retake also typically delays when you hand in your application. At the very top schools, getting your app in early may still give you a boost. You are probably better off taking advantage of that rather than retaking. Just focus on making your application tight.

That said, there might be exceptions. If your hit all 178s and 179s on the practice test and got a 170 on the actual test, I think you might be justified retaking. Just a funny side-story: the year I went to law school, there was a guy who got a 179 and retook. They managed to get a 180. Some people just have to be perfect, I guess.

You Just Sort Of “Feel” Like You Can Do Better

Remember that the odds of improving significantly on a retake are always against you. For a huge chunk of retakers, retaking the exam will either hurt them or leave them no better off. Using 163 as an example, nearly 45% of those who scored a 163 on a previous LSAT in 2009-2010 earned a score equal to or below 163 when they retook the exam.

I wager that most of the group is made of people who just “think” they can do better but don’t do much to effect a real change. Generally, if you are going to retake, you should have concrete reasons to think you can do better. The exception is for lower 150s and below scorers. We discuss that in the next section.

You Already Put Your All Into This Test And Successfully Hit Your Practice Average The First Time

It’s often the people that really put their all into the test the first time around who feel they want a retake. However, the odds are really against this group, and they usually shouldn’t retake. Say you studied your butt off and did every available LSAT practice question. Then your score on test day was exactly what you expected. It can be tough to improve on a retake from this position, especially because you might not have many fresh LSAT prep tests to practice with remaining. Impossible? Probably not? Unlikely? Yes. Generally, at this point, the better idea is to put more of that same hard work into the application and get it in earlier rather than later.

Again, those who scored in the low 150s and lower might be an exception to this. Let’s talk about that:

Should You Retake The LSAT if You Scored In The 150s Or Lower?

This is for those whose LSAT practice test average was in the 150s or lower going into the exam. Is it worth the effort to study for a retake and try to boost your score?

Should You Retake? – Low 150s LSAT Score

For non-URM applicants, low 150s scores represent the bottom end of scores that will get you into a tier 2 school (the bottom half of the top 100 law schools). It’s a middling to low score even in many of the schools ranked below the top 100. While you’ll typically be in the range of scores these lower schools accept, you are in a weak position to draw scholarship money.

Because of that, the overwhelming majority of law school applicants should try at least once to boost a score in the low 150s.

I’m confident that almost anyone capable of a low 150s score can, with effort, get their score into the high 150s or higher. LSAT prep courses are excellent for getting people with around average LSAT scores (~150) into a higher range. Tell us what you have tried so far for LSAT prep in the comments below, and we are happy to point you in the direction of some great LSAT prep.

The reality of the weak legal economy is that applicants are almost always better off not going to law school than going with a score in the low 150s. While good outcomes do happen, it’s a serious gamble. You are most often taking on big debt for a worse than 50% shot at getting a job that requires a J.D.

We realize that if everyone followed our advice, a lot of law schools would have to close. We are okay with that. It’s still sound advice. Now, if you still want to go to law school, get down to business and redouble your LSAT prep efforts. For a shot in the arm, see our post on 5 harsh truths that will make you a better LSAT taker.

Again, I know that the repeater data indicates that many people don’t see much improvement the second time they take the LSAT. That doesn’t matter. You should still try. Focus on doing your best and only apply when you are sure you have got yourself in the best position possible. Remember that the repeater data looks at every LSAT taker. Most people don’t put a lot of effort into LSAT prep. Your odds of improving are good if you put serious work into it.

Should You Retake? – High 150s LSAT score.

For high 150s scorers, the path forward is a little less clear. Say your average practice scores were in the high 150s after you truly applied yourself, used great LSAT teaching materials, and stuck to a rigorous prep schedule for 3 months or more. In this situation, a retake is less likely to improve matters. You might be best off simply applying to a wide range of schools and going with your cheapest good option.

However, we think most high 150 scorers, especially if it was their first time, owe themselves a retake to see if they can improve. This is an opinion, but it has a solid basis. Efforts to improve by retaking the LSAT are, in most cases, overwhelmingly cost-justified. The upshot– way more scholarship money– is so great in proportion to the time and expense of trying once more that you don’t need excellent odds of improving to justify trying it.

Think of a poker game where you have only a 1 in 10 shot of hitting a card to win the hand. You have to put in 10 dollars to play on, but the pot is paying out $500. It’s worth seeing that last card. In fact, it would be worth it if the pot was only $101.

Retaking the LSAT is like being in this $500 pot situation. There might be long odds against you, but it’s worth it to try because the payout is so huge. As people realize this, more and more are retaking the LSAT (considerably more now retake it at least once than not). That’s sensible. Remember, the downside is gone because lower scores hardly count anymore. That’s especially true at tier 2 schools. Yes, retaking is a long and annoying process, but it’s generally what you should do if you scored in the 150s the first time. If you are going to get in this game, play it to win.

If you scored in the 150s, it’s tough to be sure you can’t improve without at least one retake. A 150s score indicates that you still have significant difficulties with speed or accuracy, or both. There are just so many things you can try to improve. Again, let us know what you have done, and we’ll see if we can point you in a good direction.

Retaking And Applications Timing?

If you take the February, June, or July LSAT, the decision to retake the exam is a little easier. Most top law schools begin accepting applications on or about mid-to-late September, but they don’t really begin reviewing applications until October/November. As such, you are generally no worse off applying when you get your retake score instead of at the very beginning of the application period.

If, however, you take your first LSAT in September, then the decision to retake later in the cycle is a little harder because your applications won’t go out until the end of December (30-45 days after schools begin sending out acceptances.) In this situation, then, the important question becomes: Does the potential advantage of a higher LSAT score outweigh the disadvantage of turning in your applications later?

In years past, applying later put you in a significantly weaker position. However, with fewer people applying to law school in recent years, it doesn’t seem to prejudice you to very much to apply in December. There should be plenty of seats available in December, so it might be worth a shot retaking the LSAT in November/December. Make sure, however, that your applications are ready to go as soon as you get your LSAT score back. That way, your applications can go out as soon as scores are released, and you can avoid getting stuck under a pile of other December LSAT takers.

Retaking in January/February/March, on the other hand, is more likely to put you at a bit of a disadvantage. Most law schools (especially highly-ranked law schools) review applications in the order in which they are received. Further, most of these schools will make admissions offers on a rolling basis. Even in the current climate, when February rolls around, applicants are likely to be competing over significantly fewer admission spots, which lowers your chances of a good result. See a longer discussion of applying in spring with a February LSAT here.

Since turning in your law school application in December rather than February should increase your chances of receiving an offer of admission, your decision to retake the LSAT at the beginning of the year hinges on whether or not you will be able to earn a high enough increase in your LSAT score to justify delaying your application submissions. You should have solid reasons to believe you can improve by at least 3 points.

Bear in mind that you are free to submit your application so long as you have an LSAT score, even if it is highly likely to be rejected with your current score. However, if you inform the law school to which you are applying that you are retaking, they will probably delay their decision until you have done your retake. This is effectively the same as not turning in the application until you got your new score because they certainly won’t hold a place for you while you retake.

If you don’t tell them you are retaking, you run the risk that they will make a decision on your application before you have received a new score. School’s policy on reconsidering a closed application might vary from school to school, so it would be good to consult the admissions office when you are considering retaking.

For a significant portion of those who take the LSAT in November/December and are considering a retake in January/February, the disadvantage associated with delaying the submission of your applications will not be offset by the small expected score increase. Many retakers will score lower on their second attempt, and many more will earn the same score or a score only 1-3 points higher. These applicants would likely have been better off had they chosen to apply earlier rather than retaking the LSAT.

Deciding Close Calls

Despite everything we’ve covered here, I know there will be times when it’s still very tough to decide whether you should retake. In this case, trust your instincts, but also ask us:

If you are struggling over whether to retake the LSAT, we are here to help. Ask us any retake-related questions in the comments to this post, and we’ll get back to you quickly.

There’s one last factor at work that I want to talk about. A lot of schools have a pretty tight line as far as LSAT scores that get you in. If you are on the right side of that line, you often get in even with a pretty low GPA. On the wrong side of that line, you might need a really high GPA to get in.

Let me take UCLA as an example. Last year, a 168 was like THE magic bullet number that you needed to have almost certain chances of getting into UCLA law. Applicants with a 168 got in nearly all the time, even with GPAs as low as a 3.0.  However, drop to 167, and suddenly, no one got a straight-up acceptance unless they had a GPA of 3.7 or better. I hate that law schools do this, but, at a lot of them, that’s just how it is.

