In this post, we discuss the best majors for law school applicants. If you are still in undergrad and you are considering law school, this article will give you a better understanding of which undergraduate majors are the most beneficial for law school admissions, and how your choice of major might affect your law school application.
Quick Note from Joshua Craven: Remember, these numbers represent averages, and regardless of your major you can dominate the LSAT. I was a finance major and I got a 177 on the LSAT (23 points higher than the average for my major).
But First… The Worst Majors for Law School
I want to state an important warning right up front: IF YOUR SCHOOL HAS A PRE-LAW OR CRIMINAL JUSTICE MAJOR, DON’T DO IT. The hard evidence out there is that pre-law and criminal justice majors do worse on the LSAT and have worse outcomes when applying to law school.
According to LSAC, who tracks these things, only 52% of criminal justice majors and 61% pre-law majors were accepted to law school. Compare that with philosophy, economics, and journalism majors, who were admitted to law school at rates of 82, 79, and 76 percent respectively.
Now I agree with other commentators this is likely explained by self-selection. The theory is that poor test takers tend to choose these majors in abundance and this same group would score low on the LSAT even if they chose a different major. Under that theory, it’s not the major itself that’s causing the poor performance, but, no matter the explanation, they are clearly under-performing.
Let’s take a look at a study of LSAT scores by major:
Major Category | Average LSAT | Average GPA |
Engineering | 156.98 | 3.24 |
Natural Sciences | 156.79 | 3.32 |
Arts & Humanities | 154.96 | 3.42 |
Business & Management | 153.44 | 3.33 |
Social Sciences & Helping Professions | 152.78 | 3.37 |
Computer Science | 151.48 | 3.23 |
Health Professions | 149.29 | 3.21 |
Other | 148.40 | 3.21 |

Of those measured, the two majors supposedly tailored towards preparing students for law school have the worst performance on the exam that gets you in law school!
There is no way to say this nicely, but don’t get lumped in with this group if you can help it. I realize there are great students at great schools pursuing these majors (Berkeley, for example, has a “legal studies” major), but it’s my firm belief that these majors don’t do anything to prepare you for law school that history, English, or political science doesn’t do better.
We also can’t fully discount the possibility that these majors really are worse at preparing you for the LSAT specifically. A known strategy for increasing your LSAT score is doing a lot of dense reading (think The Economist or The Wall Street Journal). English, philosophy and history majors have you reading and thinking critically about dense material all the time. People also theorize that hard sciences will prepare you well for the LSAT, a topic discussed later in this post.
Further, Criminal Justice and pre-law majors typically carry rampant grade inflation, so a law school admissions department might be inclined to discount a good GPA you receive in such a program slightly. Although Ann Levine, a former admissions dean and an expert in these matters, states that these majors wouldn’t cause any bias against you, she does state that you had better not get a low GPA in these majors. This indicates a belief that these are considered easy majors, such that doing great in them won’t be any real credit to you, and doing poorly is a big strike. [UPDATE: Ann just got quoted in Business Insider saying, “Law schools don’t consider [the criminal justice major] academically rigorous,” so I guess the gloves are off at least with respect to criminal justice.]
Grade inflation (and the attendant possibility that your GPA gets discounted slightly) is a problem for most humanities majors, but I would hazard a guess that it is worse for pre-law and criminal studies majors. While any discounting effect is likely to be very small, (law schools care more about your GPA number than where it came from and how you got it) it might affect you on the margins, especially at the very best law schools. Incidentally, I knew no criminal justice or pre-law majors at the University of Chicago. The admissions game is all about maximizing your chances wherever possible, and pre-law and criminal studies majors appear to hurt rather than help.
Just so there isn’t confusion, I am not suggesting that anyone avoid classes that deal with legal subjects. If that interests you, go ahead. Just don’t make the mistake of thinking that it will prepare you at all for 1L year. The main thing that prepares you for law school, in my opinion, is taking a heavy workload in a challenging subject. It’s the nature of the work, and not the particular subject matter, which is most important. That brings us to our discussion of the best majors for law school…
The Best Majors for Law School
The matter of picking a good major for law school is pretty simple. You want a serious subject that interests you and where you think you can obtain a high GPA.
Now, what do I mean by a serious subject? I mean one that is challenging and is well-regarded as an area of academic inquiry. This could be anything from English (Evan’s major) to Finance (Josh’s major) to Engineering to Philosophy. Generally, if it is a major where you tend to see serious students flock, you are in good stead.
This is important for two reasons: First, more difficult subjects are well-regarded by admissions staff. Though it may surprise some, the hard science majors are particularly in demand at law schools. I think this is partly because they are in short supply and add variety to the class, but more so because these students tend to excel in the law school environment and also are very in demand for employment after receiving a law school education (often for intellectual property law).
Second, dense subjects just prepare you better for the rigors of law school. I noticed that students who did hard majors at rigorous schools had a slight edge in law school because they were used to dealing with a very heavy workload.
On the other hand, students from the humanities such as English, philosophy, or history, had plenty of opportunity in undergrad to develop the critical thinking skills and communication skills that served them well in your first-year legal writing class, on law school exams, and especially later in the practice of law. Admissions staff know that these majors are valuable training and admit them to top law schools in large numbers. Just as an aside: take a logic course in your school’s philosophy department, as it gives you a priceless head start on your LSAT study.
Looking back up at our chart, we see that science majors are crowding the top 15 spots. There as well are humanities majors studying serious traditional areas of academic inquiry. Law school admissions staff are likely to slightly favor students from all these majors over other areas which we see towards the bottom of the list. What’s more, these majors amply prepare you for the rigors of law school.
Don’t forget though, maintaining a good GPA is still key in the admissions game. If you don’t think you are capable of maintaining around a 3.75 in chemistry, perhaps try something else if you think you may apply to law school.
That said, when you have strong preferences, you should stick with what interests you. Admissions staff look for people that are passionate about what they do and picking a major that you really enjoy will make you a more complete person. If Chemistry is the one thing that gets you most excited to go to school, then do that and forget about whether it helps you with law school or not!
Please remember to comment if you have any questions and we will answer them on the double.
Hi I’m currently working towards my bachelors degree in music, but i have been thinking of apply to law school. I know music isn’t really a degree you see in law school, but I have been taking mathematics and English consistently and my gpa is a 3.8. I just want some advice on whether I should change my major or continue with it.
Hey Diana! I am currently in my freshman year and am not a law student (yet). But regarding your concern with your major, my opinion is that you should stick with it. I have linked a video that stated that music degrees are great pre-law majors. Reasons being that obtaining such degree requires discipline which contributes to a successful law school experience. Also addressing the article above, law schools rather take someone who is not only passionate about their studies, but who add variation to the student body. It also sounds like you are taking courses that would enhance your abilities in comprehension, communication, etc, while getting good marks.
