This evening’s post comes from Ann Levine, president and chief consultant at Law School Expert. Ann is the former director of law school admissions at two ABA-approved law schools and the nation’s leading law school admission consultant. She has personally guided over 2,000 law school applicants through the law school admission process. Ann is also the author of the bestselling law school admission guidebook The Law School Admission Game: Play Like an Expert.
3 Reasons to Re-take the LSAT
LSAT scores are out. Are you thinking about taking the LSAT again?
Here are 3 reasons to re-take:
Retake Reason #1:
You now realize you failed to prepare enough for the test.
If you did fewer than five 5-section, timed LSAT exams to prepare for the big day, then you did not do enough to get ready. Also, if you studied on your own, and –honestly – did more dabbling than immersing – then you should try again. The good news? The solution is simple: more time, more tests, more endurance building. It may not sound like fun, but this is your future we’re talking about. How badly do you want it?
Retake Reason #2:
Your score on the October LSAT is 3 or more points lower than your average practice exam score.
The good news? It won’t require a whole heck of a lot for you to keep your skills up since you’re not trying to learn new material or train your brain; you’re just keeping your brain tuned-in and turned-on (with testing materials and any practice tests you may not have already memorized) so you can score on test day more in line with what you’re already scoring on practice tests.
Retake Reason #3:
Rolling admissions is important, yes, but applying before Thanksgiving is less important than it has ever been.
Why? Because there are fewer law school applicants, and a lot fewer highly qualified applicants. That means schools aren’t filling their classes as early as they used to, and they are holding out for late-date test takers. Therefore, it’s a better strategy to apply with a higher score in December, than apply before Thanksgiving with a significantly lower score. Let me say it another way: If you are confident in your ability to raise your score by 3 or more points, it’s absolutely worth giving up the early application for the better application. You will still submit applications by mid-January and be ahead of the game.
Hi. So I got a 169 on the October LSAT, and have a 3.4 gpa at the school i’m at now and a 3.9 from the school I transferred from which averages to about a 3.7 I think. I also have legitimate reasons for my 3.4 along with having a difficult major (econ at a school known for not inflating grades) and am hoping to bring my GPA by the end of senior year (which is looking doable rn). I want to go to Columbia/NYU. I’m wondering if I should take the LSAT again. I self studied and definitely feel like I did more dabbling than studying, but the thought of studying again (I’d have to retake in Feb, the other test dates won’t work for me) is just making me feel awful. Scholarships are a huge concern for me, but I’m having severe motivation issues. Should I retake?
Hi, I am at a point and not sure the best path to take. I took the LSAT in June 2013 and not sure why i took the test bcos i was not prepared and did not do well (153)
I had registered to take the exam in september but dont feel 100% confident that my scores will be my target score which is above 173.
I am confident with the way my pratice test are going that I defiently will be able to get that target score in december. My problem is I keep hearing people saying december reduces your chances of being admitted into a top 14 law school. i need the best chances bcos i already have a previous low score and a somewat low gpa 3.5
Based on you experience and current trend in applications, will you advise i go ahead and apply this 2015 cycle with my december scores or wait till 2016.