If you are 1 or 2 points off the mark from your dream school, it might be best to just forget about other factors and go for the retake. That’s especially true if the average boost (refer to the chart above) will get you over that line.

If You Do Retake…

When you do decide to retake, start here: How to Improve on A Retake.

Remember that the very next LSAT is often too soon to make major improvements. The only people who are always okay signing up for the retake really soon are those just trying to actually hit their practice average this time around. If you want to boost your practice average, that’s usually going to mean a later retake. If that means waiting a year to apply, then so be it. 99 times out of 100, that’s better than going in with a score you know isn’t your best.

The exception is if your first LSAT is in June. With a June LSAT, you have plenty of time to study for a retake before October (this is one of the reasons we HIGHLY recommend taking your first LSAT in June).

Final Thoughts On Retaking

I know this is a lot to process. Take time with the decision and deliberate carefully.

If you decide you hate the LSAT and never want to think about the LSAT or law school again, that’s fully okay. After getting their LSAT score back, plenty of people decide that law school isn’t the path for them.

Keep in touch as you make these decisions, and let us know if you are stuck in your LSAT prep. We are here to help.



  1. Hi! I just got my october LSAT score back as a 163. I was PTing consistently around 167-169. My GPA is a 3.9 from UC Berkeley. I want to go to USC. Do you think I should retake in January and take another year off or send them in now?

  2. I took the LSAT flex in July of 2020 and scored a 154. I prepared myself with the help of the “bible” books. I kept a study schedule of approx 2 hours 4-5 days per week. I am considering taking the test again in August of 2021. What are your thoughts on my ability to improve and should I hire an online tutor?

  3. Hi,

    I have taken the LSAT twice now (September and November 2018). My scores have been 165 and 166. I was really disappointed, especially for my November one, because I really thought I had improved enough to hit 170, which is my goal. I know I can reach 170, because I was consistently hitting 170+ scores during my practice tests when I was studying for my retake.

    My question is whether I should retake the LSAT in January and work to hit that 170. I attend a small regional university, but have a 4.0 in Biomedical Sciences-Biology degree. I have okay enough extra-curriculars – internship at local civil rights non-profit, president and member of student leadership organizations, research assistant in cancer-research lab on campus, and a few other involvements.

    Ideally, I would love to go to UChicago Law, but I know that if I apply after a January LSAT, I will be pretty late in the cycle and wouldn’t have much of a chance. My other top picks are Columbia, Duke, UT Austin, Virginia, and Cornell, but I don’t think Cornell accepts January LSATs.

    I would have my winter break to dedicate solely to studying. I know what kind of study plan I would follow and what areas to focus on. Do you think it is worth it to retake and apply later in the cycle? I am worried that my chances and scholarship opportunities will be much lower in February as opposed to now in December. I know that score is more important than when you apply, but I am still feeling relatively conflicted.

    Any thoughts and input would help and be greatly appreciated!

  4. Hi, I have a 3.3 GPA in biology with a specialization in neuroscience. I have a few years of work experience in various research labs and now in a clinical trial. I want to go into healthcare law / IP but I also really want to go to a top school like NYU. I just took the LSAT and got a 170 but I was PTing up to a 173. Should I retake it in June and try to get a few extra points to push me more over the median to make up for my lower GPA?

  5. Hi,

    I got a 152 on my December LSAT. I got a 149 the first time in September. Is it worth taking a gap year to study up and try to break through to the 160+ range apply for Fall 2019 or should I just take the 152 and run with it?
    I’m applying to Rutgers, Seton Hall, Villanova, and Temple
    Any insight you could provide would be most helpful.

  6. Hi! Currently in a really stressful position and ANY/all advice would really help me out….

    Took the Feb 2016 exam and got a 158. I decided to use the nearly all summer to prep, as well as enlist a tutor to help me identify my weaknesses and really drill those down. I was testing between 163-169, mostly getting 165/166 in the last few couple weeks leading up to the September 2017 exam. However, I did not perform as well as I would have liked and ended up with a 163. The reading comp definitely did me in and I was also very amped up/anxious the week leading up to it. Now I’m trying to make the decision of whether or not to take it a third time? Does the potential gain in points worth delaying sending out my applications?

    My UGPA is a 3.69 and I have degree in architecture from top 15 undergrad school. I have 3 strong rec’s and am currently working full time, which is actually my biggest concern in taking the Dec. LSAT because I know I would not be able to study nearly as much as I was over the summer. I do have all the tests, but the other potential issue I guess is that I’ve taken them all at some point and don’t want to get false hope off of inflated scores. I have registered for the December test to keep my options open so I can take a couple practice exams and see where I’m testing right now…

    Ultimately, is it worth trying again for that +2/3 points? I know right now it’s a reach for t14 schools, but do I need to score higher than my current score to have reasonable shots at some other schools like Wash U, Notre Dame, BU, & GW. I think I could get into some in the latter pack maybe, but definitely wouldn’t be expecting $ from them with a 163.

    Does having 3 scores put me at a disadvantage compared to someone who has taken the test fewer times? What if I ended up doing worse the 3rd time–would they just ignore that and focus on the highest score?


  7. Hi!
    URM applicant with a GPA of 3.93 and LSAT score of 156. I took the LSAT twice and received 156 both times. Disappointing the second time around considering I was scoring 159 and maxed at 161 on my practice tests. Debating whether a re-take makes sense. I also had average SAT scores going into undergrad so wondering if supplying those scores would help my application?

    I would ideally like to go to a T-14 school preferably Berkeley. Thoughts?


  8. Hello! Last night, I received my score. I got a 167, which puts me in the 94th percentile. This is a good score for me according to my overall PT average, but I did score a 173 on a practice test a few weeks before the test, during a time when my scores before and after had leveled out at 166-167. My undergrad GPA is 3.8, and my dream schools are Michigan and Penn., though I do have other T14 schools on my list which I’d be thrilled to attend, as well as schools whose median LSAT scores are more in the mid-to-low 160 range (such as Boston University). I’m happy to have achieved a score that aligns with most of my highest PT scores, but frustrated because I know I’ve done even better in the past and because the section that caused me the most trouble was not LG, which has classically been the case yet which I nearly aced, but instead RC. For many reasons, I would very much like to apply during this cycle. Should I retake the test and hope to gain a point or two, or should I stick with my 167 and put together as strong an application as possible with my current stats?

  9. I just received my lsat score of a 155. I was averaging around a 162 with my highest being a 164. Honestly did not think the test went this bad, and now I’m just confused on what to do. I’m a biology major so my gpa is only a 3.4. As far as prep goes, I went through cover to cover all three powerscore bibles as well as numerous practice tests.

  10. I just received my LSAT score and got a 154. My best practice before test day was a 159, and I feel like I could do better. I have a really high GPA from undergrad (3.96). Is it worth a retake in December?

  11. Hi Josh and Evan,

    I am in a little bit of an odd situation. I initially prepped for the LSAT in June of this year. I took a prep course which helped me gain the gist of the strategies; however, in the spring I was really busy with working 30 hours a week and graduating in June. I ended up taking the test for the practice because it was too late to withdraw by the time I realized I hadn’t reached my potential but I actually cancelled my score because I was only scoring in PT’s at around 145-150 range (this was something my councilor recommended to me). I realized I had not committed enough time to prep and taking PTs. I also have a 3.69 GPA from the University of Washington in Seattle. After the June test, I stopped working and fully devoted my summer to studying for the September LSAT.

    I prepped a ton and in total have been able to get in about 40 practice tests since the beginning of my prep in April. My goal score is a 160. I had been scoring in my recent timed PT’s anywhere from a 158-162, averaging about a 159 on the majority.

    When I took the September test on the 16th, I had a bad experience. LG, which is usually my best section where I get about 18-19/23, I completely messed up. On the second game I messed up my scenarios and had to go back and fix them which took up time. I also wrote down a rule wrong on the third one and had to go back and redo all the questions, which completely messed up my timing and only ended up completing 16 questions before guessing on the test. I understand it could have worse and I do feel as though the rest of the test went well but I am very nervous. I would like to hope that I did very well on the other three sections but I can’t get my mistake out of my head.

    I know it is too early to say without my score but I would like some advice on potentially taking the December LSAT. One of my major concerns is that I will be starting work full time so I will not have as much time to prep. Also, I have already taken a little over 40 PTs so I am running out of material. I guess I am just very concerned and frustrated because I know I have the potential to do very well on that section and it threw me for one and caused me lots of anxiety on the exam. My reach schools, which I know my odds aren’t great, are USC and UCLA. However, other schools I am applying to such as University of Washington, USD, Pepperdine, Fordham, LMU, I may have chances of getting into if I get my goal score, and at some even potentially receiving money.