The only issue I see with the degree in music is the what if. There is a possibility that you may not get into law school the first time, does the degree offer an obtainable selection of careers? Are you planning to get into music education? What is your plan if law doesn’t work out? If you are not passionate about music enough to take these problems like a grain of salt, then music may not be the right major for you.
Also keep in mind that if you don’t get into law school, you can apply again. Many law students had worked for a few years after their undergrad and it shows the schools that you have experience outside of reading text books.
Link to video I mentioned:
I am pursuing a Bachelors of Arts in Political Economy and a Bachelors of Science in Legal Studies in Business (dual degree) with a 3.95 and a 174 LSAT. I understand that one of my majors is a generic “pre-law” major. Does it help that it is a BS (pursued within a business school) or paired with another major? Will this hurt my chances of getting into a top law school?
I’m also planning to change my major for Actuarial Science. Will that major helps me get into law chool and get high LSAT?
I am a student at community college and majoring in Secondary Education in Mathematics. I will transfer for one of the universities to continue on my bachelor degree in Secondary Education “Mathematics”. I am really interested in becoming a lawyer. I was told that once I earn my bachelors in Education, I can apply for law school. Also, English is my second language and I have no one in my family that is a lawyer, so I have been wondering if I still can attend Law school. Also Is it possible for me to get accepted if I major in secondary education in mathematics before I apply for Law school? What other majors I can majors are the best to major in before applying for Law school? and if so, will it be a good option for me since being a lawyer was my dream and I like supporting people.
I’m leaning towards a Language major but i’m not sure if it will benefit me in law school. Any words of advice?
I have an active law practice and haven’t had the time to read all of the comments above, so please forgive me if the following has already been addressed, but I feel compelled to add my two cents: MAJOR IN POLI-SCI! It is true that most law schools do not require specific undergrad majors, and it is also true that a well-rounded education will be of great benefit in your future practice of law (and your life outside of it) but trust me when I tell you that most law professors assume that all law students either majored in poli-sci, or are at least familiar with the language, and therefore, do not bother to explain what on earth they are talking about. Instead, they just begin quoting the poli-sci greats (whom so ever they may be – I still don’t know!) and whipping off statistical assumptions that an art major such as myself knows nothing whatsoever about. I didn’t even know what it was that I didn’t know, or why it was that most of the other law students had the ability to answer questions that, to me, may as well have been asked in ancient Aramaic! If you don’t want to go full-on with it, at least become familiar with the basic principles by taking a good background course. Trust me – you’ll be ever so glad that you did – especially during your first year in Civil Law. One can always spot the non-poli-sci majors – they’re the students who look utterly bewildered while the rest of the class sits in rapt attention, completely enthralled by the professor’s brilliance as he or she discusses some principle of something or other. Take my advice and either major in poli-sci (if you can stand it) or at least do your very best to develop a passing acquaintance with the lingo so you’ll at least be able to follow the discussion. Those who ignore this advice will be the students who are looking around in wonderment as everyone else seems to be discussing brain surgery.
So I am a 7 year nuclear Navy veteran, and currently an Astrophysics major. As crazy as it sounds, pure math is not at all my strength. But I’m madly in love with THEORY specifically. I have two incredibly lofty “shoot for the moon” style life goals; to win a Nobel for disproving Dark Matter theory, and to eventually be seated on the SCOTUS. I want to go to University of Michigan to study Constitutional Law, but I know the school is incredibly competitive on entry. I’m considering switching my major so that I can “guarantee” myself maintaining a high GPA and making U of M more of a possibility, but I can’t think of what else I could do that I would both love and would provide a decently paying career if I for some reason couldn’t complete or attend Law School. I tend to be an excellent writer, I’m very scientific, I have a STRONG Theatrical background, I’m incredibly personable, and I’m definitely creative. What, in your personal opinion, would you recommend for me as an alternative that would be a decent fit?
Hi, I studied biology with a specialization in neuroscience and graduated with a cum. of a 3.3 I know that’s on the pretty low end but I have years of work experience in the clinical research field and as a lawyer I plan on going into healthcare. I can definitely break a 170 on my practice LSATS but I’m working really hard for ~173. How much will my 3.3 hurt my applications or should I not be too overly worried about it if I can pull off a high LSAT score?
I am currently a sophomore at the University of Delaware. I’m majoring in psychology (BS) with a minor in political science. I have thought about switching my BS to BA. Is one better than the other for applying to law schools? Should I stick to the BS or change to the BA? I just don’t want to waste my time doing something that won’t benefit my future plans.
Hello Evan, I am in highschool— I know it is pretty early as most would say— and I am having a very hard time trying to chose my major. My love for law has sparked recently and it is leaning more towards family or civil. Corporate is the next closest one. Anyways, I want to be able to bring my major into context when I write my personal statement for law school, so I was wondering if it is best to stick to humanities. I do have a genuine love for English, Psychology, Sociology and social work, but I was wondering which one was the best in your opinion. My father also speaks French fluently and I missed out on the chance when I was younger, but I am committed to learning again fluently. Overall, I am thinking of a major in the areas that I have mentioned and a minor in foreign language. Thank
you in advance!
P.S: If anyone else has some advice please do reply to this, I am extremely worried and just need some guidance.
You should major in whatever interests you AND you feel you can get the best GPA in. You focus needs to be on your GPA in college. Your LSAT score you can change, your UGPA, you cannot.
I’m a junior in college, a theater major…but I have a strong desire to become a lawyer. Should I change my major or just take classes for my electives that would help me do well on the LSATs?
I’m an IT Management and Marketing double major at a college pretty well known for its business school. I am also in their 6 credit per semester honors program, which involves more writing/history based things, and includes a heavy workload with a loooot of reading. I am a rising sophomore with a 3.9 GPA. How does my situation sound to you? Thank you for the advice.
I am in my freshman year of college and I am undecided on a major. I know that in four years, I want to apply to the law school here at my school, I want to become a corporate lawyer. What are some of the best majors to help prepare me for law school?
I am currently deciding whether to stick with a Criminology major or do a Criminology/ Psychology joint major in Canada. Is it better to have one major or do the joint major program if I am looking to go to law school in the future?
Hi, I am a Statistics major with a 3.4 GPA (one of the hardest majors at a very hard school), I am thinking about whether gap one year for a data analysis job or obtain a Health Informatics master degree prior to apply JD. But the graduate school ranks low in regards to health informatics. Which one do you think would help during admission?
Hi I am a RN and now thinking about going to law school do you think being a RN will hurt me during admissions.
I am in my second year of college with a political science major. i like my major and want to attend law school but true be told, i am scared it will be too hard for me. so now what I’m wondering what jobs can i do with a political science degree that kinda involves law? or should i change my major?
