What LSAT and GPA numbers do you need to get into Northwestern University Law School?
Northwestern University Law (NU Law) is one of the country’s highly respected ‘Top 14’ law schools. “Top 14” law schools give students the ability to transport their degree to any major legal market readily. So while Northwestern dominates the Midwestern legal market alongside the University of Chicago, Northwestern Law grads are sought throughout the country.

According to rankings published by the US News and World Report, Northwestern Law consistently ranks in the 9-12 range. Northwestern is considered a peer school with Duke, Cornell, and Georgetown. Northwestern Law is currently ranked #9 in the country. As a result of its high rank and small class size, admissions at Northwestern Law is a highly competitive process.
A high LSAT score is going to help your chances of admittance to Northwestern Law significantly. To be a highly competitive applicant, you need an LSAT score in the high 160 range and an undergraduate GPA in the 3.75+ range.
These LSAT and GPA numbers for Northwestern University Law School (Class of 2023) will show you what LSAT and GPA might help win you entry to the school:
LSAT Score to get into Northwestern University Law School
- The 25th percentile LSAT Score at Northwestern Law is 165
- The Median LSAT score at Northwestern Law is 169
- The 75th percentile LSAT Score at Northwestern Law is 171
GPA to get into Northwestern University Law School
- The 25th percentile undergrad GPA at Northwestern Law is 3.57
- The Median GPA at Northwestern Law is 3.85
- The 75th percentile undergrad GPA at Northwestern Law is 3.92
Source: Northwestern University Law School Class Profile
It is worth noting that the GPA range for students at NU Law spans a little lower than for the rest of the Top 14 schools. This is partly an indication that Northwestern is selecting its applicants on consideration of more than numbers alone. It is common knowledge in the legal world that Northwestern favors applicants with business experience who have already shown an ability to succeed in the working world. Northwestern Law states on their website:
“… these students bring a wealth of experiences and perspectives that surely will enrich our collaborative community. They include accomplished athletes, musicians, artists, actors, engineers & scientists, doctors, computer programmers, financial managers, accountants, teachers, consultants, journalists, entrepreneurs, government policy researchers, political aides, legal assistants and paralegals, committed volunteers, and more.
Continuing our strong emphasis on enrolling students with work experience, 90% possess at least one year of post-undergraduate experience and 70% worked at least two years prior to entry.” (source)
A robust background in business or other work experience may go some way to giving a boost to students, even if their LSAT or GPA is not on the high side for Northwestern applicants.
Applicants may also wish to take advantage of Northwestern’s unique applicant interviewing program. Northwestern offers anyone desiring to do so an opportunity to interview with admissions staff or alums. Northwestern says,
“Interviews provide the Admissions Committee with additional information about your interpersonal and communication skills, maturity, and motivation. Interviews also help us preserve the strong sense of community and cooperative culture for which we are known. Finally, interviews provide you an opportunity to learn more about Northwestern Law.” (source)
Anyone with good interpersonal skills would be well advised to take advantage of the interviewing process, as applicants generally believe it provides a small boost to your chances.
If you are determined to get into Northwestern Law, make sure you are positioned to do well on LSAT by studying effectively and using the right LSAT prep books: check out this post to learn how I got a 177 on the LSAT.
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I had a question I would like for you to answer for me. Your page is a great amount of help for all undergraduate students seeking to go into the law field. I don’t believe there’s one post I was able to scroll by and not open to read. My question, is that I am a biology major at the University of Kentucky with a 3.4 GPA. I am studying hard for the September LSAT with goals to reach for 168+. What are my chances at the University of Pennsylvania? My second choice would have to be the University of Temple. Since I would like to say close to my family in PA. You can tell that is a very big difference gap between those two schools. But a plan B is always good to have. Thank you.
Would great internships and volunteer court mediation work lasting 3 years count as work experience for NU?
Thank you so much!