    Also, however, I already took the exam twice even though one of the scores was cancelled and my only other option would be the December exam. I was planning on turning in my apps early November after I attend one of the forums and retaking the December LSAT would set me back in my timeline. I have really been stressed about what happened on the exam and I am just really frustrated with the situation. I also do suffer from some bad test anxiety and I worry that even if I take it again a similar situation will occur.

  12. Wish I had found this website earlier, as I just finished my law school orientation today to start Monday. However I have some questions that with guidance and personal reflection could alter my course…. is it possible to email directly? Would so appreciate some words of advice!

  13. I just got my June LSAT score back – a 168 – and am debating on whether or not to retake the exam. I really just wanted to at least get a 170. I have a 3.93 GPA, and my goal is to get into the T-14, especially Columbia and NYU. Upon reflection, 168 is close to my PT average, but I did score a 171, 172, and 178 before. However, I do feel like I performed my best and under optimal conditions the day of the test. I’m worried that I don’t have any new material to study with and would recognize the questions. I’ve taken an in-person course and done PTs back to 2005. I don’t know how significantly I could change my study habits, besides investing in tutoring. Do you have any advice? Thanks.

  14. Hi,

    I’ve been agonizing over the retake decision myself for a couple of weeks now. I got a 171 on my December test, after about 3 months of fairly rigorous study. In the three weeks prior to the test, my practice scores ranged from 168-175 (placing my actual score smack in the middle of my average range), with the exception of the final three practice tests I took, in which my scores nudged up to 176, 177, and 177 respectively.

    I expect plenty of people will say “you did just fine, 171 is a perfectly good score, and I’m not sure why you’re even debating the retake”. Here’s the kicker: I’m less-than-confident about my GPA; a 3.19, resulting from a very poor Sophomore year. Freshman year was okay, Junior/Senior year I did quite well,
    but Sophomore year saw bad study habits carried over from high school, living off-campus, and a disastrous run-in with a complex differential equations class. I’m concerned that the 3.19 GPA will hurt my prospects, unless I have an exceptionally strong score on the LSAT to counterbalance it.

    I’ve also been out of school for 7 years as well, employed as an engineer, and am looking at making the jump to law school. As a result, I’ve largely been self-guided through the application process, so thought it would be good to check in and get some extra opinion:

    Should I retake this February, or is it a stronger choice to see where my applications get accepted based on the December score?

  15. Hi I just took the LSAT for a second time in December and got my score back. The first time I got a 157 and the second I got a 156 (I believe this was a fluke- that there were extenuating circumstances). My GPA is 3.66. However I’m trying to decide if I should take the February LSAT and risk applying later? I really think I could get a 160- That’s what my PTs were scoring at.
    Also- should I apply to my safety schools in the meantime while I wait?
    Thanks- Amy

  16. I got a 167 on the 2016 Fall LSAT without practicing for more than a week. I am graduating in December and will have the entire time until February to study for the LSAT. My apps are all ready to send right now, and I am open to taking a year off. What are your overall thoughts on what I should do?Btw, ~3.9 GPA

  17. Hi,

    Firstly, thanks so much for these amazing articles – they’re really helpful!

    I got a 167 on the September LSAT after averaging anywhere between a 167-171 on practice tests, with 169 being my most common score. I thought I did pretty well on the test and thought I got a 170, and was disappointed with my score. NYU is my dream school and I want to know what you guys recommend would be my best course of action: applying ED NYU and applying to Penn as my backup with my current score, or retaking it in December. I have a 3.93 GPA (4.01 with LSAC calculations) and pretty good letters of recommendation/resume’. I honestly think the highest I can score on the December test would be a 170 but I’ve heard that the top schools average your scores. I’m really torn and the deadline to apply for December is in 3 days- do the benefits of applying ED/early in the admissions cycle outweigh the potential of gaining a few points?. What would you recommend I do?

    Thank you so much!

  18. Hello,

    I scored a 161 on the October 2016 LSAT…My average after taking about 15 PTs prior to this exam was around 167; and according to several advisors, friends, and forums, this test was exceptionally difficult.
    I studied mechanical engineering and applied mathematics, my Gpa is 3.74. I’ve also got a pretty decent resume with a plethora of soft factors from various school leadership positions and jobs to honors societies. My goal is t25 schools + Berkeley, Georgetown, or USC.
    I received my score after the deadline so I have several days to register for the December 2016 LSAT – with additional late fee and wait lists around my area – do I retake or are my chances okay with a 161/ and explanation? Thanks so much in advance for any advice.

  19. matthewjsavage on


    Thanks for all the advice you guys have here, it helped me a lot in preping for the LSAT and I was glad to do it without spending too much money. I got a 171 (-6 RC) on Sept which I am pretty happy about, although at the same time I am mad that I made some stupid mistakes and missed more than normal in LR. I am not super sure about retaking because my pt average was 173, and most of my problems are in RC which I honestly have had no luck improving in (I was good at it in the early pts, then when it got hard in the 50’s I could never figure it out, frustrating!) However, I feel like the difference between 171 and 173+ is huge and I am ideally trying to attend a top 14 law school on a full ride(GPA is above 4). Time is not an issue as I am not applying right now, so I would retake next June. The good news is I could maybe reuse pts without memorizing them…bad news is I don’t know how my skills would hold up. I may be able to use the time between now and June to read more, if that helps at all.

    I guess it’s pretty hard to predict scholarships, but do you have any thoughts on whether retaking would be worth a shot?

    • I think that with a solid personal statement and recommendations you can definitely get a full ride to top 10 schools with that score. You should check out but I found that on that site people got substantial scholarships at top 10 schools with that score and GPA — you can even reach out to them to ask if they did anything special with the application. Once you start getting acceptances you can also negotiate scholarship offers based on other offers and acceptances. I am friends with an individual who had a 3.8, got a 164 and negotiated herself into a half ride at Michigan. I think that the energy it takes to prepare for the LSATand take it again is not worth the few points you will gain, particularly considering you already have a 171 logged. A school that sees a 171 followed by a 173 or 174 (remember all scores get released), won’t think very much of the difference considering they are in the same LSAT band. I also know an individual who got a 173 and got a full ride to Columbia and NYU. Harvard/Stanford/Yale are needs-based aid so you can typically use these acceptances to negotiate higher scholarships at lower ranked schools.

  20. I took the September LSAT with the hopes of getting a 157. This is a score that is acceptable to all the schools I am applying to. I ended up scoring a 155 which is better than the 153 that I was getting on my PTs. I am not sure if I should retake it just to get two more points. It only makes a difference on my chances of getting into my top school. I am afraid that if I take the December LSAT the results would come late January which is past the early deadline at my top school. Would it be best to take this lower score and apply with a beefed up application, or have a higher score and a late application? Right now with my score i have a 43-60% chance of acceptance, with the score of 157 I have a 71-82% chance of acceptance (huge jump).

    • Gabrielle,

      I’m assuming that the deadline you are talking about is for early decision. As an initial matter, I’d encourage you to take a look at this article on applying early decision.

      Without knowing more about your situation, my recommendation would be to try and keep as many options available to you as possible. Start studying now for a December retake. If things go well and you are confident that you’ll hit 157+, then it may be worth delaying your apps. On the other hand, if you don’t feel like you’re making progress you can always apply with your current score.

      Keep both options open by getting your apps ready to go & studying harder than ever for the LSAT. Last year one of our LSAT Mastermind Group members got a 160 in September and was able to bump that up to a 170 on the December test. He worked really hard, but it paid off big time. He earned a scholarship to Northwestern, where he is now a student.

      If you’re willing to put in the effort and work hard to improve your score, then I think it’s worth going for it!

  21. HI! I just got my September LSAT back. I got a 168, which I’m decently happy with, but my PTs were around 170-171, and I know I can do better. The only section I messed up is the one where the proctor stood behind me and whispered the entire 35 minutes. So, I know I could have done better that day had the circumstances been different, but I’m not sure if it’s worth a retake.
    I’m really trying to get into top 10 and top 5 schools. I have a 3.9 from undergrad and really good softs.
    I’m just really up in the air if I should put another month of my life into this test only to apply later and potentially not go up at all. But I know for certain that I’m capable of breaking that 170 barrier, so I hate to leave it at this and not get into my dream schools.