Yes, law school is hard, but it isn’t anything to be scared of. Don’t let anything in this article dissuade you from going to law school or taking the LSAT. Remember: 1) these numbers are just averages, and 2) we’re primarily talking about average LSAT scores by major, which is an imperfect indicator of law school performance. Just because you’re a poli sci major doesn’t mean you can’t do exceptionally well on the LSAT. And even if you don’t necessarily crush the LSAT, that doesn’t mean you can’t excel in law school.
So, first and foremost, please don’t give up on the idea of law school just because you’re a poli sci major!
However, if you ultimately decide not to go to law school, but still want to work on a tangentially related field, here are some options you could consider:
These sort of careers are related to the law, but approach it from a different angle than a lawyer does. For example, compliance specialists monitor and understand the applicable laws and work to ensure that their organization follows them. Lobbyists influence the law by pushing elected officials to support certain legislation.
I’m currently a double major in history and philosophy at University of Toronto, i’m thinking of switching to a specialist in Philosophy and minor in history since it’ll help my gpa as i tend to do better in philosophy, SHOULD I MAKE THE CHANGE? I need that since i also play varsity soccer and i can manage a 3.6 gpa with that, do you think that’s good for law school?
I’m a freshman at Penn State and I’m thinking about double majoring in either political science & business-actuarial science option or political science & math-actuarial science option. If I wanted to apply to law school down the road, do you think a math major-actuarial option through PSU’s college of science would be more competitive than an actuary degree through Penn State’s business school? Hope you can help!
I am currently a freshman at Purdue majoring in both political science and economics. Would the combination of these two major be good preparation for LSATs and eventually law school admissions?
My question is: I’m a musician and I really want to pursue a Bachelor’s or Master’s Degree in Music. Do you think a law school would appreciate, or like hold in a higher regard, that degree? I’m also passionate about biology so if not, I’d be fine getting that instead.
I was a Music Business major, I have class mates who are seeking to become intellectual property lawyer and want to work the legal issues around copyright. Law and music in that case dovetails pretty nicely I would say.
Glad this was the first post I opened up when I Googled ‘undergrad law’.
Thank you for sharing your insight (Evan an Joshua), good leads to think about, appreciate the guidance.
Im a Grade 8 student andour assignment is make a resume for wha tw e want in the future. I want to be a crimnal lawyer but im not yet sure what pre law I should take. I like chemistry but I think I like journalism too and stuff about politics. What should I choose?
Jacinth, I am a senior in high school, and I too am I striving to become a lawyer. I would tell you to embrace your strengths such as science: applying to law school with a science major under your belt is uncommon, and can therefore grab the attention of an admissions committee. Also, you can apply your major and become what is called a patent attorney. But hey, keep your mind open too! Your choice may change in a few years as to what you would like to do. Lastly, I’d advise not to go into law for the money; do it because you want to make a difference in the community and to do what is right!
Hi. I’m a full time student major in Criminal Justice at college to get my AA and planing to transfer to 4-year university. So I’m wondering what’s the best option for me if I want to get in law school especially inow criminal laws. Thanks.
I’m a senior in high school and I am very interested in either criminal law or corporate law. So far I excel in all of my government related classes ( gov, econ, american history) and I was wondering when college comes around if majoring in something like History and minoring in Finance or even criminal justice will some what prepare me for Law school/ teach me how to prepare for the work load.
Hello Arianna, I am also a senior in high school, but both of my parents are attorneys so I can give you a little insight! My mother majored in criminal justice and did very well in law school, however I would advise you to major in a different area if you are thinking of going to a prestigious law school; your chances of admission are low because criminal justice is a VERY common major among law school applicants. Do what you excel in, as you will do better academically. History is very difficult in college but if you think that you can do well for yourself, go for it! I myself plan to double major in economics and philosophy because I am not 100 percent set on law school, and I plan to take the business school entrance test: the G/MAT.
Thank you for this article. I have my AA degree and looking for further my education on line with either Umass or PennState. The councilors say Political Science is a good major for me based on my prior credits. What do you think on PoliSci before law school? I am looking to study entertainment law afterwards. TIA
Thank you for this article. I have my AA degree and looking for further my education on line with either Umass or PennState. The councilors say Political Science is a good major for me based on my prior credits. What do you think on PoliSci before law school? I am looking to study entertainment law afterwards. TIA
I am currently a sophomore who is majoring in Finance. Very interested if minoring in Pre-Law. How can the two cross paths, as in where and what can I do with a fiance degree and a minor in pre law.
Do law schools care about minors and is it a factor in admission?
Hi, I am a sophomore in college and I am considering changing my major to something that would guide me towards law and hopefully result in me attending law school, and I was unsure of which major to take. I am exceptional in history and political science and English is also my strong suit. Should I pick one of the three? Or go for business or finance? Since I eventually want to be a corporate lawyer.
Although I didn’t go to law school I did English major/Political Science minor and it was a great combination. I just chose to go with my main passion–writing instead of attending law school.
I am interested in intellectual property law but am not yet sure if law school is the path I want to take. I am passionate about computer systems and was planning to major in computer engineering until my school’s pre-law advising department suggested that law schools look unfavorably upon specialized majors and prefer a broader perspective. I am considering law school because my goal in studying computer systems is to improve Internet access in remote or disadvantaged areas worlwide, and I thought that a law degree could empower me to work with human rights organizations and nonprofits to defend online rights such as freedom of expression, uncensored access, and privacy. Additionally, if I were to choose not to attend law school for whatever reason, I would like to have a practical degree in my field of interest that allows me to pursue personal goals. In light of my long-term goals, would a B.S. in computer engineering cause me to be disadvantaged in the application process?
Do it! thats amazing! Your drive will give you the upperhand
I’m pretty sure the discrepancy of IQs by major almost perfectly correlates to this. I have yet to take the LSATs, but I’m a math major, and from the prep, I think I will do just fine, as it seems just like a glorified IQ test to me (I’ve scored over 135 on past informal IQ tests I’ve taken). The vast majority seems to be logic games and/or comprehension, which those with higher IQs will clearly be able to tend to work through better.
So this has nothing to do with prep for the test, where you’d see B (major choice) leading to C (performance on the LSAT). Instead, it is obvious that there is a third factor A (intelligence) that leads to both B and C, i.e. C B and not B -> C.
if criminal justice is really what interests you can you do it and still get into a top law school? Is it worth it to do the one major nobody advises if that’s what you truly want? I still want to get into a highly ranked law school.
Your study of LSAT scores by major is from almost 10 years ago. Anyway you guys can provide an updated study?
English is the way.
I will be going for my bachelors degree this semester and I am not sure of what kind of English degree would help me the most, any input?
I did writing and literature. Each school will vary on the quality of their literature based courses so be sure that you research the school’s curriculum to know if they are a progressive school offering interesting and modern courses based on student needs and the times. The write program is a godsend in developing writing and creative thinking.
