The University of Texas- Austin School of Law or UT Law is generally considered the most prestigious law school in the Southwestern United States. The University of Texas Law is ranked #16 in the country by the US News and World Report.
While UT Law’s national reputation is burgeoning, its reputation in its home state of Texas is second to none. Students on law school forums frequently point out that as far as Texas is concerned, UT law may as well be Harvard. Given this reputation within a strong legal market, it is unsurprising that admission to the school is a competitive process, with an 18.43% acceptance rate for the class entering in 2020.
What LSAT and GPA numbers do you need to get into the University of Texas-Austin Law School?
To be a strong competitive applicant at the University of Texas Law, you are probably going to need an LSAT score in the 167+ range and an undergraduate GPA in the 3.7+ range.
Taking a closer look, here are LSAT and GPA numbers for the University of Texas at Austin School of Law that may help you assess where you want to be for entry into the school:
LSAT Score to get into University of Texas Law
- The 25th percentile LSAT Score at UT Austin is 164
- The Median LSAT Score at UT Austin is 168
- The 75th percentile LSAT Score at UT Austin is 169
GPA to get into University of Texas Law
- The 25th percentile undergrad GPA at UT Austin is 3.58
- The Median undergrad GPA at UT Austin is 3.76
- The 75th percentile undergrad GPA at UT Austin is 3.90
Source: University of Texas Law School 2020 509 Report
However, a lower GPA or LSAT score will not necessarily preclude you from admission to the University of Texas Law. According to UT Law:
Strong LSAT scores and GPAs in challenging undergraduate programs certainly help a committee assess a student’s ability to succeed at UT Law. These quantitative factors, while important, are not exhaustive. Arbitrary weight is not attributed to any one of the factors considered and the Admissions Committee does not use an index. (Source)
From this, it is clear that factors beyond the numbers play a significant role in determining admissions outcomes.
We take great care in reviewing each application holistically. Among the many factors we take into consideration include but are not limited to academic rigor of undergraduate study; graduate study; demonstrated commitment to public service; work experience; leadership experience; extracurricular/community activities; history of overcoming economic, disability, socioeconomic, or other disadvantage; race and ethnicity; personal experiences with discrimination; geographic diversity; diversity of experience and background; maturity; communication and exceptional writing ability; foreign language proficiency; honors and awards, service in the Armed Forces; publications; and any other personal characteristics or experiences that would contribute to the diversity and overall enrichment of the Law School.
For a closer peek inside the admissions numbers, Texas Law has provided the following applicant profile that gives a look at the number admitted in various LSAT/GPA groupings.

As at most competitive law schools, applying early gives you the best shot at being admitted to UT Law. Check out UT’s admissions page for more details. Deadlines are in the sidebar.
If you are trying for UT Law, do your best to get a great LSAT score by prepping hard and using the best LSAT prep books out there. Read through this post to see how I got a 177 on the LSAT.
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I believe there is a typo: “peek,” not “peak…”
I was wondering if you had any follow up on this, regarding in state students.
From the UT Admissions web site FAQs: “Is it true that the Law School only admits 35% of its students from out of state?
No, the Law School may matriculate no more than 35% nonresident students; however, each year the Law School extends offers of admission to several hundred nonresident applicants.”
Wouldn’t this mean; however, that they still would need to ensure that many of their admissions are from Texas residents, and so they would seemingly have an advantage? As a Texas resident, UT Law is certainly a high hope for me, and I’d love to stay at UT for Law school after finishing my undergrad. The numbers represented, are they inflated any because of an, at least, perceived increased difficulty of admission for non-resident students? Or would you feel that resident status wouldn’t matter much? I feel good about my chances, although I am a splitter (3.0 GPA in chemistry, and scoring an average of 170 on practice tests), but some insight into this would be helpful in guiding me. Thank you for all the great articles!
Hey Travis,
It probably works out that they are accepting an amount of in-state students proportionate to the percentage who apply. Therefore, I don’t imagine that there is any noticeable preference for either group. I’m interviewing the dean of admissions of UT Law soon and I will be sure to ask this.