    Thanks in advance for your help!

    • There are people who get into Harvard and Stanford with a 168. Unless you are capable of raising your score more than 3 points, I don’t think it is worth the retake. Instead, focus on a killer personal statement and recommendations. Remember, if you are applying this cycle, it is a rolling admission so the earlier you get your application in the better. If you only raise your score to a 170 on the December LSAT I’m not sure how much this would help you since you would be in the same LSAT score band and would be getting your application in significantly later.

  22. Sonia Concepcion on


    I took the September 2016 LSAT and I got a score of 153. It’s around what I was scoring on my diagnostics so I know it’s not a fluke. Currently there are no test centers around me with vacancies so I can retake it. I don’t feel like I could do any better and I don’t have the money to spend $270 on a test that will most likely not improve my score. I was aiming for schools such as Loyola, Hastings, USD Law. I’m not sure what my chances of getting into any of those are now. I have a GPA of 3.5 in a Political Science and Speech Communication double major. Any advice/thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

  23. Hi there! I just received my September LSAT score and I did very poorly. I was scoring about a 160 in my practice tests, however, I was simulating the timing for individual sections, I never sat down and fully took the whole test in it’s entirety. I got a 150 on the actual lsat, and am trying to decide when to retake-December or February? If I do December, I can take a practice test every weekend between now and then, and hopefully I’ll be used to the timing and can reach closer to my practice test results. But I am also nervous that I might not have enough time to adequately prepare, and that’s why I am considering February. If I take it in February, I have to have my apps out much later than I am comfortable with because I was expecting to apply to early admission decisions with my September score. I have a 3.5 and had law firm experience and have a lot of extracurricular activities throughout my undergrad career. I am just really torn on what to do with my poor lsat score.

  24. Hi! I just took the September 2016 LSAT and know I didn’t do as well as I was hoping. My practice test avg. in the couple weeks before the exam was about a 165, and my highest score was a 167. I’ve estimated a best case scenario for the Sept. score and it’s in the 164 range (although it could definitely be lower). I’m currently struggling with the decision to retake next year and take a gap year or to run with whatever score I get. I really don’t want to take it in December because this quarter is too busy to dedicate to LSAT studying.

    I’m especially unsure what to do if my score comes back in the 163-165 range because it is not that far off from my practice test average. On the one hand, I took the Blueprint course over the summer, so my practice test average was the culmination of a summer dedicated to the LSAT. I was not significantly underprepared or understudied. On the other hand, on every practice test that I took, including the 167 score, I did not even touch the 4th LG and my 4th RC passage was done in like 4:30. These were definitely my two weakest sections, which is why the September 2016 sucked so much for me (with the pretty straightforward LR and the curveballs in the RC and LG).

    I feel like because timing was a huge issue for me, and the 4th LG is a significant amount of points that can be scooped up if I can just fix the timing issue, that maybe the gap year/retake are worth it. On the other hand, getting back to where I was a year from now could be difficult, and maybe timing is harder to fix than I’m imagining.

    I’m a UCLA student and have a 3.87 GPA. I’d love to go to Georgetown or Berkeley. But I also want to do something in public interest/public policy, so money is a huge factor for me as well and complicates this decision. I don’t know if it’s a waste to take the year off, get the better score, and end up going to a school I could have gotten into with the lower score because they offer me a ton of money. How important would you say the higher score is for someone in my situation?

  25. Hi! I took my first LSAT this past June. I scored a 165 (although after taking the test I swore I bombed the reading section and wasn’t really sure how I did on the rest of the test (mid test black out situation) so I figured my score would look more like a 158.) My practice average was right around 165 (my highest score was a 167.) I have a 3.2 GPA and really want to go to Georgetown.
    My LSAT prep included 2 months of studying the Powerscore Bibles (mostly the LR one) and then I took a TestMasters course from March to June (at the beginning of TM i was scoring 156, and brought this up to my highest score, 167.)
    I have from now until September 24 to study for the September LSAT. I still have plenty of questions and practice tests leftover from test masters, and can re-buy access to their website database which includes all lessons and videos + answer sheets. Do you think I should put my all into the rest of this month and September to try and go up at least a few points to boost my application for Georgetown? I appreciate any insight.

  26. I got a score of a 153 which was a few points lower than my average practice tests. Right after i finished the test I came down with a pretty serious illness (that night I had to go to the doctor). I am worried if i take it again I will do worse. What advice do you have? I am looking at Tulane, Samford and The University of Mississippi.

  27. Hi I got my June LSAT score of 160, right where my PTs were. I’ve got a 3.05 GPA with 5+ years of quality WE as a journalist, and I feel good about my chances get in to the places I’m applying (Northeastern, UCONN, Villanova, Temple, etc.) with my scores, but with little to no money (LSN and the other usual sources have been my go-to regarding my chances). I’m the best man at my friend’s wedding on the day of the Sept. LSAT, so I feel my only option is to take the December test. The problem is I feel the bet I’m making is an improvement to the 163/4 range to get some $, or not improve at all and risk missing all or most of these schools because of the later application date.

    I’m really struggling with this decision, any help would be greatly appreciated!

  28. I’m intrigued by your comment on Harvard and Yale, as I’m considering retaking from a 170 but would definitely not want to hurt my chances at those two schools. I think I have a good shot at a 175 or 176 this time, but for those two in particular, would the higher score be offset by the fact that it was a retake?

    If you have any insights regarding submitting a higher score while on a waitlist, that would be great as well!

    *Averaged 173 on practice and could probably pick up a couple points on RC, which I didn’t study for despite drilling LG/LR

  29. I am really on the fence about retaking and would appreciate any advice. Georgetown and NYU are my top two schools. I have a near perfect GPA, 3.99, and scored a 166 on the test. I was in the 167 – 170 range for the 2.5 weeks leading up to the test. I feel like I underperformed but don’t know how much progress I can reasonably expect. My first quick look through of the questions I got wrong makes me feel like moving from a 166 to 168 (just 3 more questions right) is possible but would be pulling teeth and I am not sure how much of a difference it would make in my application overall anyway. Georgetown’s LSAT spread is 25th: 163, 50th: 168, 75th: 167 and GPA 25th: 3.51, 50th: 3.84, and 75th: 3.76. NYU’s is LSAT 25th: 166, 50th: 169, 75th: 171 and GPA 25th: 3.6, 50th: 3.8, 75th: 3.9. I have very strong internship and leadership experience as well as academic research. Thank you!

    • For more context: looking back at my practice test scores in the weeks leading up, my average was actually a 169.4, so I am over 3 below that average. I am scared these practice tests might have been conflated though because I was in a less stressful environment and was using older-ish tests (2009 – 2013).

  30. I just got my score back from the 2016 June LSAT and am considering retaking in September. I got a 170 – which I am thrilled about – however, I truly feel as though I can do better. This being the first time I took the LSAT, I was extremely nervous and freaked out on the Logic Games (my first section). I ended up getting 2 questions wrong on the first game (arguably the easiest), when I was not getting any wrong on the practice tests. In the reading comprehension section I got all of the questions wrong on just one passage – knowing the issue was I didnt read closely enough but didnt have time to correct this. My reading comp and LR sections were pretty typical of my practice scoring but I know I should not have gotten those 2 LG questions wrong, which would make my score a 172, which in my mind is a bit more competitive. I feel as though not only should I be able to get a 172 with just maintaining practice until Sept but I will be able to increase my score a few more points with the added months of study.

    My practice average was a 168 – however, this includes two 156 scores I got when I first started studying. My average for the last 10 tests I took was a 173, which I know is not much above a 170. My issue was the reading comprehension section and I feel as though I can vastly improve my score in this section before October with some work. I was thinking about studying casually (not as crazy as I was before) and seeing if my score improves to an average of about 175 or so before the next test and retaking it if it is around that. I already registered for the test, nervous that all the NYC locations would fill up immediately after the test release.

    My GPA is a 3.83 and I have some pretty good work experience (internship with federal judge, DA, and 2 year work experience with plaintiff firm specializing in asbestos litigation). My dream schools are Stanford and Chicago. I feel as though my score is not good enough for these top schools and even for the other top 10 schools I’m still not a shoe-in given how competitive it is.

    What are your thoughts on retaking the LSAT in September in my particular situation?


    • So I’ve never posted on one of these forums/discussion boards before, but I figured it’s worth a shot to get some insight from someone/some people who are a little more familiar with the test/process.