Hi, I am currently studying Communications and have been thinking of making a switch into a business program for the upcoming semester. The study of Communications has a rather decent amount of philosophy related programs which are mandatory, and others which obviously focus more on the communications aspect, as well as some English courses, so you could say this would be an all around decent program to be in while thinking of pursuing law school. My only issue is with a couple points you made in this article, and in relation to my program, which is that there is not an ample amount of “serious students,” from what I have seen so far, flocking into my program. Also, the workload that comes with this program is not overly demanding, at least not compared to what friends of mine had said about business programs. Furthermore, most people tend not to consider communications a rather challenging program, and so this worries me in terms of what evaluators would think seeing my degree. Based on this article I can see finance is a good business program to venture into when thinking of law school down the road, but at the moment I am rather conflicted on what to pursue. Thoughts?
Hi, would neuroscience be a good major to prepare for law school?
No, neuroscience would not prepare you for law school. Understand the nature of your question. If you ask, whether it would make a good entry point in your application process, then yes. Neuroscience would be a great major if you are passionate about it and do well in it. Do what you know will make you stand out.
hi i am a grade 12 high school student considering to do a joint major in psychology and forensic science are these decent majors to take as I want to apply towards law school
Hi, i am in the honors program at my University. I am a freshman with a 3.5 GPA. The program does not offer honor classes for my major, psychology, but i have to take three critical thinking and writing classes through the honors program along with other various honor classes. Would being in the program help me get into law school?
Hi, i am a freshman at an average school, Norther Arizona University. I am studying psychology (BS) and i am looking for a minor. I want to pick a minor that will prepare/ give me an edge for law school, do you have any suggestions? I have a 3.5 GPA but plan to get it up. Also, would a criminology class be beneficial when applying to law school?
I have a 3.73 GPA and scored a 165 on the LSAT. I want to go to a school in the Boston area. I think I have a good shot at getting into BU, however, I doubt I will be recieving any scholarship money. This means I’ll have to loan ~60,000k a year. My alternative is going to FSU (where I am now) at a much lower cost, but honestly hate the state of Fl and want to move north. Do you think going to BU will be worth it?
I don’t think you can put a price on happiness. If you will be happier outside of Florida, then I suggest that you leave. Attending a school, especially for law, in a setting that does not increase your well-being only makes doing well even more difficult. Putting effort into your own happiness in addition to schoolwork is stressful and unnecessary. I’m not saying that you should completely disregard the benefits of attending a cheaper school and essentially avoiding $180,000 loans, but instead, I am recommending that you weigh the pros and cons. If you care about reducing debt and can manage to disregard your hatred for Florida while maintaining a high GPA, then your solution is pretty obvious. Contrarily, if your happiness is dwindling and you no longer think the loan reduction weighs more than your well-being, leave. You will never be this age while having these experiences ever again. With that said, it’s worth it to make the most out of your time in law school. Do what feels right. Good luck!
I am a high school senior with a interests in the law field as well as science and do not know which path I will pursue. I was thinking about taking a double major for science (preferably chem or bio) and history and depending on how things go, I would either apply to law school or continue pursuing science. I was also thinking that I could just take science and apply to law school after that. I don’t usually get the best grades in science, but for courses like history, philosophy and English I excel. I was just wondering which option do you think would be best for my situation?
Thank you very much
English would serve as an excellent pathway.
Hi, I was planning to major in one of the following and possibly in minor in one as well. After reading a few things with a similar message as your article, I’m beginning to reconsider. However, if I had to choose from the following, which would be the most beneficial? Should I consider double-majoring?
-Political Science
-Business Management
Thank You.
I would do English and Political Science
Hi, I’m currently a first year Criminology student in a Canadian university. I made some poor academic decisions in high school and went into this program not having done much research or planning. I am not remotely the same student today and realize that this is not the best undergraduate major for hopeful future law students like myself. I am interested in switching into Economics and Finance and have taken the necessary steps to do so, but I have one major concern; will I be able to achieve a high enough GPA to make it into law school while studying in a much more difficult, rigorous and demanding major? Or should I stay in the Criminology major in which I’ll have an easier time attaining a high GPA? One more thing you should know is that in my junior year of high school I barely passed math and I did not take it in my senior year. That being said, I am currently taking a Grade 12 Advanced Functions class online (while balancing my university course-load) and I plan on taking Grade 12 Calculus afterwards. I am doing so to make up for my previous mistakes and make the transition into switching majors which I truly want to do. Please give me your honest input as to how realistic and reasonable it is for me to achieve a high GPA in this much tougher major. I appreciate it.
Hi, I am a music performance major currently in my sophomore year. I study in a conservatory where keeping a high GPA is incredibly difficult, as most grades become subjective to whether the teacher believes you deserve to pass or not. I have a 3.4 right now. Originally I was told that I should study music performance because law schools look at unique and difficult degrees, but recently I’ve been told I should switch majors. I’m unsure what to do, because I don’t want to waste the time I’ve spent, but my end goal is to get into a top law school so I don’t want to hurt myself by continuing my performance degree. Any suggestions on if I should switch or what I should focus on if I’m continuing my major?
Hi, I’m currently a Philosophy major at Grand Valley State University in my first year of college. (I know really early to start worrying about Law School but I like making plans ahead of time) I’m trying to find another Major or a Minor that would complement Philosophy and help my chances at getting into a t15 school, any suggestions?
How do you think a music major would do? My passion is music but I understand that it’s not always practical to try and make a living in that area. Law interests me as well, but I would still love to study music as an undergrad.
I am a junior studying abroad next semester in Spain. I currently have a 3.2 GPA with a double major in psychology and social welfare and justice, with a Spanish minor. I am planning on taking the LSAT in Sept of next year and am looking to go into law for social advocacy as well as public interest. Any tips on helping boost my shots? Def looking into UChicago because of the inner-city population and diversity of people to work with, but realistically, how feasible is it?
I was thinking about getting a degree in biology then applying to law school. Do you think biology would make a decent degree for law school.
Would a major in communications or international relations be ideal?
Hello there, I am currently a freshman in college (sophomore by standing) and was wondering if having a double major and a minor has any effect, whether it be positive or negative, on someone’s acceptability? For example, if two people are applying to a certain law school and both have a 165 LSAT and 3.5 GPA, but one has a major and a minor and the other has two majors and a minor, would the chances of the person with a double major being accepted be higher? Would any sort of soft factors such as extracurriculars play more of a role or help admissions staff decide which of the two get in more than the extra major/workload? Thank you.
I am a junior in highschool and eventually want to attend law school, but i am skeptical about a few things. I do not know whether I should go to a small Liberal Arts school for undergrad, or a bigger, more notable university. So far, I have toured Richmond, Syracuse, Ohio University, and University of Cincinnati. As far as I know, all of those schools offer economics majors, which brings up my next concern. Is economics a good major incase I don’t end up pursuing law school? I don’t want to major in journalism or political science and end up unemployed out of college if I don’t go to law school. So, i guess what I am trying to ask is what type of college i should go to and what to major in with the possibility of not applying for law school after undergrad. Thanks
I am currently a first-year in undergrad, and I am considering a major in Neuroscience over a degree in Marketing/Business. I do believe I have a passion for the sciences, but my ultimate goal is to get into a good Law School. Any advice on whether a switch in my major (from Marketing to Neuroscience) is a good idea? Thank you so much!
