While it’s not the pearl of the UC system (that would be Berkeley), UCLA Law is the most prestigious school in Los Angeles, a major legal market. The law school currently ranks 16th on the US News rankings of the country’s best law schools. Combine the desirable location in sunny Los Angeles with a world-class school, and it’s no surprise that getting in is a competitive process. So what LSAT and GPA do you typically need for admission to UCLA Law? The numbers from this year’s enrolling class will give you a better idea of what it takes to get into UCLA law.
UCLA Law Class of 2021 Student Profile
- 25th percentile LSAT: 164
- Median LSAT: 169
- 75th percentile LSAT: 171
- 25th percentile GPA: 3.54
- Median GPA: 3.79
- 75th percentile GPA: 3.90

If your GPA and LSAT numbers fall within these ranges, you are likely a competitive applicant to UCLA law. With both numbers above the median, you have solid chances of getting in. Self-reported data from last year’s applicants to UCLA showed no outright rejections with an LSAT over 168 and GPA above 3.45, so if you are looking to come close to assuring you get into UCLA, 168 seems to be the magic number. With a lower LSAT score, your odds improve greatly if your GPA is above 3.8.
However, the doors to UCLA law are not barred just because your numbers are slightly below these 25th-75th ranges. UCLA, like other top schools, does not judge applicants based solely on numbers. Every year a considerable number of applicants with either one or both numbers below these 25th-75th percentile ranges will receive a fat envelope. If your numbers are not quite up to par, craft an excellent application and consider retaking the LSAT. Like most schools in this range, UCLA puts little stock in your lower score so long as you boost it on a retake. I also recommend reading this post on getting into law school with a low GPA.
If you are seeking admission to UCLA, lawschooli.com is here to help. We have lots of advice around the site and are also here, free of charge, to answer any admissions questions you have! Just ask in the comments below or on Twitter @onlawschool
Best of luck!
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I wish you feel good and have great time, my situation is that I want to study JD Law but my GPA is very low, what can I do with this matter, I need your advice. Thank you for your support.
ucla is my dream school. i just took the september 2016 LSAT and scored a 164. im applying with a 3.78 GPA from UCLA. what do you think my chances are for getting in?
I just received my June 2015 LSAT score and got a 164. I had been averaging a 169 on my practice tests, so I am a little disappointed. I have a 3.75 GPA from undergrad. The majority of the questions I missed were in the logical reasoning sections, so I would know where to focus my studies if I decide to take the test again. Additionally, I’m 25 and for the last 3 years I have worked in the music industry at two very prestigious companies and will have killer letters of rec. Is it a huge risk to apply with my score as is? Should I spend the time to retake the LSAT? I really want to go to UCLA and continue to work in music as an attorney.
I’m seriously looking at UCLA, though I received a 173 on the LSAT, my GPA is only a 3.28. How do you guys think my odds look?
I’ve seen students with a GPA similar to yours get in with an LSAT score as low as 168/169. With an LSAT score well above the 75th percentile, I’d say you’ve got a good shot at getting in.
Nevertheless, as a splitter, I’d strongly recommend casting a wide net by applying to a wide range of schools. If I were in your position I’d apply to pretty much all of the top 12 schools + UCLA and a couple others in that range. (Harvard/Yale/Stanford are probably pretty long shots, so if I didn’t have fee waivers there then I might save my money).
I know it sounds like a pain to send out so many apps, but trust me, its worth the effort. One of the students in the LSAT Mastermind Group applied this cycle with a 170 LSAT & GPA around 3.25, and he ended up offers at Michigan, Northwestern, UCLA & UTAustin. He’ll start at Northwestern this fall on a scholarship in the $50,000 – $75,000 range.
One final note: you’ll maximize your chances by getting your apps in as soon as they start accepting them in the fall.
Best of luck!
My top choice is UCLA but my numbers a bit under what they’re looking for. I have a 162 on the LSAT and 3.7 GPA, do you think with a strong essay and good letters of rec I can get in?
Nadine. While it’s possible, it’s not something you can bank on. If you really want UCLA, you are likely going to want to boost that LSAT up to a 166 at least.