      I am a trilingual black immigrant (Cape Verde Islands) and while I have been in the states for a number of years, just became a citizen last May.

      Due to a number of factors including work, play, lack of support and general immaturity, my UGPA is an abysmal 2.8, however I think I’ll have some wiggle room as I was class of 2009, and have put together a pretty impressive professional resume, primarily in the social services field, working with underprivileged children/families, as well as doing home based behavioral therapy as an independent contractor, with autistic children.

      As far as the LSAT goes, I took June 2015, while working about 80 hours a week, in addition to covering overnights in the group homes I supervised, and scored a 143. (I screwed up a part of the scantron and was just not in the proper mental state to be sitting in the testing room lol) I planned on retaking October and fortunately was unable to, as I was still not ready.

      I ended up being able to work part time, and studied part time from February-April, and then continued to prep regularly from April-June, and took June 2016 and got a 156.

      I was scoring 158-161 on PTs, and don’t believe I gave myself enough rest prior to the test, as I was prepping 10-12 hours a day during the 2 weeks leading up to the test, and only took Sunday off. I took an older PT completely cold this past Saturday, and scored a 161. I know the numbers are generally not favorable, particularly after the jump I’ve already had, but ideally I’d like to get a 165, and practically a 160, as I think that would put me in a position to mitigate my shitty GPA from the good ol college days.

      If anyone have any insight, similar experiences as a non trad applicant/URM applicant, etc, or with similar experiences as far as scoring goes, I’d appreciate any/all contributions. Thanks!

  31. Although I considered attending law school for years, I didn’t decide it was the place for me until rather recently. I graduate this coming May, so I took the December LSAT (the earliest one I was able to sign up for after deciding to pursue law school.) Despite pretest scores in the mid-high 150’s, I made a 148. I am a Political Science and French double degree (151 hours in four years by the time I graduate) and I have a 3.81 GPA. I want to go to KU (median 156) and only KU. I can’t decide if it is worth taking the February LSAT and get a better score, which I do believe I can do, or just sell myself really well to them and hope for the best. I am very involved on campus and in my community. I work two jobs and pay my way with everything so I believe I have a decent chance of being able to convince them they want me, even if it means no scholarships. Any thoughts? Thank you so much!

  32. I just got back my December LSAT score and I scored in the low 150’s, considering I only have 4 weeks to prep for the Feb test, should I retake it? Are there courses or study plans for four weeks? I know I can do better, because I was scoring in the mid to high 150’s with Kaplan. I just am unsure of how to go about making a 4 week study plan that will be effective. Please help!

  33. Hi, I just got my score from the October LSAT and I got a 170. This is a retake after getting a 166 a year ago. I know that I got 2 (!) questions wrong on a careless (and unforgivable) bubbling error. My practice average was about 174/175. I really want to get into Harvard and I’m not sure if I should go for a second retake in December. My GPA will be in the neighborhood of 3.85-3.9. For what it’s worth, I have some great academic recommendation letters. Would you advise a retake?

  34. I am agonizing over the decision to re-take my LSAT or apply early a couple months earlier in order gain an edge in the admissions process.

    I scored a 160 on the Oct. 2015 LSAT. My target school is the University of Washington, which accepts 25/75 percentile scores of 160 and 167, respectively.

    I have great LORs and softs, but am relatively weak in the “volunteering/community service” section.

    Trying to decide whether I should roll the dice and apply or go back to the drawing board, take the Dec. 5th LSAT, and try to better my score by a few points to better my odds.

    Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!

    -Agonizing over LSAT

  35. My situation meets criteria for both should and shouldn’t retake. I scored 172 on the October, but my PT average for my most recent 10 was 176. I REALLY want to get into Stanford, and 172 puts me right on their 50th percentile score. My UGPA is 4.03. I slept very poorly the night before the test and feel I could test at least 3 points better, but given my score is already good, there’s also the chance of doing worse. Would you retest in this situation?

  36. Hello! I got a 158 on the October LSAT which came as no surprise. That was my score on prep tests, even though I started studying months before and truly gave this test my best. My GPA is a 3.6 and I’m hoping to go to University of Florida or Florida State. Should I retest?

  37. Hi,

    I just took the October 2015 LSAT today. My average test score on practice tests was around 168 and I have a near 4.0 in Mathematics with plenty of writing-heavy elective courses from UCLA. But when I took this test, I knew I didn’t do as well as I usually do.

    On the games I misread a rule and answered all of the questions on that entire game incorrectly. My score break down is usually 100% on logic games, then miss 4-7 on Logical Reasoning, and 4-7 on Reading Comp. so this time when I messed up on the games, I knew I had done worse than usual.

    It’s really unlike me to mess up on games like that and I know it will bring down my score by at least 3-4 points from usual. Should I retake in December and just apply a year from now?

  38. Hi,

    I took the LSAT for the first time in June and got a 140. My biggest issue is that I never timed myself when I studied so on the day of the test, I was only half way through the questions when the proctor made the 5 minute warning. So I guessed on literally half the questions. Ergo, only 8-10 questions right per section. That was my first issue. My second issue was that, plain and simple, I didn’t evaluate the questions I got wrong, so I didn’t learn from my mistakes.
    I’ve been studying heavily for the past month and I have been improving my speed as well as my accuracy. But as it gets closer to October (I signed up to take the October LSAT) I’m feeling less and less confident I can increase my score to my goal of 160.
    My question is, should I retake in October, or wait until December? That being said, I have many things to weigh, do I take it in October to see how I do, AND in December? Do I risk sending my applications in later for a better score? Or do I wait to apply to my preferred school entirely?
    I know I’ve said a lot but I really need the advice of a professional. Thank you!!

    p.s my gpa is a 3.2

  39. I also believe I fall into the underprepared categoryeven though I completed two next ten books (untimed).

    I’d really like to know what you think.

  40. I know this post is old but I am wondering on whether to take the LSAT this year or just wait. I got a 162 and have a 3.1 GPA. I know it’s not great so I’m not looking at HYS or anything, but I would love to get into BU. I know I can improve that LSAT but my GPA not so much as I have few classes left. The next LSAT (October) is on the same day of my sister’s wedding abroad so I would need to take a special LSAT in order to get my results on time to apply this year. Would you recommend I go through all of that, retake, hopefully get a better score, and apply with a 3.2 (summer classes included) or wait a year, take the LSAT with more time and maybe a higher (3.3) GPA. My question comes down to whether you think BU might take 162/3.2 or if my chances are just 0. Also, do you recommend applying and see what happens? Meanwhile I can continue to improve both scores and reapply if not accepted? Is applying this year even worth it with those numbers? Thanks!

  41. I got a 163 on the June LSAT and u have a 4.0 GPA. I was scoring closer to 168 prior to the test tho. Should I retake?? I’m so lost because I thought I was going todo much better. (I also got into a car accident the morning of the test…)

  42. Hey,
    So I’ve taken the LSAT 3 times in the past year…
    June ’14- 152
    October ’14- 147
    February ’15- 152
    Obviously, I am extremely disappointed in all of my scores because my practice tests were in the high 150s, low 160s.
    My GPA is 3.3
    I’m not looking to go to a T14 law school (obviously) But I would like to go to a Top 100 law school with significant scholarship. With my GPA/LSAT I am competitive at some of the schools I am looking at, but I really feel like I can do significantly better on the LSAT…
    As I see it, I have 3 options:
    #1. Attend a Tier 3 school with some scholarship (probably more than 50%)
    #2. Attend a Tier 2 school with little-no scholarship
    #3. Work a job, and retake the LSAT next June/October and shoot for the score I know I can get. And if I don’t do well then I know law school isn’t the thing for me.

    I don’t really have a desire for Big Law, my dream would be to work for the State Department or some other type of related government type work, but I would like the prestige of a good law school to help me pursue my goals.

    Any suggestions as to which path I should take?

  43. Hi! I just joined the Mastermind Group and am planning on retaking as of now, but I’m not absolutely positive that it’s the right decision and would love some guidance. My practice average was high 160’s and I got a flat 160 on the actual February LSAT. I only studied for 2 months while in school, and feel that with proper study I can reach my potential and really raise my score, perhaps even higher than my previous testing average. However, I do have apps out right now, and I’m nervous that I might get acceptances to a few of my non-dream schools and then have to decide whether to accept a lesser package or retake in the fall and put law school off for a year. Any advice? Thanks!