I am about to graduate with a BFA in graphic design and a BA in Art Education with about a 3.7. I have been considering a change in careers for about a year now, and have strongly considered applying to graduate school for biomedical illustration, so I also have a strong science background with around 32 hours of biology prerequisites. Recently I have considered applying to law school instead, but I was curious if my arts majors would hurt my chances of getting into a top school, (provided I did well on the LSAT) particularly because my GPA isn’t extremely high. However it should be noted that my major GPA is a 3.9 and my GPA only lowered with a few of those upper level division biology classes rather than on the basis of my art major. Thanks for your time!
hi, i am a senior in highschool and i really want to become a lawyer and im really not good in science classes do you think i could still become a law student if i were to not take any science classes. or should i take at least one?
Is International Business a good major for law school? Thanks.
I am currently a senior in high school and want to go to law school to become a lawyer. Would majoring in philosophy and criminal justice be an insane thing for me to do or would it come out to my advantage in the end?
Hi, I’m currently beginning my freshmen year of college and am pursuing a business major- either business management or business administration- mainly because I’m still undecided on whether I should strive for an MBA or law school. How beneficial do you think it would be for me to get a minor in say, philosophy?
Thanks so much!
I’m currently in high school, starting my senior year this September, but I know for sure that I would like to go into law as my career. That being said, in high school Law has not been offered and my main strengths and passions currently lie in the sciences (mainly Chemistry, Astronomy and Physics). With the goal of eventually becoming a corporate (or any kind of private/law firm) lawyer, what major would you advise I take in university (I’m beginning my uni applications in a couple months)? Should I pursue my interest in Chemistry or Astrophysics for my major and then apply to Law School, or would it benefit me and my future practice of law more to take English or a humanity? If I major in a science, what kinds of jobs would I be able to obtain as a lawyer? If I want to be a corporate lawyer, would it benefit me more to take Economics or a business administration/finance major? I’m not the most concerned about doing well on the LSAT at the moment (I did pretty well on my SATs and I’m sure no matter what I major in I’ll be able to study hard and do well on my LSAT as well), my main concern is my job prospects. If I study a science as my major, will any law firms want me to be a corporate lawyer if I don’t have much experience or education in business? While I’m very interested in the sciences I just don’t want to jeopardize my career prospects by studying them. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this comment and for writing this wonderful website, and I look forward to your response!
I currently have a 3.63 at Miami University, I am a History Major and a Political Science Minor. My LSAT Score is currently 169 should I retake the LSAT?
So I thought I had my mind set on a major that would best benefit me for getting into a top-tier law school: poli sci. However, after some more research, I found poli sci is now being considered “soft” and a few sources categorized it will pre-law and CJ. Would I be better off majoring in something along the lines of international relations with a minor in poli sci or philosophy or psych?
I would greatly appreciate your feedback as I find your site rather insightful!!
Hi! I am going to choose my major soon, so I am interested whether I should choose Business administration (my GPA will be higher) or Economics (GPA, probably, will be lower than in BA). What is more important for the admission office – GPA or my major? Btw, I am striving for top-tier law schools.
Im a freshman in college and right now my major is hospitality administration but I wanted to switch it because I want to go into corporate law but I don’t know what to major in now…. do you have any suggestions? I was reading somewhere else and it said if you want to do corporate law you should do a business major.
Hi , I am currently a second semester junior , rising senior in college .I took a semester off to do an internship
last fall . Now I can choose to graduate on time in summer of 2016 or a semester late ( December 2016). I know if I graduate a semester late it will throw me off the law school application process by a year . But I also want the extra semester of grades to boost my GPA . It would also allow me to finish my double major in International relations and Philosophy . What should I do ? Is the application pool going to be more competitive by fall 2016 ?
Right now I am a high school senior torn between nursing and law. If I decide to major in nursing with a minor in public health will this hurt my chances of getting in a top law school? I was also considering a minor in political science or business instead of public health. Any advice would be appreciated.
I’m currently a freshman at Vanderbilt, and I’m just looking for some advice. Could you possibly predict a range of schools that I would likely be accepted to with the following credentials: Economics major, Corporate Strategy minor, Philosophy minor, 3.7 GPA, 170 LSAT score, and a few work experiences/internships? I know it may be difficult to predict this, but any input would be greatly appreciated. Also, what is your opinion on my choices of majors/minors? Would it look good to add a minor in poli sci or psychology? Or replace philosophy with psychology? Also, I’m not very involved at my school, for example, I’m not in any clubs or organizations besides my fraternity. Does this matter? Thank you for your input!
Sincerely, Cameron
I am a student at community college and majoring in Secondary Education in Mathematics. I will transfer for one of the universities to continue on my bachelor degree in Secondary Education “Mathematics”. I am really interested in becoming a lawyer. I was told that once I earn my bachelors in Education, I can apply for law school. Also, English is my second language and I have no one in my family that is a lawyer, so I have been wondering if I still can attend Law school. Also Is it possible for me to get accepted if I major in secondary education in mathematics before I apply for Law school? What other majors I can majors are the best to major in before applying for Law school? and if so, will it be a good option for me since being a lawyer was my dream and I like supporting people.
I am a criminal justice major. After reading your article I am concerned that I chose the wrong Major. I am very good at reading and writing but I find criminal justice very interesting and informative. I have always been told that I very knowledgeable and analytical and I am also a good test taker. Do you think because CJ is my major that will hurt my chances on scoring high on the LIST?
Your major, in and of itself, isn’t going to stop you from crushing the LSAT.
Yes, it’s true that on average CJ majors underperform on the LSAT.
Don’t be average.
Get the right LSAT prep books, follow a strict study schedule, join the LSAT Mastermind Study Group & I guarantee you’ll outperform your peers.
If you’re still concerned about your major, you may want to consider adding a philosophy minor (assuming that you’ve got enough time). At a minimum, take a couple of elective classes to get a solid foundation in logical reasoning… look for philosophy courses like “Introduction to Logic” or “Intro to Logical Reasoning” or “Philosophy 101.”
Hey guys,
I’m sorry, I know this is crazy late, and if you can’t get to me, I totally understand. Real quick: I’m going to my local state school (not very prestigious, but very affordable), maintaining a 4.0. My current majors (double) English and History with a minor in French. My question: I’m crazy about law so far, I love it, is it too much of a risk to jump from History to Legal Studies, providing I maintain my other major and minor? If not, I have the opportunity to exchange History for French and make Legal Studies a minor. Recommendations? I have a couple teachers who have approached me about getting a couple of my papers published, so I think that could make up for the perceived “softness” of Legal Studies. I hope you get back to me, I’d really appreciate the feedback!
Hi, Im 27 years old, with a BS in Molecular & Microbio, and a MS in Molecular Medicine. My GPA for both majors was a 3.3. I have been working in Clinical Research for 3 years now, and was considering law school, and taking the LSAT in June 2015. What are your thoughts regarding someone with my background, getting into a top law school, given my average-to-below average GPA? Is it worth taking the time and effort to study for the LSAT?
Hi! I am a sophomore in high school with a huge interest in the legal field. My high school offers different academies including one in law. I have taken some of this courses and I definitely think law is something I want to do! Do you have any tips on what I should to do to make it reality? I’m having a hard time narrowing down what I want to major in.
Hi I recently graduated with a degree in Communications and my gpa is 3.46 on a 4.00 scale. This is so because I had to maintain two part time jobs in order to pay the other half of my tuition. Because the scholarship I got paid the other half. Do you think that my major will hinder me in anyway? I also realized that my major was not mentioned, would my major be considered (by the Admissions Board of any law school) of any merit?
I’ve recently decided that going to Law School would be my best choice and something that I am passionate about. However, the first two years of my undergrad currently in my third, I had a serious family issue which affected my GPA. My freshmen year my GPA ended at a 1.89 (terrible I know) however, since then it has been steadily rising. My GPA each semester has been nothing less than a 3.4. Currently, I sit at a 2.60 and I’m going to have to stay an extra year in Undergrad. My estimated GPA at graduation will be 3.3-3.5. What do you think of my prospects?
Hey I just had a question. I’m a freshman at Rutgers and an honors student. I know I definitely want to go to law school and am thinking about a finance or economics major. Which do you think is better suited for law school?
Are there any other things that I should be doing at this point?
I am a junior in high school im trying to figure out which major is best for me because I’m really interested in law I don’t want to screw up my future what should I do?
Hey, I love your site! It’s been really helpful in helping me plan out what I’m gonna do for undergrad! Speaking of which, how can I tell if a school has a good pre-law program? I know not to major in pre-law, but does the undergrad really matter? Because I’ve been accepted into several top 50 schools, (Also American which I am excited about), but I have a pretty good shot at a presidential/full ride scholarship from Webster University. Would it really matter if I took philosophy/economics there instead of at a more recognized school?
Hey guys, I am currently a sophomore at UF, and I decided that i will apply to law school after graduation. I just recently picked up The Official LSAT SuperPrep book. Would you say there is a such thing as studying too much/starting too early for the LSAT? Any feedback is appreciated.
Hi Travis. The only thing you have to worry about in this regard is that there is a finite number of fresh practice tests to use. You don’t want to exhaust them months before you take the actual test. However, there is A LOT of preptests now (over 70). Unless you are studying hard more than 6 months, running out of material shouldn’t be a concern. Don’t worry about external matters like this. Start learning the test, focusing on how good you are at solving the questions. That’s all that matters! Best of luck
I would like to become a lawyer and get into one of the top law schools, but I can’t decide on what major is better. I’ve heard that Economics prepares you well for law school and helps you get a higher score on the LSAT, but Accounting is a more secure major. As in, if I don’t get into law school, Accounting is a very good major to fall back on, especially since i could take out a CPA. HELP!! Economics and most likely getting a good LSAT score or Accounting and getting a worse LSAT score, but provides me with security because of more job outlooks and taking out my CPA. I’ve already considered double majoring in Economics and Accounting, but I’m trying to avoid that because of time and money :/
You just said you were a finance major and then you said you were an english major… I’m confused.
I was a finance major & Evan was an english major. The two of us run this site together & we coauthored this article. I revised the sentence to make it clear which one of us majored in which subject!
Hi there-
I’m a senior in high school (yes, I know that I’m planning way ahead) and I know I want to practice music business law, as in writing contracts for record companies. I know that it is a limited field, but that is my far and away dream. I am not sure whether I should pursue a B.M. (Bachelors in Music) with an emphasis in music business because I feel like by some standards that might limit me when applying to law schools in the future. The school that I would most likely be attending for my undergraduate degree claims that their program for this degree emphasizes the intellectual property laws and business side of the entertainment industry, all while developing a strong musical background as well. Should I just pursue a regular business degree and minor in music instead just to be safe or is this the way to go if I know that it is what I want to do?
I am starting my associates degree at strayer university, I am not sure if this was the best of choice. I have no counseling or point direction to show me where I may receive a better online education. Through out schooling I have found that you don’t need to take Cj to go into law school. I am taking business administration, with concentration of legal studies. However, I am seeking to somewhat change it after reading many post here. Possibly to accounting or philosophy of some sort. I just need some guidance of maybe a good online school to attend online for my associates and bachelor degree. And where should I go from there. I feel a little hopeless and blind. All I do is practice and discussions in these courses on real hands on. I do plan to go to law school an become a great lawyer. I just need a little help….. Please.
Thank you
I am a first-time student, but due to dual credit hours from high school, I am currently finishing up my freshman year of undergrad at a small, but highly accredited Christian University. I started out as a Criminal Justice major, but upon reading your articles as well as others and talking with the legal studies professor here, I feel like it would be in my best interest to consider a more rigorous major. Would you agree? I think I would really enjoy history as well as political science. I am also minoring in legal studies as well as leadership studies to give me a fairly strong background in law and good leadership skills. In your opinion, will this help give me a leg up for admission to law school? Of course I know that I will also need a killer LSAT score. My GPA is about a 3.8 as of right now and I am highly involved on campus.
I am majoring in Latin American Studies and minoring in Philosophy. Im toying with the idea of maybe going to law school. I am mainly interested in Immigration Law. Do you think my degree would be be helpful in preparing me for the lsats/law school and being considered for admissions?
I am a third year psychology major, and was thinking to pick up a business administration minor. If I do this, I would be taking the max amount of credits my remaining three semesters. My reasoning behind the minor is I am interested in business law. I plan on taking the LSAT next October. Should I forget the minor and concentrate on getting an internship, or would the minor be a good decision? Thank you in advance!
I’m a high school senior deciding on a major for undergrad. I’m not 100% sure yet that I will go to law school, so I’m trying to pick a major that I could use to get a well-paying job regardless of whether I have a law degree or not. I really don’t like biology and chemistry, so most STEM majors aren’t particularly appealing to me. Do you think that majoring in economics would be a good fit for what I’m looking for?
I’m a high school senior deciding on a major for undergrad. I’m not 100% sure yet that I will go to law school, so I’m trying to pick a major that I could use to get a well-paying job regardless of whether I have a law degree or not. I really don’t like biology and chemistry, so most STEM majors aren’t particularly appealing to me. Do you think that majoring in economics would be a good fit for what I’m looking for?