  44. I just took the February LSAT and scored a 170. Prior to my exam, my practice scores were (in chronological order): 169, 171, 172, 173, 170, 170. I felt that I had suddenly started really “getting” the test and felt like I was on this great upwards trajectory that would peak nicely at, or around test day. But just before those two 170s, I started getting extremely anxious and could feel myself struggling emotionally, having difficulty sleeping, etc. The day before my text I actually had a full-on panic attack because a lot of my carefully laid plans were blowing up. My hotel room was right next to a train that was going to run every 20 minutes all night. The temperature control didn’t work – it was either AC or blasting heat, which made it impossible to sleep. The “kitchen” that was supposed to be included in the room turned out to be just a microwave and I wasn’t able to have my normal pre-test breakfast.

    Obviously none of these pre-test problems are that huge on their own, but I wonder if I could do better on another try. My GPA is pretty low – 3.4 – so I really need as awesome an LSAT score as possible to get into the top schools. Does it make sense for me to retake in June?

  45. Hello,

    I was recently placed on the waitlist at UTexas, which is my dream school. How that happened I do not know: LSAT 155 and GPA 3.4, definitely not expecting it. Should I retake the LSAT in June to up my chances? At that point I will have heard from everywhere else and may have even been taken off the waitlist.

    My practice average was 160. While I knew I did not do my best, I was hoping for at least a 158 on the December LSAT.

    I know that it might be better to study harder and apply next year, but I don’t want to waste time. I want to be a lawyer. Taking another year off just feels like a waste of time, even though I know it might be the smarter decision.

    What do you suggest?

  46. So I have a couple of questions, but I’m going to give you a little background first. I graduated from undergrad in 2011 and took the LSATs twice in 2010, which was a huge mistake. Senior year I really didn’t care about anything besides having a good time with my friends. The first time I took it I didn’t study at all and I was drinking margaritas the night before (I was an a-hole), but I scored a 151, which also happened to be the same score that two of my friends received. They convinced me to retake it with them, so while they retook prep courses I took one practice test because I was coerced by my friend to do so and I don’t think I even finished it. The night before the second exam, I begrudgingly stayed in and I ended up scoring a 157. I ended up not applying for law school because everyone was telling me it was a terrible idea and that there are too many lawyers in the world and it’s a waste of money. However, right out of college I began working as an assistant in a law office and quickly became a paralegal and I haven’t stopped thinking about going to law school. The other thing is that my GPA was horrendous (but from a good school) because as I said, I was an a hole.

    So after that long summary my questions are, 1- Should I just apply to “meh” schools just because they’re all sending me e-mails waiving the fee and I’m anxious to do something with my life? 2- My LSAT scores are just about invalid so should I study my ass off and retake the LSATs and apply next year to law school when those scores will be invalid? and 3- Will any of this matter with a GPA below 3.0?

    Thanks for the help! Love the website and the newsletter!

  47. Hi,

    I scored a 170 on the December LSAT after typically scoring between 172-179 on all my practice tests. I failed to pay attention to the time in my best section and lost 3 points I would have gotten, and got 6 points wrong in the reading comp section which had never happened to me before. I’m not planning on applying until fall 2015 so timing isn’t an issue for me. My GPA is 3.82 and I’m really hoping to go to Columbia. I feel like these were avoidable mistakes since I was sick on my test date, but I’m worried about having a second score making my application look weaker if I only go up to a 172 or if I score lower, particularly since Columbia’s retake policy is so vague. What do you think? Thanks!!

  48. Clayton Trice on

    I scored a 154 on my first time taking the LSAT, which was the highest I have ever scored. I feel if I took it again, the best I could do is only improve a point or two. If you were in a law school’s position, do they really put that much weight on a 155 over a 154, or should I just stick with my 154 or should I take it again to try and up it to a 155? Disregard GPA and target schools, I am only curious about schools where you would apply with those types of scores and if they make such a big deal in admissions with a 155 versus a 154. Thanks

  49. Hello,

    I got a 165 on the September 2014 LSAT – the last 10 preptests that I had taken had me averaging a 171, the last 5 of those being a 171 every time. I have a 3.83 LSAC GPA and am interested in Vanderbilt or Georgetown. Should I retake the December LSAT? Will the delay in my applications be hurtful to me?

  50. Hi,

    I was wondering if you could give me so advice regarding retaking the LSAT. I have a gpa of 3.84 and scored a 150 on the Sept. LSAT. Some of the advisors have told to me apply and give it a shot to see what offers I get, but I am wondering if I should start studying to take the LSAT in June. The highest score in my prep tests was a 154, but I believe I can do better since a lot of the stresses that I was going through are no longer present. Do you think it is possible to study my way up to a 155 and even a 160?


  51. Hello,

    I scored a 141 (Yikes!) after scoring in the high 150s low 160s and feel like I grasped every concept and entered the test with confidence, and left feeling confident as well. I was beyond surprised at scoring 16-18 points below my practice scores. I am definitely retaking in December, as I think I may just have had a bad day/test anxiety got the best of me. Is a 16 point jump up likely? I’m still highly confused as to what happened. I have a 3.7 undergrad GPA.

  52. Hi!

    So, I completely bombed the logic games section of the September 2014 LSAT (I only answered 9 right!). I ended up scoring a rather disappointing but not surprising 150. I’ve been out of college for 6 years and working a full-time job in the public interest field. My goal is to be a public interest attorney, and my work experience and volunteer activities are highly relevant to my planned career. My college GPA was a 3.4. Is it a good idea to retake the LSAT in December? Or do you think I have a shot at getting accepted into a second-tier school with a 150 LSAT and 3.4 GPA, given my work experience? I’m a URM Hispanic female (if that counts for anything). I’m fairly confident that I can go up 3-5 points on the LSAT if I retake it, but that still puts me at an average LSAT score. I’m not sure if in this case it’s just better to apply now and be early, rather than take the December LSAT only to go up a few points. Suggestions??

  53. Hello! I’m in that 150 range/on the fence situation. I was averaging 160 on practice tests, but I got a 157 on the actual test(bummer). Before when I was studying I wasn’t working, but I recently got a full time job. My undergrad GPA was 3.87. Also, not sure if it makes a difference, but I’ve spent two years working in non-profits and I want to do public interest law.

    Help!!!! Thanks so much!

  54. Some advice would be great!

    I just graduated with my undergraduate degree in May 2014 with an overall 3.69 GPA. I studied at a community college for 3 semesters where I earned a 3.32 GPA before transferring to a state univeristy where I earned a 3.82. I took the LSAT in December 2013 and scored a 154. I had taken an LSAT prep course months before but did not follow up with studying prior to the exam. I decided to wait and had intended on applying for Fall 2015. I just took the September 2014 LSAT and scored a 156. I am incredibly disappointed with this score. I had practiced extensively before the exam and had hoped to attend a top 25 school. I am now trying to decide if I want to wait another year and take the LSAT for a third time. If I were to wait, I intend on doing something productive with that time such as teaching English abroad. If I were to wait and retest for acceptance in Fall 2016, I intend on hiring a private tutor prior to the exam. I’m incredibly conflicted with this decision. I know I studied extensively on my own but I wonder if I missed something or would substantially benefit from waiting another year and hiring a tutor to help improve my score. I am a 23 year old white female, so I don’t have the URM working in my favor. I do have substantial work experience and a congressional internship working in my favor, but I know that will not get me into a top 25 school with a 3.69/156. Any advice would be appreciated!


  55. I have a 3.84 undergrad GPA (and an MA from Georgetown and work experience) and was practicing at 164 but scored 160 on the Sept. 2014 LSAT. I studied hard, but not has hard as I could have. If I retake in December, that would push back my turn-in date for George Washington where I had planned to apply early decision. The rest of my application is almost done. Would I be in a better position to apply in the next couple of weeks with my current stats, or should I try to gain a few more points while pushing back my application until the deadline?

  56. I scored a 152 but I have a 3.91 GPA; I prepared long and hard and was hoping for at minimum a 160. I am in my senior year and am considering retaking in December. I have a full course load this semester so I am concerned that I might not have a lot of time to dedicate to prepping for December. I believe my biggest mistake was not simulating testing conditions enough but I am worried I might not be able to properly do so enough before December. I also have a wide variety of law-related experiences: interning at a law lobbying company, interning with a county judge’s office; working full/part time at a law firm as a legal assistant.

    What should I do?

    • Yes haha. Unless you plan on founding an LSAT and want the 180 for sales purposes, there is no rational reason to retake a 179. Schools would likely think you need a hobby, badly. Would that prevent them from accepting you? Almost certainly not. But still, they likely would find it strange.

  57. Hi guys,

    I scored a 164 but was PTing in the 169-177 range, hitting everything in between on over 30 PTs. I’ve got a 4.1 LSAC GPA, triple major from a solid state school, and am usually an ace at games but had a panic attack after the experimental (first gen college student and freaked out about letting family down) and then went -7 games and -6 on the last LR after doing -3 each on first two sections. I’m going to retake, but I wondered two things a) how to not panic next time if one section is tough and b) what hard logic games to study to make anything else seem easier. If you have any advice, it would me much appreciated. That score was tough :s

  58. I took the Sept 2014 LSAT and received a 150, my current undergrad GPA is 3.4 and my top choices are Loyola and Southwestern. I was scoring moderately higher on my PT about 153-155. I did self study the first time and Im wondering if it’s worth it to retake the Dec lsat (and maybe pay for some tutoring) and submit after I receive my score or to take a full prep class and do the Feb lsat and apply for the next year. Thank you!

  59. Hi,

    I got a 151 on the June LSAT, I have a 3.785 GPA, and I am a URM applicant. I chose to retake in September, but now I’m starting to get really scared that my score may have wen down. I studied my butt of for June and came up from 139 to 151. Then, three weeks before September I started studying again and hit 153 on a older prep test the Saturday before. I guess my main concern is – what if my test scores went down? Do you still feel that schools will only really look at my higher score? Also, on another note – how do schools view traffic tickets?

    Thank you!

  60. Hello!

    I’m a little worried because I scored 172 on the June 2014 LSAT, and my dream school is Harvard. That was the second time I took it too (I cancelled my first score in Feb 2014 LSAT), but my GPA from an Ivy League school is 3.98. I was scoring 175-176 in most of my practice tests. Do you think I should take the October LSAT? Thanks!

  61. Hi there. Kind of a unique situation and generally bummed about all prospects. Took the LSAT when I graduated in 2010– did horribly, a 152. Four years later, took a new (better prep course) was getting in the low 160s/high 150s which is right where I wanted to be. Sat for the February 2014 exam and pulled a 155 and was devastated. GPA is 3.56 from Holy Cross, looking at schools like Emory and Boston College. I feel genuinely hopeless at this rate and cannot fathom taking the LSAT a THIRD time (understanding that my 2010 is score is going to expire). Thoughts?

  62. Hi there! I took the June LSAT and scored a 169. I’m really torn about whether or not to retake in October. I did nearly every practice test available and scored around my average (I consistently hit between 168 and 170), so I’m not sure I can get much more than a 171 even if I put my all into preparing again. That said, I feel like the remainder of my application materials (4.0 GPA from top public undergrad institution, top of class in oxbridge masters degree, extensive leadership experience, 2 years work experience, highly prestigious national scholarship finalist, strong/vetted rec letters and personal statement) would make me quite competitive at places like HLS and YLS if only my LSAT score were a little higher. A big part of me wants to focus on the personal statement in the hopes that it and other elements of my application will carry me past the finish line despite a below-average LSAT score (particularly because I do not have a clear schedule to devote entirely to test prep in the next two months). Yet I can’t shake the feeling that I would be in an immensely stronger position if only I could achieve a 172 or 173. Very frustrating. Any advice is appreciated!

  63. I just took the June and got a 170. My last PT scores leading up to the exam were 178, 174, 169, 174, and before the last couple weeks I was averaging about 169. I thought I was going to do better – nothing went wrong during the test, I thought I scored around a 175 actually. The general consensus from most forums and such is that I should retake, but I have a hard time with that… I have a strong GPA (at least 3.97, though LSAC may give me a higher conversion since I have a few a+’s), strong work experience, study abroad, and some volunteer work. I will be able to get good letters of recommendation. My dream school is Stanford, just behind that would be Harvard, Columbia, Berkeley, and Georgetown. Thoughts? I just can’t see myself retaking, I don’t feel like I could improve that much. My initial diagnostic was like a 158, and I prepped for 8 months to get a 170, worked with a tutor and did a lot of PTs. Help me out! I don’t know what to do.

  64. Hello! I am not quite sure what to do…I took the June LSAT and scored a 150. I have a 3.9 GPA, worked at a law firm this past year with two amazing letters of recommendations from two lawyers. I work hard, and was scoring in the mid 150′s on my practice tests, but I get a lot of anxiety during the actual test. I started out at a 136, so I know that I can improve. Do I have any chance of getting into a T3 or HIGHER? I applied to about 10 schools and now I am waiting responses. I dont know if I should retake the test, if I am not cut out for law school because of my LSAT score, or if I should just go anywhere that will accept me and try to transfer.

    Would appreciate any feedback you can give me, thanks!

    • If I were you, I would retake. Hopefully anxiety will be lower the second time through, and you will be able to bump up a few percentile ranges. Even if you could get up to a 155, you could likely get into a few of the top 100 ranked programs

  65. Hi, I would love some advice! I took the June ’14 LSAT and got a 168. Towards the end of my studying I was scoring in the 170-173 range (I got a 178 once, which was a VERY happy fluke I’m assuming lol). I have a relatively low GPA, 3.3, although from a very good school (don’t know if that matters AT ALL). I put in a solid two months of studying (I studied longer than 2 months, but it was initially very relaxed) and am wondering if re-taking makes sense. Dream school would be Stanford, but I’d be really happy with UCLA, USC, UC Irvine, Georgetown or George Washington and I just don’t know that any of those would accept me given my GPA and LSAT scores as they stand. I’m also terrified I’d do worse and/or the same and it would look awful! Any advice would be SO helpful!


    • I’m sort of in the same boat. I got a 170 and was practicing at 174-178. Everyone is telling me to retake just for scholarships, but I think with my GPA I still have enough of a shot at Stanford. Your GPA is a bit low for Stanford, but I think you’d have a decent shot at UCLA, USC, and UC Irvine, especially if you have a well-rounded application. I feel like your GPA is going to be more of a sticking point than a 168 LSAT for those schools.

  66. Hi! I have a 3.55 GPA and just got my June LSAT score, a 166. I averaged around a 170 on most of the practice tests that I took and am wondering if I should retake the test this fall. I would love to go to a T14 school and realize that I likely need a high LSAT score to counter my low GPA. I started studying for the test about a month before taking it, so I feel like I could do better (but maybe that’s just wishful thinking). But I have heard that schools prefer for applicants to only take the lsat once. What do you recommend?

    I was also wondering if law schools take into account where you went for undergrad when looking at your GPA.

    Thank you so much!


  67. Hi I just got my June LSAT score of a 159. I averaged a 164 on practice tests and studied pretty extensively 2 months prior using an online Kaplan course. I was confident coming out of the test that I at least got my average.
    I have a 3.98 GPA and very active in leadership positions on campus. I’m looking at schools such as Vanderbilt, Ohio State, and Notre Dame. Do you recommend I retake in the fall?

  68. Hi! I have a 3.97 GPA and I just got my June 2014 LSAT Score, a 163. My top choice is Northwestern but I’m also very interested in Georgetown, UC Berkely, and UCLA. Do I have a chance? A 163 is my average practice score but I have scored up to a 166 in the past. I feel like I’ve hit a plateau with my self-study but am finding it hard to accept that I can’t score higher with some tutoring or a structured program. Do you have any advice? Thanks so much!

  69. Hi! I took lsat in December and have been waitlisted at a lot of schools now. I am taking the June test now. Should I email the schools I am waist listed at an addendum regarding why I am retaking (I have an honestly very good reason why I scored 6-8 points lower on my first test than what I was scoring otherwise, and what I believe I will score on my 2nd test since the chances of the trauma happening again are at a .00001% chance).

    • Mike, I would definitely wait until you get your new score back. You can inform them merely that you are retaking in a LOCI, but I think they’ll look askance at saying you’ll improve before it actually happens. You don’t want to put that kind of extra pressure on yourself either. Just do everything you can to improve in June and let your new score do the talking.

  70. Hi Joshua and Evan,
    I received my score from the February LSAT and got a 157, which was on the low end of what I averaged, but nothing outrageously low. I gave this LSAT everything I got so that I wouldn’t have to retake, but now I am wondering if I should. The five main schools I wanted to attend were in Washington and Oregon. I wanted to stay on the West Coast so that my wife and I could be close to her family. The way I see it, I could get in to four of the five schools I wanted to apply to (Seattle U, Willamette, Lewis and Clark, and Pepperdine) but not University of Washington (I have a low score for their acceptance and I’m a middle-class white guy—not exactly what they want without exceptional scores).
    I think I could get good scholarships to Seattle U and Willamette, but not really anywhere else in the Pacific North West. I will make my question simple: do you think I should try to retake the June LSAT or just try to build my applications and spread out across the country to see what the least expensive route is? I have a 3.8 GPA for my undergrad if that helps shed any light.