I am now a junior in college and have recently wanted to attend law school after my undergrad I was a history/pre-law major but changed it to sports administration with a minor in business and econ. I was wondering how they would view that as a major.
Question, what is your take on an active duty military member obtaining their Undergraduate degree online then taking the LSAT with plans to obtain a Law degree? What are the chances of being accepted with those factors?
Hey guys!
I love your website very much. These articles have been so worth reading, especially during this big phase in my life! I am a senior in high school, and have been having a hard time thinking of what I want to major in. I thought of pre-law for a long time up until I read this particular article. I want to go into the field of family law, so I am not sure what would be the best major in that sort of field. Any suggestions? I thought of philosophy or psychology, but I’m sure there are many more fields that could help me. Does taking a certain course help me in regards to which field of law I want to go to?
Hi Art! Just pursue your other interests. No need to think of how it will connect with your law degree if you do eventually choose to go that route. The important thing is that you take a major that will keep you engaged and that you can do well in!
Hi Josh/Evan!
I just discovered your website and it’s answering all my questions about law school, so thank you so much!
I may be a little ahead of myself, but right now I’m trying to decide my undergrad major. I am positive that I want to go into corporate law, perhaps international.
I’m torn between which major to choose, and my top choices are global business, political science, and philosophy. The only aspect tearing me away from global business is the math (calculus) because I’m pretty bad at it. I’m also pursuing French in college, so what do you guys think is the best path for me to take?
I’m sorry if this is extremely unspecific but I’m so lost! Thanks so much 🙂
Belle, all of those are fine majors so pursue what you want to pursue. I personally would choose poli sci or philsophy over global business, which I think adcomms are a little less likely to be familiar with. Is that basically just a specialization within a business major? Definitely take a language and actually learn it to the level of fluency. That looks positive because you can’t BS your way through language courses. They’ll know that if you did well in them, you were putting in work. Whatever you do, if you want to keep law school as an option, make sure that GPA stays as close to a 4.0 as possible! Best of luck!
Hi there,
First of all, thank you so much for these amazing and helpful articles. I’m currently doing a double major of Finance and Accounting in one of the best business schools in Canada. My GPA is around 4.07 on the 4.33 scale. There are some law courses offered at the undergrad level such as Commercial law, Law of business associations and Employment law, do you reckon taking these courses would be helpful for my law school apps?
Thanks so much for your help,
Hi Josh and thanks for saying that! I would just stick with classes you are interested in. Law schools are not going to care whether you do or don’t take a smattering of courses on law topics. The way law is taught in law school is much different from the way it gets treated in undergrad, so they don’t view it as helpful to preparing you for law school or anything like that. That said, if you are interested in the subjects, go ahead and take the classes. Some knowledge of business associations law is a good thing to learn for anyone interested in the business world.
I am a Canadian student at a top school completing a specialization in Biology. I only have a 2.9 GPA but I am hoping to raise it in my final year. I want to apply to the US and am wondering how being an international student will affect my chances. As well, I am considering changing from a specialization in Biology to a major in Biology for my fourth year so I can take more electives and raise my GPA. Do you know if switching to a major would actually lower my chances for admission, as I have heard that professional schools prefer specialization or honours specialization degrees?
Thanks for your help.
Hi there, i’m a junior in college, and i want to go to law school. i also think that i am going to take an extra semester to finish my undergrad (i would be graduating december 2016 instead of may 2016). i just wanted to know if taking longer than the usual 4 years to finish my undergrad will affect me into getting in a top 5 school. i am also planning to double major in History and Art History because these are my two favorite subjects; i heard before that actually a lot of art history majors do pretty well in law school admissions, and the curriculum of an art history undergrad program prepares them well for the lsat and law school, do you think this is true? thanks a lot for your help!!!!! i really appreciate it.
Hello there! I’m currently stuck between the option of going to CSULB or going to a JC and transferring. Are law schools big on which undergraduate school you went to? The reason that I got “shot down” is because I applied to my colleges as a chemistry major, which is crazily competitive and impacted. (I actually got wait-listed at UChicago!) If the latter is better, which schools would you recommend transferring to? I was thinking of changing my major to either comparative literature, philosophy, or economics. Thank you!
Hello, I am a incoming junior at Indiana University. Currently my major is Apparel Merchandising. I do not do well in hard sciences or math, but I want to go to Law School. I was thinking about majoring in social work or psychology. How do you think I should approach this? Do you think I am too far into my college career that I cannot start with a new major? Do you feel that Law School is not for everyone?
Thank you.
I definitely feel that law school is not for everyone. In fact, most people are going to be miserable in the legal profession. It’s sounds to me like you are just starting to think this through, so start learning everything you can about what law school and law practice are really like. Simply not being good at math or science is, by itself, a terrible reason to go into law.
It’s not too late to change majors but if you are getting good grades in your current major you should not bother switching. The unusual major will not hurt you.
I am getting a degree in Mechanical Engineering with about a 3.5 (below or above depending how finals go). I am planning on taking the LSAT in June and have got around 166 on prep tests, but plan on busting it after school lets out to get to at least the 170 range (your post about prepping is really good Thanks). What level of law schools would be reasonable for me to get into to if I am able to score around a 170. Thanks.
I’m currently an undergrad student majoring in Business Law. It’s my third year and I find the classes very challenging because it’s all business and math based but, not law (reading/ writing skills. I’m scared this will affect my GPA as well being math is not one of my strengths. I spoke to a Political Science advisor about my situation and he said he gets students changing there major every semester from business law to political science. I have two more years to go I’m not sure if I should switch or stay, will politic science give me an advantage or business law?
Hi Taj,
Either way, it’s not going to make a big difference. Go with the one you think you can best GPA in, which sounds like it’s Poli Sci.
Hi, I just had a question. How would a Master of Science in Legal Studies affect my chances of getting into law school. Would law schools look favorably on it or would they frown on it? Thanks!
It’s not going to hurt you, but it won’t do much to help you either. If you published any work through the program that will certainly be a good soft, however, undergrad GPA and LSAT alone are going to determine about 90% of whether you get into X school.
Great post Evan. One thing students might want to consider in choosing a major to prepare for law school is that the grading in hard sciences and engineering tends to be more objective than in the humanities. In order to get an A in a hard science, you simply have to get the answers right. In order to get an A in English, the professor has to like the paper you wrote. I know several English professors who only give one A per year. From what I can tell, this difference in objective/subjective grading means it’s easier to get a B+ in the humanities but harder to get an A. It’s something to consider, depending on what kind of student you are.
Hi, I go to a top undergrad school known for it’s practice of grade deflation, and have a 3.6 there. I know this GPA isn’t great, but I was wondering if you think law schools will take into account the difficulty of my undergrad years in their decision process? I’d specifically like to go to a T14 school, preferably T5, and wanted to know if you think admissions will know/acknowledge that my undergrad institution has some pretty tough grading practices. Thanks! 🙂
I’m going to write a longer post on this topic soon, so I’ll certainly add a link to that here when I am done. In the meantime, console yourself knowing that a 3.6 is still a pretty high GPA.