    Thanks for all your help!

    • Oh, I should also mention with an amount of bitterness that on the test day I felt GREAT. I finished all the sections on time except for that little bitch of a game that the test makers threw in for the 5th section. That aside, I felt pretty good on test day, thinking I did well, which makes me nervous that the next time around wouldn’t change much. But the last thing I want is to be lazy and miss out on a chance to provide for my family and get good scholarships.

      • My answer to this is almost always the same: if you score in the high 150’s there are just so many things you can try to improve, so a retake if almost always a good idea. I think you should definitely give it another try. You have a great GPA so you don’t want that to go to waste! Try renovating your approach with a new LSAT book, The LSAT Trainer. Keep us updated are what you are doing to prep. I’m happy to provide advice on a retake study regimen.

        • Then it’s settled! Thank you for the great advice. I will keep you updated and let you know how the June test goes. Do you recommend the LSAT Trainer above Fox or Blueprint? (I did Powerscore material the entire way). Also, if you have a retake study schedule available that would be great! Thanks Evan!

  71. Hi there! I’m unsure of whether or not to retake after receiving my Feb 2014 LSAT score and I was wondering if you could help me out. I’m hoping to get into Harvard or Yale or a similar school, and I am an undergrad at one of the two schools I just named. I got a 173 LSAT score and expect my GPA to be 3.6 upon graduation. My practice test scores for the last few tests before I took the LSAT were all between 175 and 177 (maybe even 178).

    I had a really demanding range of extracurriculars that could explain some of the grades on my transcript (my GPA for my first two years of college was 3.3 and my GPA for the last two is about 3.85). Additionally, I know I can get three stellar recommendations and I will be doing something abroad that is fairly unconventional and “interesting” for two years before I apply to law school.

    What do you think?

    • Hi CDS, I feel like I’m in a unique position to comment on this, because that is exactly what happened to me. I was averaging high 170s and got a 173. I put the drop down to test day pressure and convinced myself not to retake. I think that’s the right decision, esp. in your case.

      Harvard and Yale are the only schools that really do seem to consider your lower score, so even an improved score might not put you in a significantly better position. Also, a 173 is really great, and should give you good chances at both schools (and great chances at any other school). I expect applications volume to remain weak for the next few years, so you’ll be in much better shape than I was in 2009. I didn’t actually apply to Harvard or Yale. That might seem a little strange, but I wanted lower debt and wanted to be in a big city (either NYC or Chicago), Still, I’m betting I would have been waitlisted at Harvard. You on the other hand have better softs and come from a better undergrad, so I’m very optimistic about your chances.

      Also, if you look at the repeater data, it doesn’t tend to go to well for 170 retakers. I think it’s a lot of pressure to put on yourself to outdo an already great score. What I would do is apply and only retake if needed to try to get off a waitlist. I might recommend applying next year and deferring your entrance for a year, so you can best ensure you are getting your application in while the pool is very small. Congratulations on a great performance!

    • Hi!
      URM applicant with a GPA of 3.93 and LSAT score of 156. I took the LSAT twice and received 156 both times. Disappointing the second time around considering I was scoring 159 and maxed at 161 on my practice tests. Debating whether a re-take makes sense. I also had average SAT scores going into undergrad so wondering if supplying those scores would help my application?

      I would ideally like to go to a T-14 school preferably Berkeley. Thoughts?


  72. My average LSAT was a 161-162 (After about 12 practice Tests) progressing higher even than that, I believe I am capable of having it average even higher. My score ended up at a 156 (emotional trauma due to family death night before LSAT, didn’t sleep etc. and also due to test anxiety I am assuming). My undergrad GPA is 2.9, and I have 5 years work experience in law and international refugee programs. I am worried I will not find acceptance so late in the admissions process with such a low GPA and LSAT, yet also afraid to wait to take test again when I will most likely achieve a 160 based on practices, and thus minimal seats will be available after the February LSAT. I would like (hoping) to be accepted in a top 75 school. Do you have any advice on acceptance and retaking/waiting.

    • Cara,

      If you do give the LSAT another shot, I would do it in June and wait until next year to apply. It sounds like you haven’t reached your potential, and February is likely to soon to get fully prepared.

      You have a very low GPA to overcome, so getting the best score possible on the LSAT is of the uppermost importance if you want to get in to a top 75 program.

      I’m curious, how many fresh LSAT preptests do you have left to practice with?

  73. Here’s my situation: I scored 175 + on some of my practice tests but received a 155 on my LSAT due to stressful life circumstances. I have a low GPA (under 3.0) but a high graduate GPA (3.7). Would you advise that I retake? All my dream schools are in the top 40.

    • Yes that is one of the most clear retake situations I’ve ever seen. That 155 has nothing to do with your potential and you should not pursue law school until you’ve gotten something close to your practice test average. Eliminate whatever caused the stress and get back in there.

  74. I would love some advice on whether I should re-take. Here’s my situation:

    I received a 163 on the December LSAT- this is significantly below my practice average (which I had raised to 169-170 before the test). I have a 3.86 GPA from Princeton and a master’s degree from Stanford. My aim was to go to a top 3 school but I’m really worried now about my LSAT score. Should I retake in February despite the disadvantages with timing? Thanks for your advice; I appreciate it.

    • Hi Elizabeth,

      Yes, that is a retake every time. Even 3 points below your PT average and we counsel a retake. Don’t worry about the timing much. If there is one year that a seriously late app won’t hurt you too much, it’s this year (so few people are applying at the moment). If you have bad results this cycle, you can always wait and apply early in the next one. Sorry that you had a bad round on the LSAT here. Good luck and let us know if you need any advice at all.

  75. christen bertolotti on

    i have a 3.4 GPA and i got a 151 on the LSAT. My dream schools are Loyola Chicago or Depaul in chicago but basically my goal is any of the middle tier schools….should i retake the LSAT is it worth the trouble to retake it? A lot of the schools that my GPA could get me into i’m missing the LSAT range by 5,6,7 points.

    • Joshua Craven and Evan Jones on

      @Christen While you do have a good shot at getting into at least some of those schools, even 4 or 5 points are going to be a huge help and will make a big difference in the kind of money that you get at these schools. I think if these schools are your dream, then you owe it to yourself to consider retaking if you think you can do better.

      Look closely at whether you think you did your best prepping for the LSAT this time around: Did you do every preptest that was available to you? Did you carefully review questions that you got wrong to identify your weaknesses? If you think there is A LOT more that you could have done, this is a good indicator that you might wish to retake and put your all in to it this time around.

      Retaking in October is not going to require you to put off applying another year, which is also good. My advice is to get your applications out as early as possible even if you are retaking. Schools in that tier will almost certainly reconsider your application if you get a higher score.

      Bear in mind that the odds are against you when it comes to doing significantly better. If you decide to retake, get really serious about giving the test your all. Hope this helps and keep us updated!

  76. Hi, I just got my score and I got a 162. My GPA is a 3.7 and I’m not sure if I should re-take the test in October again because my target schools are USC and UCLA and their LSAT scores are in the range of 164-168. Thoughts?

    • Joshua Craven and Evan Jones on


      Evan here: by the time you get in to schools ranking around the T25, they may start to care somewhat if you turn in a worse score on the retake. This makes your decision somewhat harder.

      You are already hovering around the numbers that you need to get in those schools, which also makes the decision harder. There is no question people do get into those schools with those numbers. However, as it stands your odds aren’t stellar going by numbers alone. Early Decision would push those odds up a little, but don’t do it if you plan on retaking.

      I am going to edit the above post a little to reflect that you need not be as concerned with delaying your application on a retake. Applications are down so much that I think more spots will be available later than in previous years. So don’t worry so much about delay in considering retaking so much for that reason (Mid-October is never overly late to begin with).

      That said, you need to do the same calculus everyone has to do when deciding to retake, which is assessing how likely it is that you personally will do better. If you really put your all into it this time around, the realist view is that significant improvements are not the likely outcome (see stats above). If you think you can do more, then be ready to really buckle down and devote your life to nailing this test.

      Should you decide to retake, follow the advice on this blog carefully and do preptests like crazy. Consider a tutor as well. Please keep us updated on your decision.

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