It’s hard to say exactly what kind of boost you get from having gone to a difficult program at a top school, but a lot of people estimate something like a .1 boost, so you might expect to have outcomes similar to the average person with a 3.7 GPA.
Also looking on the bright side, this year and next should be the easiest years to get into a T5 in at least the last 20 years or so.
Hi Evan, this is all great to hear. Thanks for the reply!
Hi –
I’m considering ED applications for Chicago and Columbia Law in the Fall of 2014.
A 3.42 GPA estimate by the time I apply is pretty safe (finance major, math and computer science minors at a top undergraduate business school). I scored 176 on the LSAT.
What are my chances? Should I consider a program like Fulbright or Peace Corps for two years before applying?
Great job on the LSAT. That’s a killer score. Whether to ED or not in your situation is a bit of a tough call. I think you are likely going to get in at those schools even without the ED, and foregoing ED preserves your chances of getting a scholarship. If money is an issue, I would not apply ED.
It’s probably not necessary to bolster your resume in your position. You are a fairly top-shelf candidate as is. If you do wish to go right away, I would apply now, and only exercise other options if you don’t like your results this cycle. On the other hand, I’m always a fan of taking time off before law school. If you think you’d really enjoy studying with a Fulbright or doing PC, I say go for it. Law school will still be around.
I’ve got a degree in music performance from a top 3 undergraduate music school. Unfortunately for me, grading at the school I was at was intensely competitive and tight — professors were supposed to give out more C’s than any other grade, and A’s were supposed to be exceptional.
I graduated with a 3.49 GPA (for reference, grades were difficult enough that 3.5 was cum laude). My cold diagnostic (june ’06) was 162, and I’ve been scoring between 168-174 so far, studying for the Feb lsat, with an eye towards applying for entry to law school in 2015.
Any ideas if my undergrad might help or hurt me in any way, or specific strategies for min/maxing any effects?
I would expect you’ll fare somewhat better than a typical 3.49. How much is difficult to say. Hit the high end of that LSAT range and the question is a little academic, because you’ll have great admissions prospects/scholarship drawing-power even at top schools with numbers in that range.
My thinking is that they’ll be biased towards liking you from the beginning, since you already excelled in a tough competitive environment. Add a really great personal statement that brings you across as likeable it will be a winning combination.
Thank you for the reply and suggestion! I was hoping it was a bit academic despite my splitter status. Unfortunately I did some PSEO (similar to AP, but actually taking college classes for both college and HS credit) that will bring my LSEC GPA down a bit, I’m finding out. Hopefully I do well enough for that not to matter.
One more question, if I may: I’ve gotten my tests to a regular 173-176 in prep for the Feb test, but I’ve been struggling to consistently raise them any higher. I usually nail the LG portion, getting maybe one wrong, and split up ~2 wrong in each of the LR and RC sections, without any consistent pattern other than what must be a momentary lapse in concentration.
I usually finish each LR and RC section with 8-14+ minutes to spare; including time to review difficult questions and transfer my answers. Any suggestions for using that excess time productively? I’ve tried reviewing every single question, both weighted towards my already marked answers, and unweighted, and I really haven’t noticed much improvement in catching those last couple questions I answered incorrectly.
Sorry, the second paragraph should say “and split the LR and RC with around 2 wrong in each”.
Damn Alex, that’s some fast LSATing. I think I usually had max 5 minutes to spare. Maybe you can gain some insight from my strategy as on LR at least I was consistently getting 1 or none wrong through the last month of my prep. That said, I’m kind of loathe to suggest tweaks, since things are already going pretty well for you.
If you do want to play around with your strategy, you could try slowing things down on the first pass just a little bit. In addition to choosing the answer you think is best, make sure you are able to articulate internally why it is superior to the other candidate answers.
If doing so is difficult, definitely mark that question down for a second look. Doing this thoroughly, I would typically only have 2-3 questions that I wanted to take a second look at after finishing my first pass.
Also, you should really try hard to look for any pattern in the ones you are getting wrong. It may be that you just need to focus a bit more on certain question types to avoid mistakes.
First off, thanks so much for the advice. I’ve been recommending this blog to anyone who may be interested, and I’ve been following your study plan, as well as purchasing any LSAT prep books/tests through your links to hopefully give you a kickback!
Second, I’ll try your recommendations, the internal articulation sounds like it could be really helpful. I also just started tracking my preptests on the free 7sage tracker, and it looks like I may have been consistently mis-identifying a few key types of problems, so…back to the books!
Thanks again for all the help!
I am a criminal justice major and started with no intention of going to law school. I wanted to be an addictions counselor and go to grad school and then I changed my mind in my junior year because I liked learning about law so much. Is this going to hurt me when applying? I wish I would have known this sooner since I am graduating in December.
Abbie, I apologize that I never saw your question. While a CJ major may not have been the best move ever, it really won’t hurt you much at all as long as your LSAT is average or better for the schools you are applying to. Trust me, right now law schools are begging for students. They won’t be looking at your major much at all for upcoming admissions cycles.
im a freshmen i college and i have a major in international relations is that good bad and what classes do you recommend to take. my advisor told me if i wanted to go in the law field it was best if my major was pre-law . what do you think?
Your adviser’s information is outdated and you should send her my article so he/she doesn’t lead others astray. Don’t take prelaw unless you are REALLY REALLY interested in it. International relations is okay as long as you show a strong interest in the subject. Consider getting involved with public interest groups at your school that deal with international issues. I think if you are just taking that major “because you found it interesting” it wouldn’t look as good as a more traditional major.
Do take a logic course at some point as preparation for the LSAT. Other than that, the most important thing is keeping your grades as high as possible.
thank you very much . im taking international relations because i always wanted to studied relations
I am a Business Administration major with a political science minor. While I have a strong GPA (~3.9) I am worried by the fact that my major does not demand the kind of reading and writing skills that a humanity major will have. Would this hurt me when applying to T5 law schools?
In no way is that going to hurt you with admissions so don’t worry about it at all. Plenty of students from business backgrounds go to the top law schools. A 3.9 in any major shows that you know how to work hard and excel, which is the main thing they care about when looking at GPA.
Get a high enough LSAT score and you will be fine. Good work on the great GPA.
What about double majoring in college? For example, I think that I might want to double major in Political Science and a foreign language. Do you think it’s a good idea?
Double majoring is possible, but that doesn’t mean it’s a good idea. It can be really difficult to balance the Gen Eds you will have to take, along with the required classes for both your majors. Going with a Major in Political Science and a Minor in a Foreign Language would be a better idea, at least when it comes to making it less complicated to schedule and plan out your course.
I am in my Senior year of high school and thinking of pursuing a physics major, would there be an issue with this, or do you have any better advice for when I apply to a law school?